Im Back..Low carb + HST

  • Thread starter imported_frivolousz21
  • Start date


Hello everyone...its been a long time since I found this place back in 2004.

finding this place was a godsend for this way is first HST cycle..I lost 10 lbs of fat and gained 3-4 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks..pretty amazing. And that was with a bad diet.

anyways..when i left this place..I was 5'6" 3/4 inches..168 lbs....10 percent body fat.

today I am 200 lbs, 20 percent body fat.

this week I am finding my maxes and starting HST Saturday.

However..for atleast the first 3 weeks I will be eating 20-30 carbs a day..150 grams of protien and the rest made up of fat.

I know I probably wont gain any muscle with that diet..but I can shred a ton of fat. I really want to get down to 180 range before I start putting more mass to fat now and I am unhappy with it.

Has anyone done training on a low carb diet..

what were you results??
or atleast the first 3 weeks of the 6-8 week program..I am going to eat 20-40 grams of carbs a day.

after week 3..i will add 10 grams carbs to each end of that scale...on days I workout I will eat at the high end of the scale on off days the low end.

Main Goal: Fat loss
2nd goal: muscle preservation
3rd goal: strength gains

stats: 5'6" 3/4 inches. 200 LBS, roughly 20 percent body fat.
goals: 185 lbs, 14 percent body fat.
ultimate goal: 165-170 lbs, somewhere around 8-10 percent body fat

I will not be buying any supplements at this time..given my current financial situation..I do not count calories..however on a low carb diet its pretty easy to figure out what your eating.

any carbs I have will not contain HFCS...

I will also be drinking 150-200 mg of caffiene from coffee before workouts to help from the soreness and tiredness of the low carb diet.

I am recovery from a pilonidal cyst..which means my legs can only be trained in a sitting position on machines.

for the upper body:

bench press
dumb bell press
shoulder press
dumb bell shoulder press
shrugs(with bar and dumb bells)
Lat Pulldowns
assisted Pullups
lower back pulls
ez curls
tricep extensions
triceps cable pulldowns
ill throw out a few thoughts.

you never mentioned the amount of cals you intend to take in and what maint. is usually for you.

you can drop the wgt/fat as long as your in cal. deficit. as you mentioned going low carb/cal (prob. similar meals each day) makes it pretty easy to track (fitday). i would recommend doing that for at least part of the time to make sure your hitting the range you want (deficit but not too big of one). it really doesnt take that much effort and guessing is well.........guessing.

to preserve muscle youll need to workout reasonably heavy and often (hst freq.) im not big on commenting on folks w/o prog. but it appears you have too many exer. hitting the same muscle group. ex. if you do bench heavy enough you dont need to also do db press and of course following those with dips would really be tough. you could do it but im sure the wgt and reps would suffer and then your killing your cns with no real benefit to preserving lbm........basically defeating goals #2 and 3.

i have cut using HST and low carbs. i was more in the 50-70 (carb a day) range and most of those were around w/o time. it was tough but effective although i had better results with UD 2.0 but a lot of that could have been b/c of the more regimented format of UD 2.0.

your idea of starting low (carbs) while in the early stages is fine (imo) as long as your cals arent in too much of a deficit. 15s are not terribly taxing for lbm preservation so a huge deficit will eat muscle. once you move to the 10s and 5s your idea of adding carbs a bit will help manage the heavier wgt (as long as most are around w/o) as long as your getting enough protein and in def. should be losing mostly fat.

one last thing about the carb intake. personal exper. counts for a lot. if youve done the low carb route before then you know what works and what level you can get away with. personally 20-30g, even to start would be very low for me. ive done it but its very hard to get a good w/o at that low of a level. its basically tag-along carb levels from a hi pro low fat diet. none to spare around w/o time when you need them the most. just some thoughts, again if you know it works then by all means.......
Im going to eat 1800-2000 calories a day.

150g protien.
20-40 carbs to start.
rest of fats. not going to do all of those exercises...they are just the main ones I will be doing....I will mostly stick to core lifts.

