Inflammed Elbows


New Member
Hi guys - first post here.

Am currently on my first cycle. I usually train MOn, Wed Fri but in the first week of 5's i trained mon, wed and then Thursday as i couldnt make Friday. A combination of overestimating my 5 rep max and training on consecutive days has made the outside of my right elbow inflammed and sore from doing triceps pushdowns. I rested on fri, sat,sun and begun my 2nd week of 5's yesterday without triceps pushdowns however, incline chest press and dips still caused a lot of discomfort. I am taking an antiinflammatory.

What should I do?

1. Continue but avoid triceps pushdowns?
2. Continue but avoid all triceps work - chest press, dips, military presses..
3. Continue but change all exercises that invlove triceps - i.e substitute incline chest press with incline db flyes and military press with upright rows?
4. SD from now

I believe complete rest will be the best option as most exercises involve gripping and using some form of triceps strength

Would appreciate your thoughts on the options and ways to rehab the elbow - have read the faq section on elbows.


My routine is

Leg Curls
Calf raises
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
Dips (chest)
Lat Pulldowns
Bent over rows
Seated DB Military Press
Rear Delt raises
Triceps pushdowns
Ez bar curls

Have seen good results from this program so far and am bitterly disappointed because i am always getting injured!!
Have had the same Problem from the Pushdowns..Using exercises where u don't go below 90 deg. in the elbow makes it lots better.

most important and helpful for me were the elbow-wraps which I am still using during all the pushing-movements. those help protecting the joints and support the healing of the elbow a lot..

(Nektar @ Oct. 31 2006,03:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hi guys - first post here.

Am currently on my first cycle. I usually train MOn, Wed
What should I do?

1. Continue but avoid triceps pushdowns?
2. Continue but avoid all triceps work - chest press, dips, military presses..
3. Continue but change all exercises that invlove triceps - i.e substitute incline chest press with incline db flyes and military press with upright rows?
4. SD from now

I believe complete rest will be the best option as most exercises involve gripping and using some form of triceps strength

Would appreciate your thoughts on the options and ways to rehab the elbow - have read the faq section on elbows.


My routine is

Leg Curls
Calf raises
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
Dips (chest)
Lat Pulldowns
Bent over rows
Seated DB Military Press
Rear Delt raises
Triceps pushdowns
Ez bar curls

Have seen good results from this program so far and am bitterly disappointed because i am always getting injured!!</div>
Since it takes 100 days for collagen to rebuilt and repair your tendons in the elbow, I think you should abstain from any exercise that hurts your elbow for at least 3 1/2 months. I don't think it's necessary to completely stop doing tricep exercises. Just find one that doesn't aggravate your elbows. For me, that's tricep pushdowns. It's obviously something else for you.

You can also just stop doing incline bench presses and focus on flyes for chest.

Tricep exercises:
Close grip bench presses, close grip seated shoulder presses, skullcrushers, jm presses, overhead dumbbell tricep presses, larry scott tricep extensions, 5-7 board bench presses, and many more
Are you icing your elbows? You bring down inflamation by icing. I just finished a powerlifting cycle (5 months). Ice was a major part of my recoop between workouts.

20 minutes on, wait at least 20, then another 20 minutes on. You'll be surprised how much better you feel.

I also use Icy Hot and a neoprene sleeve on my elbows when I lift to keep them warm. Major difference.
Thanks very much for all the info - yes i am icing them and will now grab an elbow sleeve as well - I think I will continue my second week of fives upto my maxes for all exercises avoiding direct triceps work. Then will sd for two weeks and start again with 15s.

The elbow sleeve works as it helps you muscles to spread the contraction a bit more, so that it is not so localized, this eases teh pain.

ICE is good, and as Steve puts it, thnik on your feet...find another exercises that does not hurt as much.
Hi - thanks Fausto - last night i replaced incline bench press with incline flyes and dips (chest) with low cable flyes and db shoulder press with upright rows - I did these exercices at a rough estimate of just below my five rep max. I did not do any other tricep work. Friday will be my five rep max on all exercises. Should i go for my five rep maxes on the new exercises as well?

I think i will have to sd folloing tomorrow as i dont think my elbows are going to cope for a further two weeks of heavy lifting..

Icing has helped alot though.
Beware of upright rows though, this is one heck of a shoulder wrecker for most of us, recommend medium grip (about shoulder width) and only as high as your nipples, DB's seem to be better than BB as well, just IMHO.

Although tricep work can hurt the elbow joint (mostly) you can fool around and find which tricep work is most suitable (dips does a good job though).

Go by feel with some of the exercises, because they were just added you should be carefull specially the upright rows, I'd have kept the shoulder press.
Were it me (and my joints are older) and I wanted to do uprights, I'd stop doing them at the fives and switch there to something else. If you're gonna wreck something; that would be most likely when it will happen.
Another thought: don't they pull on your forearm tendons? It seems to me that you'd be using the anterior tendons a lot in that movement.
Just my 2 cents. I would stop doing anything that causes pain for right now. If that means cutting out a bunch of exercises while you finish the cycle then I would do it. If starting SD is more practical, then do that.

When you start up again, you MUST use very light weights. It is means using an EZ with no weight on it and doing 50 reps, then do that. The goal is to avoid the pain until it heals up.

IN the future, don't go too heavy too soon or too often.
And for some reason, EFA's seem to help in different types of healing for joints, so it couldn't hurt to take them also. Fish oil in particular, anecdotally.