JTB030's New routine.


New Member
Hey guys! I have lurked here occasionally, but haven't posted for a while. I am starting a new workout routine after two knee/hamstring injuries-- identical on each leg. I seemed to develop some imbalances between my quads and hamstrings ( alot of quad centric work along with a whole bunch of running for PT tests for police academy.)

So for about the last year I have not been able to squat with any weight or regularity-- any leg work for that matter(just running
. I had an MRI, Physical therapy, nothing worked,just a bunch of swelling, so yesterday I went to a new doctor, and he seemed to have a better understanding of my plight. He x-rayed, gave my a cortisone shot for the swelling, and two high-tech braces that make me feel like the bionic man
. When I wear them they actually push my kneecaps inward and I can actually bend at the knees more than a few inches.

So, I thought I would love to get back to my favorite (HST), but am looking for some advice as to if you guys thing I should do some strength work to get back to my previous levels. I am just as strong for my upper body, but lower is pathetically atrophied due to the lack of work and running.

On the subject of running. I would like to continue, but wonder if it would fit into HST or a strength program for that matter. Any advice on starting a new program would be extremely appreciated.

Thanks Guys,

WOW. You've been through quite a lot, JTB. There are hundreds of ways you could go about this - but truthfully HST likely would be one of the best methods out there to ease back into heavy training. I can't quite think of anything better for rehab than flushing massive amounts of blood through unused muscle tissue (15's are perfect for this). So - why not do another HST cycle, and perhaps just append some more heavy training after the 5's? Maybe go down to 3's, 2's, even singles if you feel up to it.

Best of luck, whatever you decide.
Thanks _tim,

I was kicking the idea around at work last night and I agree that blood/nutrient infusion to my knee/hamstrings probably would be therapeutic. I think I will do a HST cycle and this will be my log to track progress.

Thanks again _tim for the reply!
Jtb, maybe I've missed this information on your post but considering your situation you should consult your doctor regarding what you can/should do and what you shouldn't. Probably starting with high reps, low weight work to get the blood flowing to the area and increase weight progressively focusing on form is a good idea but the doc knows best.
Remember to keep the quads and the hams balanced (well, not only quads and hams but you know what I mean). You could add RDLs to your routine to work your hams.
(electric @ Sep. 18 2009,10:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Jtb, maybe I've missed this information on your post but considering your situation you should consult your doctor regarding what you can/should do and what you shouldn't. Probably starting with high reps, low weight work to get the blood flowing to the area and increase weight progressively focusing on form is a good idea but the doc knows best.
Remember to keep the quads and the hams balanced (well, not only quads and hams but you know what I mean). You could add RDLs to your routine to work your hams.</div>
Thanks for the response Electric. I did check with the doc about limitations-- he seems to be pretty progressive as far as what I am able to do. I was blessed with very loose kneecaps, never had a problem until a few years back--- mostly due to poor workout design in overemphasis on quad work, and lack of back of the leg work, I think the long distance and sprints just did me in.

Well, I just did my first session of my new HST program.
B.W. @ 172.5-- pretty lean, need to fill out my atrophied legs, increase back width, and catch up to the rest of my body.

1st session of the 15's:
DIPS b.w.X15
PULLUPS b.w.x 5**
SQUATS 45x15

PRESS 50x15

** I figure I will add reps each workout to the pullups 5,7,9,11,13,15.

What I haven't figured out yet if I will do this routine, or add a 2nd-- possibly a.m./p.m. every 36 H, or just A/B.

Example of 2nd routine

Any suggestions always respected and appreciated.
I made a decision to do a simple A/B split truly every other day. I figure this is a good way to get the summation effect without burnout. I have done a.m./p.m. splits in the past and they are fun at first but get truly taxing when you get to the heavy stuff.

I was going to do the am/pm thing or the every 36 hour split but I think with my current situation (injuries) I will do the tried and true &quot;simplify &amp; Win&quot; approach. I have to say it was a bit tough to walk out of the gym after my 12 minute workout yesterday,(that was fast) but I know it is the necessary steps in the scheme of things. Thanks for following.
Session 2 15's

BENCH 100x15
CHINS b.w.x 7
SLDL 85x15
PRESS 60 x15

Another really quick workout. I hate to jump back and forth but I may need to look into adding more volume. I have been training since I was 22 (now38) and have for most of that time used a good bit of volume. I know the lay of the program with the built-in qualities of added volume and intensity, but I am going to think about it today at work.
Session 3:

Going to go with am/pm fullbody splits at least for the 15's.

DIPS 25X15

Challenging mostly all the way through. Squats, it was more getting the groove--should develop soon.

Dips &amp; Presses I am probably getting close to failure a little sooner than I would like, but I think it is due to a virus I have been fighting for that last week. Tonight's session after work is a little easier on the CNS.
(Lol @ Sep. 21 2009,6:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">jtb, be sure to read this if you haven't already done so. Blade makes some very good points about volume and TUT. Might help you with some of your decisions.

Thanks for the link lol! I think volume is such a subjective thing. So many factors at play. When I was in my mid to late 20's I did the 20 set per bodypart approach, and I did experience good gains. Now of course I had way way more time for recovery, and a lot of less stress in my life.

I wonder now if those years in some way conditioned me for being able to handle more volume than I would of if I did the whole 3 sets of 8-12.

In my recent adventures in lifting, I probably had a more straightforward approach--- like recently doing 2-3 sets per exercise, 3 time per week on full body workouts-- minus leg work (see my intro post.)

I do have a difficult time in getting sore. I am going to use this phase as an experiment, sort of adjusting when needed, but plan on incorporating Blade's suggestions on sets etc.

BENCH 110X15
SLDL 95X15

No ab work tonight. Another very quick session. After reading the thread that lol suggested, I may add an extra set for my 4th session. I do know the intensity will ramp at this point, but intuitively I sense that I may need a bit more work and I don't think the extra work will hurt.
Results from training so far:

I am feeling some slight low-back soreness (tightness), I thin this was bound to happen from the degree my lower body has been deconditioned. My upper-body feels just fine maybe the slightest of soreness in the upper-back/shoulders--- very slight.

I think tomorrow I will go for an extra set, possibly fewer (1/2) reps on set 2.
Session 4

DIPS 35X15X9

Little more volume added for the last part of these 15's. I have resigned to the fact that everyday I may be making adjustments-- hard to do for someone like myself who is generally pretty regimented.