In the past I did low carb...20-40 carbs per day for 5 weeks...I did not track how much I ate...I just ate when I was hungry and I lost 20lbs of muscle and fat doing that.

didnt work out.

thanks for the suggestions
im about to finish my first HST cycle while on the v-diet - theres a thread below. My only change would be to add a transitional phase & to track my progress. i did not measure %s or measurements before, during or after but im very happy with the results.

To transition in (and out for that matter), id use a CKD diet, lowering the cals from your diet amount to the amount required by the v-diet week by week & use this time to do the 15s, allowing you to finish the 5s on the HST cycle during the last 2 weeks of the v-diet...

My $.02
I'm on low carbs too. You need to eat few carbs around wo (I prefer post). You need to have low volume wo, between 8-12 sets is ok. With this volume 50-70g (or 1 to 1,2g carbs x kg lbm) of carbs only on wo days are enough. You also need a week end refeed, 24 to 48 hours with 8-10g carbs x kg lbm during the first 24h and 4-5g carbs x kg lbm during the second 24h....depending on the results
Do not cut calories during the 15s. I would just skip the 15s entirely.

Bluejacket's post is right on. You should really simplify your routine. When you are cutting, you don't need so much fluff, you just need some basics to hammer away at your muscles in order to spare as much muscle as you can. I'd cut that routine down significantly. Your focus should be on maintaining your strength while you lose weight.
Here is what I have come up with:


Leg Press(Quads)
leg curls(hams)
calf press(Calves)

(remember I have to use machines for my leg work)

Bench press
Shoulder press
Back Rows
Static Hold Curls
skull crushers

(starting today)

Week 1: 12 reps. 2 sets per major body part, 3 sets for quads, 1 set for arms
week 2: 10 reps. same as above
week 3: 8 reps same as above
week 4: 6 reps...3 sets per major body part, 4 sets for quads, 1 set for arms
week 5: 5 reps....same as above
week 6: 3-5 reps...4 sets per major body part, 5 for quads, 2 for arms.
week7: taking off..and re-evaluating.


weeks 1-3: 20 carbs on off days..50 carbs on workout days 15 prework, 20 post workout., 150 grams protien, rest in fat..up to 1800 calories.

weeks 4-6: 40 carbs on off days, 75 carbs on workout days...150 grams of protien, rest in fat.



thats all.

any other suggestions give them to me.....

Im really expecting atleast 15 lbs of fat off with this...I can handle 1-2 lbs of muscle loss...even though Newbie Gains since I haven't worked out in so long shouldhelp offset much muscle loss.

Currently I am about a 35.5 inch waist..Id like to be close to 33's when the 6 weeks are up.

I weighed myself this morning again at 199 lbs..

the goal is 185 by the 6 week period...given the low carb nature of the program..I wouldn't be surprised if I made it down to 180.
i took universals torrent 1/3 serve pre, during & post workout. my workout is as per below:

Front Squats
Deadlifts (2 sets)
Incline DB Press (2 sets)
Wide Grip Chinups
Narrow Grip Chinups
Wide Seated Rows
Narrow Seated Rows
Military Presses
Lat Raises
Seated Rear Lat Raises
DB Curls
Hammer Curls
Tricep Rope Pushdowns (2 Sets)
Calf Raises (2 Sets)

Ab Work As Per Infinte Intensity...
JEEZ! You're gonna lose weight allright...let me ask you this: how can you put out on the big lifts if you have to do all that little fluff?
Sorry man, but it doesn't look like you've done much reading in here. Or are you just one of those guys who "wanna just get 'toned'..."?
(quadancer @ Jan. 04 2008,07:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">JEEZ! You're gonna lose weight allright...let me ask you this: how can you put out on the big lifts if you have to do all that little fluff?
Sorry man, but it doesn't look like you've done much reading in here. Or are you just one of those guys who &quot;wanna just get 'toned'...&quot;?</div>
Well, at least he front loads the big lifts. The narrow and wide alternations can be done quickly back to back. At the minimum, I would take out the last five exercises in your routine excluding calf raises.

