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My left knee hurts on the right side and right below. When i squat down, it pops and hurts. I don't know what is causing this nor does my chiropractor? I have a few thoughts on which I think it could be. My left hip is bigger and higher(very slightly) than my right. My right side of my right ankle is very much larger due to a broken ankle years ago when I only had rehab on the right and not the left. I am STUMPED? Anyone know what's going on?
I am an athletic trainer for a living. Let me preface what I say that it is impossible to tell what exactly is going on with your knee without a proper and thorough physical examination. I can put you in the ballpark.

First of all, a chiropractor wouldnt know anything about your knee. That's not what their knowledge base is. If he was unscrupulous, he would attribute it to your "life energy" or some crap like that and say he needs to see you for another month so he can use his "magical" clicker on you. I think good chiropractors have their place in health care, but far too many people think they are experts in sports injury.

That being said, there are a dozen things that could be causing your knee pain. The first thing that comes to mind is some type of loose articular cartilage under the patella(kneecap). Does the knee ever catch or lock? Is there popping? Your previous ankle injury may have altered your normal gait, providing an environment for overuse. Another thing that concerns me is a leg-length discrepancy. What you describe about your hip being higher on one side is indicative of such a problem. That can usually be "fixed" with a insert in your shoe.

You really need to go see an orthopedic doctor. Don't even waste your time or money with a general practicioner. If they are good, they will just refer you to an orthopedic anyway. Make sure and see a GOOD doctor, too. Find out what clinic your local college team or professional sport team uses.

Sorry about the diatribe. Hope I was at least of some assistance. Have a wonderful day.
Wow, thanks Chiefhog. A thorough and knowledgeable response was just what I was looking for on here. My chiro said he is going to do an orthopedic exam on my knee the next time i go(which is tomorrow, 7/8), how does that sound?

Yes, my knee catches and locks, and yes theres popping.

How would i go about finding out what clinic my local college team or professional sport team uses? Who would i ask?
The chiropractic exam is a start. However, if it requires medication (anti-inflammatories) or surgury, you'll need the orthopedic doc.

If you dont know any athletes personally, I'd call your local college athletic dept. and ask which doctor/clinic they use. Chances are they have a specific clinic that their team doc works out of. That clinic should have many orthopedics on staff you can make an appointment with. You'll need to check with your insurance to see if you can see any doc you want, or if you have a list of docs that your insurance will allow you to see. Glad I could be of some help.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (chiefhog @ July 08 2005,1:14)]The chiropractic exam is a start. However, if it requires medication (anti-inflammatories) or surgury, you'll need the orthopedic doc.
If you dont know any athletes personally, I'd call your local college athletic dept. and ask which doctor/clinic they use. Chances are they have a specific clinic that their team doc works out of. That clinic should have many orthopedics on staff you can make an appointment with. You'll need to check with your insurance to see if you can see any doc you want, or if you have a list of docs that your insurance will allow you to see. Glad I could be of some help.
You make us Arkies sound smart and educated :-)
I know thats off topic, but i couldn't resist
I miss spelled chiefhog the first time and had to go back and edit it, and it was right there in front of me. Although I suspect my keyboard has a slight case of dislexia