Infra's Training Log

Are you doing regular Dead Lifts or Touch-and-goes. For Dead Lifts there should be at least a short pause between setting the bar down and pulling it up again so that you are not gaining anything from the stretch reflex to help with the next rep. There’s no reason you can’t completely release the bar and even stand up straight between each rep if you want.

A good way I’ve found to improve grip strength for the Dead Lift is to include BB Calf Raises and/or BB Shrugs in your routine using weight equal to or greater than your Dead Lift weight.
I'm doing touch and go , the weight is fairly far off my max and I'm trying to keep the momentum.Before I always used to let the bar on the ground and reset my back position , perhaps I'll start doing it again.
Good idea about the shrugs . I tried to add some forearm work at the end of the workout but just gonna take it out and put shrugs.
Well I went to see a doctor again since some pain in my right shoulder appeared , the pain in the triceps is still strong - I can barely do a push up without feeling a sharp pain.All of those factors taken in consideration I think it will be best just to abort all physical for at least 2 weeks.Got perscribed some anti-inflammatory drugs + physical therapy + rubbing gel and rest ofcourse . I had a plan to do 2 HST cycles by the end of june and start a keto cut after it till october , but now It will be only 1 cycle from april-end of may and cut after that.Sigh this pain really screwed my plans :(.Gonna resume the log with the new cycle by 1st of april , if the pain is gone that is.
That really sucks, but you’re better safe than sorry. Any idea how it happened so you can work at preventing a re-occurrence?
Well I went to see a doctor again since some pain in my right shoulder appeared , the pain in the triceps is still strong - I can barely do a push up without feeling a sharp pain.All of those factors taken in consideration I think it will be best just to abort all physical for at least 2 weeks.Got perscribed some anti-inflammatory drugs + physical therapy + rubbing gel and rest ofcourse . I had a plan to do 2 HST cycles by the end of june and start a keto cut after it till october , but now It will be only 1 cycle from april-end of may and cut after that.Sigh this pain really screwed my plans :(.Gonna resume the log with the new cycle by 1st of april , if the pain is gone that is.

Smart move taking a break, infra. Lots of dudes wmess themselves up ignoring injuries. You'll heal, bro - just take care of yourself so you can get back on the train in April; 2 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme
Well I went to see a doctor again since some pain in my right shoulder appeared , the pain in the triceps is still strong - I can barely do a push up without feeling a sharp pain.All of those factors taken in consideration I think it will be best just to abort all physical for at least 2 weeks.Got perscribed some anti-inflammatory drugs + physical therapy + rubbing gel and rest ofcourse . I had a plan to do 2 HST cycles by the end of june and start a keto cut after it till october , but now It will be only 1 cycle from april-end of may and cut after that.Sigh this pain really screwed my plans :(.Gonna resume the log with the new cycle by 1st of april , if the pain is gone that is.
Yup, pain is nature's way of deciding it's time for Strategic Deconditioning.

I've used both over-the-counter Zostrix cream and prescription Voltaren gel for that sort of pain. It doesn't help all that much, but at least you feel as though you are doing something...

I just got a two-week suspension from my doctor, as well. No overhead lifts for me until April Fool's day.
Thanks for the support guys.

@grunt11 Well I got that injury from doing power cleans or to be more specific I didn't drop the weight when it was on my shoulders ( you know like the power lifters do when they complete a lift ) instead lowered it with my hands ( which was a very violent move and it put great strain on my now injured arm as well on my lower back).For sure if I'm ever doing cleans again the weight will be dropped , wont induce stupid injuries that could of been easily avoided just to save some noise.The injury was fairly latent in the past 2-3 months , barely could feel it , up until I resumed my last month of starting strength in January it was ok , but then I did the above described thing again , started hst half injured it got worse and so on ;/

@whistledixie You are definitely right.2 weeks is nothing , but could of avoided all of that.

@TunnelRat Sorry to hear about that mate.I'm using a similar gel but its more nature ingredient based.Used some ultrasound to help the absorbing .
Deadlift 3x10x75
A problem I have with deadlifts is my weak grip(even with pronated).Around 6-7 rep I have to leave the bar down and reset my grip.

Just looked over this page of your log and saw the above.

Your grip will improve if you work at it. Regular-grip static holds at the end of your workout can work wonders. Pick a load that you can hold onto for about 10 seconds and just hold onto it until your grip fails. Best to do this in a rack so you don't have to raise or lower the bar far. Do three sets at the end of each workout, adding weight to the bar as soon as you feel you can hold on for more than 10 seconds.

Getting hold of a No.1 CoC gripper is a good idea too. You can train your grip at any time with one of these.

As far as the deadlift itself is concerned, reset your grip after each rep.

Learning to use a hook-grip is a good idea too. It'll hold you in good stead if and when you take up cleans again.

Hope your injuries heal soon. All the best.
Thanks for the tips mate ,surely will use them. I've had grip problems ever since I started and have looked over CoC trainer , but there is no way to get it imported to my country .
An update on my injury - all was going good till Friday.The pain was almost gone - my hand was moving freely. So I decided to , you know , "move it a bit" - started some stretching , moved to some push ups , which led to a veeery slight pain , did only 4-5.Next morning I wake up with the same pains from 1 week before , tried to move it - pain , grabbed some Ice and put it on the problem area and surprisingly , after 3-4 hours , the pain got worse.I got extremely angry with it , like an old gadget that always gives you problems and you just want to smash it to pieces , and in a blind rage did like 10 push ups through sever pain . Now its just a huge cluster**** and I have no idea what to do , when its going to get better.If 5 push ups ****ed it up , then I cant picture what Shoulder press with max weight will do.Its getting close to 20 days since I stopped and its aggravating me not being able to go to the gym , sitting at home getting fat.Just pissing me off.My diet went to hell since I stopped aswell.
I'll go consult a second doctor tomorrow.If it turns out to be more then a month rest period I might just scrap the whole "bulking" that I planned and switch directly to keto diet + HST.It will take some tweaking and breaking the rule of proggresive load , but I suspect the results will be satisfying. Add some jogging and HIIT running and it just might prove a good compromise between muscle building(even with caloric deficit) and fat burning.