Insuline and fat intake...


New Member
I know that insuline stores fat, but if you eat fat along with carbs will the fat be stored more easy because of the insuline than if you eat fat and carbs separate(in separate meals)?
A friend of mine says so, but I`m not that sure about it, because I have read that eating fat along with carbs will lower the total Glycemic Index of the meal ..
(f.eks if you eat 50 g carbs with a GI of 100 and 50 g fat, then the total GI will be 50)

So which is more right than the other??
Heres a study comparing weight loss on both food combining diets (seperating carbs & fat) and a normal balanced diet:
If food combining worked you'd expect more weight loss from those seperating their carbs and fat which didnt happen, those on the balanced diet actually lost more weight even though it was an insignificant amount.

From what ive read the problem normally pointed out with the whole seperate them or you die thing is that the amount of time it takes for dietary fat and insulin to hit the bloodstream are totally different. Dietary fat may reach the fat cells maybe 2 or 3 hours after youve ingested it, which would actually be the time your raising insulin with a carb/protein meal if you were attempting to seperate them. Ie. its a stupid idea.
Your bodys physiological response to a meal is going to be affected by not only the composition of that meal but also the meals before it, so its pointless worrying about it.
I have no study or scientific evidence to give you. I can only tell you from my experience what has worked and what has not worked for my own body.

When I use enough carbs to get a real insulin spike and keep a postworkout hyperinsulin state for a few hours If I keep this period as lowfat as possible I tend to gain muscle easily. If I have fat in that time period, I tend to gain fat more easily.

Fat isn't a bad thing - I have a steak with a baked potato each night before going to bed while bulking. But it doesn't go well with the high GI, insulin spiking carbs - or it leads to fat gains for me. While cutting, I don't have the simple carbs, eat only green veggies with my protein/fat foods.

here is an example of what i mean.

Meal 1 - whey, skim milk, banana shake
Meal 2 - same shake + 4t5-50g of dextrose/maltodextrin
Meal 3 - after 1 hour - same shake without the extra sugar.
Meal 4 - chicken breast, beans, corn (or rice)
Meal 5 - repeat #4
Meal 6 - steak, baked potato.

Just yesterday started adding another chicken, beans, rice meal during my postworkout period to get an extra 500 calories.