lift to max?


New Member
im still getting to grips withj things. reading about some people lifting to max/failure for their designated reps/sets??

what are the best results for you guys? lifting heavier within the HST cycles or does the stimulus not need to be maximal for the designated rep range?? i.e. is the conventional start at 70-75% of your predicted rep range max and work up 95-100% better or do people start as high as 90% of the rep range max?

Advice for someone on first cycle but not unaccustomed to exercise............please!!
Some of us max out for fun, but this has little to do with our HST routine....some guys never max out and just go from cycle to cycle getting stronger each time and progressing the loads each cycle. At the end of each cycle you will be using your 5rm or higher, this is similar to maxing out.
The maximum is 100 % of your RM for each mesocycle every 2 weeks, this ends up not being true 100% as you gather strength anyway!

Most people recommend starting at 75% of each RM, other say start at roughly 50% of 1 RM for your first workout either way it works, provided you keep progressing at 5 or 10% each workout!