Ideas for Cycle #2


New Member
I'm in the process of planning my 2nd HST cycle. Here's what I'm looking at:

Days: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Saturday
Rep Scheme: 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 3, negatives

Squat/Deadlift(alt) x2
Leg Curl x2
Incline Bench x1
T-bar row x1
Dips x1
Calf Raise x2
Military x2
Shrugs x1
Abs x1

That's 15 sets per workout. Should be nice and efficient. I'll get about 60 sets per week, which is about what I got during my 1st cycle.

I'm trying to emphasize "width" this time around. I'd love to hear the comments of Totentanz, JV, Fausto, and all the other awesome members of this community. :)
what do you plan to do when you get into the 3s?
i think it'll be tough to work all thouse in a day when it comes to your 3s week. :confused:

are you going to incorporate burn sets?
Question for others - wouldn't the close rep stages be better for strength than hypertrophy since the progression in load will be a lot lower day-to-day?

Just curious.

I don't think the 3's will be a problem. I never felt "trashed" during the 3's in my first cycle, and I did 20 sets 3x per week. I'll be doing less sets per workout, so it should be a bit quicker and easier.

Colby: The "beginners" program rep ranges are closer together because you repeat the rep ranges for 2 wks. By changing rep ranges every week, I'll actually have a tougher progression curve. Plus, my incriments are larger because they are only over 4 days, instead of 6 for ea. rep range. This should induce good hypertrophy.
I've been interested in changing the rep ranges and how long they last. I may actually try a MWFM - WFMW - FMWR - MWFM - WFMW - FMWRF version doing 15's - 12's - 10's - 8's - 5's - 5RM cycle which would be 8 weeks. I think I'm going to do an HST log for this one too.

EDIT: Now that I think about it.. I may do a standard 15-10-5-5RM cycle again
Just take care that you aren't training to failure to often by maxing out a rep range every week.

Bent Over Rows make a nice alternate with T-Bar if you get bored, other than that good luck :)

I dont think 3s will be a problem as long as you zig zag. I also did 2 weeks of 3s for my cycle that just ended. Since your rep jumps are pretty close do you plan on doing a lot of zig zagging?

Although the cycle does seem a little long. You made some really solid gains with your first cycle (how long was that one again?). Are you lengthening this cycle because you felt like you were still putting on size and strength towards the end of your last cycle and want to prolong that?

It does seem like you changed your routine a lot even though you were really happy with the way the last cycle went.

I think it looks good. I just read my post over and realized that I asked you like a billion questions....o well

Joe G
Chief how have your results been from your first cycle?

Any new pics?

And in my opinion I dont ever like to drop below 5 reps b/c of hypertrophy reasons and plus the chance of injury!

how is that an 8 week cycle? 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 3, negatives. If you did one week for each it would be a 7 week cycle and if you did two it would be a 14 week cycle right?

I think I'm confused

Joe G
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]how is that an 8 week cycle?

Because I'll make it an 8wk cycle!  
Seriously, I'll extend the 5's a bit, because that's where I grew the most in my last cycle. (+6lbs in 5's)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Chief how have your results been from your first cycle?

Here's my stats from my first cycle:
Age: 30
Height: 6'5"
Weight:    190        (+12lbs)
Waist:      33 3/4    (+1 1/4)
Chest:      44 3/4    (+2 1/2 in)
Shoulders: 47 3/4    (+1 3/4in)
R. Bi:        14 7/8    (+5/8in)
L. Bi:        14 1/2    (+1/2in)
L. Thigh:   22 3/4    (+1 1/4in)
R. Thigh:   22 3/4    (+1 1/4in)
R. Calf:     14 1/4    (+3/4in)
L. Calf:     14 1/2    (+3/4 in)
Maxes: Bench Press: 225x5 (+20lbs)
         Squat:         325x5 (+30lbs)
Routine looks good. I would try to push the negs as far as you can. You don't really have to stop and SD unless you start to get the telltale signs that it is time to stop - plateau in gains, too much pain in the joints or anything like that. The negatives kick my butt usually, but they also made me grow a ton. Negs on the chins and dips especially are really good for growth, in my opinion. If you can get very heavy in the chins, your lats should explode. Not literally of course...

Good luck