When I started HST, I had a similar routine (probably a couple less exercises), and I went ahead with a split after a couple weeks. You could do an AB split done 4x/week.
I started last night did:

Leg Press(1 warmup, 2 sets)
leg curls(2 sets)
calf raises(1 set)
bench press(1 warmup, 2 sets)'
bent over row(1 warmup, 2 sets)
shoulder press(2 sets)
shrugs(1 set)
Ez Curls(1 set)
skull crushers(1 set)

I checked a ketostik this morning and I am in deep ketosis..need to up my water intake.
Maybe it's hard for me to remember being younger and full of energy, unable or willing to leave the gym...but I'll say this; my compound lifts took off when I cut out the fluff that was wearing me down. It doesn't feel like it, but walking out after the hard work is done has it's advantages, especially if you work out every other day. I started HST with 13 exersizes myself, so I do have something to compare.
Also, as I get near the end of a cycle, there's NO WAY I can really do much more than the big stuff: I just don't have anything left. I have thought of doing a cycle with a lot of exersizes and tapering off as it progresses down to the big four at the end. Havent' tried that yet.
So far so good...I feel a little flat at the gym...probably from the low carbs...but my lifts are all going up fast so far after 3 workouts(newbie gains) I hope I can push the newbie gains for 2 more weeks before the low carb regimine stops it.
Sorry, I can't think of any experienced lifters doing 16 exersizes. That would be over a 2 hour workout I think. Who recommended that?
Regardless, you cut it down some; and at first, a lot of variety will work for a while while the weights are lower.
(sjfou @ Jan. 07 2008,03:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">id love to do less &quot;fluff&quot; but i got the tempate from here.</div>
You'll probably be fine, and that template would work for bulking, but since you are cutting, you would be better off doing less. Bryan actually says in the FAQs that he also recommends doing fewer exercises and more of them. This is especially true while cutting, since you are in a calorie deficit and won't have as much energy - and most especially when on low carb.
Since you can't train legs in anything but a sitting position, obviously that will complicate your routine a bit, since it takes a lot to cover squats and deads.\
thanks for all the replys.

and yes the low carb diet is a killer for energy...I ussually take 200 mg of caffiene 30 min before workout.

it helps get threw it.

right now my workouts have been about 45 min...normally 30 min.

but I am resting longer inbetween sets since I am in deep ketotis..Ive needed about 1 min between sets and 2 min between body part.

I was doing 10-14 reps last week.

today I will start with 8-10....right now my NEWBIE GAINS...are skyrocketing even on a low carb diet..

so I want to capitalize on that and see how far I can ride the fat burining/muscle building train.

I will take a picture I can compare to later dates.

I was 207 on Dec 24th
202 when I started this.
198 now.

most of the time on a low carb diet I would be losing weight overall faster...however I can tell that my strengh is going up rapidly...which means my muscle mass is growing...probably a ton in my legs.

my face looks slimmer

and my waist is getting thinner since all of my jeans/slacks are getting looser every couple of days.

thanks for all the advice.

the next 3 workouts this is my routine:

5 min on cardio bike to warmup
Leg press(1 warm, 2 sets)
leg curls(2 sets)
calf raises(1 set)

bench press(1 warmup, 2 sets)
assisted pullups(1 warmup, 2 sets)
shoulder press(dumbell)(2 sets)
shrugs(smith machine)(1-2 sets)
ez curls(1 superset)
tricep cable pulldowns(1 superset)
abs on dip bar(2 sets of 10)

all of that will be 8-10 reps.

no change in diet..except 15 more carbs per day as long I am in ketotis
The pre-workout caffeine is definitely a good idea. You could try some l-tyrosine too. I haven't tried it before, but apparently that paired with caffeine is a really good preworkout stimulant combo.
Im using Animal Cuts 2x a day, once pre-workout. Caffeine def. helps... im prone to naps on low-carbs diets, lol...