I was looking through this site of a guy name Josh Stone ( http://www.johnstonefitness.com/all/side/m.php )
and he has gotten quite ripped in a short amount of time...So I looked up his lifting plan called Max-OT and was reading through the general principles/foundation of this plan. Besides other contradicting principles of HST, it also stated:
It also stated that one muscle group a day per week (which means 6-7 rest days! ) is more than enough to stimulate the muscle and allow it to grow(induce hypertrophy). IMO this plan outrageously contradicts HST's method but he was still able to get insanely ripped :x.
Now CAN there be ANY truth behind all this nonsense?
and he has gotten quite ripped in a short amount of time...So I looked up his lifting plan called Max-OT and was reading through the general principles/foundation of this plan. Besides other contradicting principles of HST, it also stated:
(The whole plan can be found at http://www.johnstonefitness.com/misc/MAX-OT.pdf )[b said:Quote[/b] ]Muscle Burn
The burning sensation that certain types of training bring on is believed by most to be a sign of a successful growth promoting workout. Many seek it out and strive to achieve this burning sensation as an indicator to a good workout.
Well let me tell you, that muscle "burn" is not an indicator of an optimum workout. This burn is caused by infusion of lactic acid. Lactic acid is a byproduct of glycogen metabolism in muscle tissue. Lactic acid is not good for muscle growth. In fact, it impairs growth. Where does this burning sensation come from? It comes from lactic acid due to high reps. Not only does high rep training supply insufficient overload for growth it also causes high muscle lactic acid levels that lead to tissue catabolism, oxidative stree and delayed muscle recovery.
Muscle Pump
The muscle pump you feel when training is a result of blood actually being "trapped" in the muscles being worked. The muscle pump is certainly a good psychological boost during training and accompanies just about all resistance exercise. And as your muscles become larger so will the pump you get while you train. Now while this muscle pump is not really a bad thing, it is not necessarily an indicator of optimum muscle overload. As you progress in your development you will find that achieving a noticeable pump even during your warm-up sets to be much easier and more prominent. More muscle - more "trapped" blood - bigger pump.
It also stated that one muscle group a day per week (which means 6-7 rest days! ) is more than enough to stimulate the muscle and allow it to grow(induce hypertrophy). IMO this plan outrageously contradicts HST's method but he was still able to get insanely ripped :x.
Now CAN there be ANY truth behind all this nonsense?