introducing myself


New Member
I just signed up but I've been lurking for a month now. I like what I've seen so far. seems to be alot of helpful folks here, unlike some of the weightlifting/exercise boards where people like to pick on those who are not as big as them. anyway, I started lifting again back in march after 7 yrs off. I first lifted from 97-99 after a divorce that caused me to loose 40 lbs in 2 months from not eating (185-145). I starting lifting to give me something to do,but stopped after 2 yrs because I wasnt growing..well duh. I was working out hard 7 days a week and eating around 1k-1300 cal. a day. can you say overtrain and cal defiency?
Well, fast forward to now, I'm married again, with 2 kids and I had crept up to 175 lbs. back in march I started going to the gym and eating better and I'm down to 158.5 as of this morning. I've tried several different styles (pyramid and max o.t.) but now I'm serious about the HST program. actually this morning I finished my first week of 15's. I've got some before pics and measurements, but I will wait to post when I finish my first full cycle.

now, here is my first question.
I have my chest exercise split up with flat and decline barbell bench. using the 15 rep cycle as an example -

1 st week of 15's
monday and friday - flat bench
wednesday - deline bench

2 nd week of 15's
monday and friday - decline bench
wednesday - flat bench

the next full cycle, I will mix it up with maybe incline barbell and dumbell flat

so, I've heard and read conflicting opinions on which is better to do, incline,flat, or decline for chest development. should I concentrate on one or the other, or is it good to mix them up using all three. I dont want to be using one if its not going to give me the best results. thanks all
Hey MRH :)

Dips and incline bench is one of the favorite chest mixes here, you might want to consider doing that mix if you can do dips where you work out (gym or at home).

For the different benchpresses, the best would be incline. It works more the upper pecs, giving your pecs a less "droopy man-boobs" appearance, and it gives the illusion of you being bigger because your clothes start hanging a little higher.

Well, just my two cents.

Regards! :)
Thanks JV, I should have added that I dont go to the gym anymore. my work schedule is so varied now and with 2 kids it was too hard to get to the gym. I have my garage turned into an exericise room. I have a nautilus smith machine ( i know, but better than nothing) a tricep bar set up, 1 set of dumbells with enough plates to go to 80 lbs, an ez curl bar and a homemade leg lift platform for abs. I planning to start adding hex dumbbell weights to my equipment as money permits. I have never done dips but Im thinking about building a platform to allow me to do those. guess I need to go study up on the proper form for dips. :confused:
I guess I will go ahead and ad my stats, as of 8/5/05 since it might help with question

age - 35
height - 5' 7"
weight 161.5

wrist- 6 7/8"
chest 41.5"
waist- 35.25"
bicep 13.5"
forearm - 11.5"
thigh - 19.5"
calf - 14.125"
Wow. Our measurements are near each other. I'm just a little taller and leaner, I've managed to cut down to 7-8% BF already, so my waist is smaller. Our wrists are almost similar. Your biceps will grow bigger pretty soon. Your forearms, as far as I can tell, are quite near their natural genetic limit for you, perhaps an inch more and that's it.

A good routine would be one with good compound core lifts. Incline bench or any bench press, dips, deadlifts, lat pulldowns or chins, etc.

And don't forget the diet. Without a proper diet, you won't be seeing any gains.

Good core lifts + good diet, that would do you good for your first HST cycle. And if you had good SD before you started, that's great too.

here is what im doing and the order
morning - 10 min. brisk walk on treadmill to get the blood flowing
 flat bench barbell or decline barbell  2 x #
 bent over DB row or seated cable row  2 x #
 ez curl bar or db curls 2 x #
 lying tricep extension or standing cable press 2 x #  
 BB shrugs 2 x #
 bb military press or db press 2 x #
 wrist curls  2 x #
squats 2 x #
leg lifts 2 x #
BB standing calf raises 2 x #
stiff leg deads 2 x #
Im thinking of working in a good hamstring isolation in there since I hit the quads with the leg lifts.
on off days I do 45 min. on the treadmill and weighted crunches 3 x #
Wow, what a great leg routine. Being the shallow beach-bod concerned youth I am, I only do squats and calve raises. ;)
If you so desire, you may consider dropping the leg raises since squats will already be pounding your quads. This way you can definitely work in a hamstring isolation exercise. HST will definitely help you achieve your goals.
Everybody here has already gave you sound advice I will just jump in and say this is the best forum on the Net period!!!!!

Not only are the guys extremly, humble, helpful and extremely knowledgable, they are also very quick to respond and always professional. Not to mention very patient b/c I like others dont always get it the first time around..hehe.

Welcome to the boards my friend...guess what you are about to start growing again! :D
Welcome to HST. I am currently doing my first HST-style program as well. My advice is like everyone else's: make sure your diet is right and stick with the program. Personally, HST has reinvigorated my training. I still have 2 wks left and I have ALREADY exceeded my expectations! I ca'nt wait to post my before and after stats.