Injury in HST?


New Member
Hi, just a quick question. I started an HST cycle 6 weeks a go. At the end of my 10rep final workout I injured my chest taking my shirt off before a shower (yeah i know, not the most likely time to injure yourself after your most intense 10rep workout but I guess it's through not doing enough cool down). As a result i've not been able to train for the last 2 weeks. My question is should i carry on as i intended starting my 5rep sets tomorrow (Tuesday) or should I start at 15reps again as i will have deconditioned over the last 2 weeks?
If you are nursing an injury, I would suggest you come back light...ease into things until you are sure everything is back to normal.
If you are nursing an injury, I would suggest you come back light...ease into things until you are sure everything is back to normal.

Well i'v given it another couple of days and i'm starting on Thrusday instead now. Do you not think though with this being the 'easiest' of my 5rep sets it will be ok as long as i do plenty of warm up sets for each exercise?
Well i'v given it another couple of days and i'm starting on Thrusday instead now. Do you not think though with this being the 'easiest' of my 5rep sets it will be ok as long as i do plenty of warm up sets for each exercise?

Only you will really know if you're ready to lift heavier or not. It's like my mom used to tell me when I would say, "Mom, it hurts when I do this." She would say, "Then don't do that."

As an aside, don't be enamoured with max lifts. You will grow using weight below your 5RM.