Last SD of 2006

This is the last day of my SD after my third Max-stim cycle. 14 days ago was my last real workout, 9 days ago I retested my maxes and hit personal records for every lift!

The first few days of SD were like, "ohh...I am tired and stiff, it is soooo nice to not have to workout."
The last few days have been like, "ohh...I feel like a flabby couch potato, I can't wait until I hit the weights again!"
Tomorrow I start my 4th cycle and it will be my best, longest, hardest cycle ever. I have the load progression all planned out and the cycle will last a full 20 weeks. I will post before and after pics/measurments/rep maxes here at HST and at the Max-stim forum.

Happy Lifting and to all a 'Progressive' New Year!
Just stating my SD. After a few weeks of 5's you are definitely ready for some time off. Fire back up with another hst run on the 8th.
SM, didn't you gain some noticable size along with the strength in that MS cycle? Or was that from the cycle before?
first cycle...gained serious size. Second cycle got too ambitious and got a little fat, then had to cut. Third cycle, gained back all the muscle I lost during the cut and then some. Currently 192-193 lb.s up from 179-180 lb.s when I started in May, 2006. So up approx. 13 lb.s with same bodyfat percentage. Not bad, but I can do better! This time I will lean bulk more slowly, so I can put size on for the whole 20 weeks, and not have to cut.
(scientific muscle @ Dec. 31 2006,22:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Currently 192-193 lb.s up from 179-180 lb.s when I started in May, 2006. So up approx. 13 lb.s with same bodyfat percentage. Not bad, but I can do better!</div>
Not bad at all! Great job!
I was checking my max`s 9 days ago and started the SD. Tommorw im going to start my first cycle and can't wait. But there is something that bothers me.
I am 1.78 tall 71kilos (156 lb's) and around the 14% bodyfat. So after my first cycle of growing i want to do a cut cycle. But it might be a waste, because on the 1st and 2nd cycles you get the best grow. So isn`t it be a waste to spend my 2nd cycle on cutting?
My advice is to do one of the following:

1. If you are concerned about ur bodyfat before getting started, cut first. Get down to whatever bodyfat will give you enough room to bulk for at least 3 consecutive cycles afterwards.

2. Start bulking now, for at least 3 consecutive cycles, then cut.