Is this good progress?


New Member
I was just wondering if after 2 cycles, adding 1/2 inch to my arms, 3/4 of an inch to my chest and a 1/2 to my quads is decent, slow or great progress??

I should tell you that I am a newbie of sorts.. Just started lifting again after about a 10 year layoff..
That's solid progress. Think about it this way... if you could sustain that progress, how big would you be after another six cycles? If you are doing eight week cycles, then that's about a year from now. You would have gained another 1 1/2 inches to your arms, 2 1/4 inches to your chest and 1 1/2 inches to your quads. Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot when you just type it out, but that is significant progress over the course of a year.

In reality, you probably won't be able to keep going like that especially if you are going to be cutting at some point, but it is a good goal to shoot for.
Thanks Tot,

I understand they are probably all newbie gains as they say, but gain is gain right !!

and yes, I am starting a cut now so I realize it wont always continue like that. This HST program really works great..

I am so surprised at how much bigger my arms look after doing ZERO arm isolation exercises during the first 2 cycles... It's really something...
Well what happened for me when I came to HST originally is that the first several cycles were quite productive. My most productive was actually my fourth or fifth (not sure which) and after that, gains started to come a little slower. Not coincidentally, the most productive cycle was the one where I ate a ton and didn't worry about fat gain, and once I started getting all anal about my fat gain was when my gains slowed.
So... after your cut, as long as you don't get stuck in the trap of being afraid of gaining even an ounce of fat, chances are good that you'll continue to make some real good progress for quite a while.

And yeah, that's great progress for arms considering you did no isolations. Good work.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do once my cut is done. I really don't want to go back to gaining again during the summer. (by gaining, I mean belly fat) I figured I would just continue to lift and eat maintenance cals for the summer, then start a bulk again like in October...
I did that one year and it worked okay. Just focus on maintenance calories and trying to get some strength gains. I'd consider continuing whatever cardio you do during your cut to try and get your work tolerance up before you bulk again. I wasn't able to gain a whole lot of strength on maintenance calories, but you should be able to, and more strength means your HST cycles when you bulk will likely be more productive since your RMs will be higher.
Any change for the better is progress that should motivate you. How much that is in inches or whatever doesn't matter. Set goals that are achievable. Make them hard to achieve but not impossible. Something like, that's possible to do for me but it would surprise me if I really get there. Start with a weekly / monthly goal. That's how I stay motivated. And yes, write a training log - you simply cannot imagine how helpful and motivating these guys here are.

If I were you, I'd cut down to 10% body fat and then start a slow bulk until you hit 12%. Then cut to perhaps 9% - go up to 12% again, cut a little lower, ...
Not only are the guys here extremely motivating but we all kind of keep each other in check.

Its wierd...I have learned so much. Hell most of us here have probabley forgotten more than most muscle heads ever learn.

We all give good advice but some of us (myself) tend to forget to follow our own knowledge and advice so we kind of keep us all in check.
Thank you all for your comments. I really enjoy this site. Much better than that "other" one out there where all they do is criticize you..

I have learned a lot already by reading old posts. I do keep records of my cycles so I can see my progress. I would love to get down to 10% body fat but that seems like a long way off. I'm not sure where i am because I have no way of telling. I don't have calipers or anything. My gym doesn't have them either..
Grab your belly button with your index finger and pinch the fat with your thumb.

Roughly how much fat do you have there?

A good rule of thumb is if you are inside an inch between your thumb and index finder you are around 12% give or take some.

Get some calipers though they are real cheap.
(SoxFan @ Mar. 23 2008,12:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have learned a lot already by reading old posts. I do keep records of my cycles so I can see my progress. I would love to get down to 10% body fat but that seems like a long way off. I'm not sure where i am because I have no way of telling. I don't have calipers or anything. My gym doesn't have them either..</div>
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thank you all for your comments. I really enjoy this site. Much better than that &quot;other&quot; one out there where all they do is criticize you.</div>

Oh, and you don't even need to cite the obvious name and address of &quot;that other site&quot; because we all know where you come from.

Not only do people really help you here, but they also know what they're talking about.

In terms of determining your current body fat without calipers, you can download the
Fitness Progress Chart (Imperial Measurement Units) or the
Fitness Progress Chart (Metric Measurement Units). This is not a perfect solution, but should tell you within +- 3% where you are and is much better than nothing. My personal experience with these charts is that they make me a little fatter than my caliper readings.
(SoxFan @ Mar. 23 2008,17:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Gives me an idea of where I am (which isn't great)
Tell us, then.
Mirrors are more important than calipers, IMO! OTOH, the camera will tell you things that the mirror won't, having a different perspective, unless you have mirrors on both sides of the room, but that's a bit vain for my personal tastes.
(Old and Grey @ Mar. 23 2008,19:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Quad, does that mean you are opposed to mirrors on the ceiling too?
Good one. Ahem, for the same reason I think he didn't actually mean the belly, ahem, I think he wouldn't mind having a huge mirror there either. Gotcha!
(TunnelRat @ Mar. 23 2008,18:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Okay, it's for damn sure your wives don't read here...!
I'd be surprised if any of them did. I don't know about you guys, but when I run inside and start babbling to my wife about a new PR I just set, her eyes glaze over and I may as well be speaking in gibberish.