Bryan et al,
I recieved my first shipment of Anabolic Primer,Driver, creatine(on time), and looked incredulously at the label that instructed me to mix with 4-6oz of water. I had already gotten out my old blender that was used in my previous training to attempt to mix other protein powders that would never have gotten close to liquid form with 4 oz of water.
With much faith in Bryan's science behind his products I decided to follow the directions and attempt to stir it with a spoon!!..........Totaly unheard of in my experience.
It mixed like Koolaid. I cannot believe it's true!! No more clumps to gag down......and probably no digestive issues(read gas) from those clumps. Thank you Bryan

Oh, and the creatine mixed with no granules also. A dose that was closer to the 5 grams than I ever got before I suppose. I feel like I'll get the full benefit of all the supplements now.
Now for my first workout in about a year...............what a girlyman I've become.