Is This How You Use Myoreps + Maxstim Withing Hst?


New Member
Hi there,

I'm about to complete my second hst cycle and I love it. Never going to go train without the hst principles again :)

I've got some questions regarding my routine, especially regarding in how to integrate myoreps and maxstim into my hst routine.

This is my routine 3x/week:

2x Squats
2x Stiff leg DL
2x Bent Over Row
2x Chins
2x Incline bench
2x Dips
2x Shoulder Press
2x Rear Delt Raises
2x Curls
2x Triceps Dips

1. I'd like to use myoreps during the 15s and 10s. How many reps should I be doing during the 15s and 10s?
My guess would be 15+ 3x5 and 10 + 3x3. 10 secs between each myoset.

2. If I want to use maxstim during the 5s, how many reps in total should I aim for? Should I shoot for 10 total reps (normally I'd do 2x5)? How long should it take to reach 10 reps?
Another question: whats happening ? I see there is a wordpress template, will there be a new website? :)
on the myo-rep part, how Borge recommends, is you do the first set (activation set), then do the mini sets after until the reps drop. So for example, if you did 100x15, rest 5 reps, rest, 5 reps, rest 3 reps. Now your done. But.... with HST you don't want every session to be a max effort, so you might do 15 + (reps till it feels like a rep or two before failure) + same + same, then just stop. As the loads go up, 3 mini sets after the first might be all you really can do.

Me, what I'd do, is just make each session is a bit higher load and a bit more output for each rep section.
Hi there,

I'm about to complete my second hst cycle and I love it. Never going to go train without the hst principles again :)

I've got some questions regarding my routine, especially regarding in how to integrate myoreps and maxstim into my hst routine.

This is my routine 3x/week:

2x Squats
2x Stiff leg DL
2x Bent Over Row
2x Chins
2x Incline bench
2x Dips
2x Shoulder Press
2x Rear Delt Raises
2x Curls
2x Triceps Dips

1. I'd like to use myoreps during the 15s and 10s. How many reps should I be doing during the 15s and 10s?
My guess would be 15+ 3x5 and 10 + 3x3. 10 secs between each myoset.

2. If I want to use maxstim during the 5s, how many reps in total should I aim for? Should I shoot for 10 total reps (normally I'd do 2x5)? How long should it take to reach 10 reps?

Re: max-stim; you’re doing the reps until one short of failure
How about you combine the 5 minute intense barbell workouts for chest, shoulders, legs and back as laid out by the anabolic aliens and create 20 minutes of hell. Would that not be maxstim?

How about you combine the 5 minute intense barbell workouts for chest, shoulders, legs and back as laid out by the anabolic aliens and create 20 minutes of hell. Would that not be maxstim?

Nah I wouldn't say they're maxstim at all, moreso supersets or actually giant sets. They don't emphasise keeping tension constant on the muscle groups by shortening ROM, don't have mini-sets at max activation, seem more just blasting the crap outta the muscle.

Looks like fun though haha, it's a good idea for getting in a quick session if you don't have time. And cool I'd never seen some of those standing chest exercises using a barbell :)
How about you combine the 5 minute intense barbell workouts for chest, shoulders, legs and back as laid out by the anabolic aliens and create 20 minutes of hell. Would that not be maxstim?

Nah I wouldn't say they're maxstim at all, moreso supersets or actually giant sets. They don't emphasise keeping tension constant on the muscle groups by shortening ROM, don't have mini-sets at max activation, seem more just blasting the crap outta the muscle.

Looks like fun though haha, it's a good idea for getting in a quick session if you don't have time. And cool I'd never seen some of those standing chest exercises using a barbell :)
That guy did not get those muscles from doing 500 rep sets with Tinker Toys. :rolleyes: Very few real activation reps.
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That guy did not get those muscles from doing 500 rep sets with Tinker Toys. :rolleyes: Very few real activation reps.
Believe me, i do tut based one minute sets and they r the quickest way to build muscle. I dont use tinker toys. IT is using a weight you can do 10 reps with and then you do 30.

You build far better functional strength with this method. Squatting 500 lbs only serves you if you can do iT for reps. In the real world, holding and carrying etc is always done for time.

You can always raise the weight if you think iT is too light.
Myo sets should be more like 20 to 25 reps, then 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps. Just do three deep breaths between those myo sets rather than trying to count. Counting during myo reps is very unreliable as you will invariably forget which number you are on. Especially when your muscles feel like they are going to explode.

Also. Don't do them for all lifts on all work out days. Too much.