lite weight


New Member
because im use to previous workouts were yougo to failure evry time, is it normal for example to do your first workout of 15rm and find there very lite? for example, my 15rm of bb curls are 23 kg, and my rist workout is to do 15 rps of 2 kg's, but this is very lite! should i increae it a bit? or should i just get out of the mindset i have with other weight lifters about always having to lft heavy or go home?
It wouldn't be too terrible to do just one weight or two throught the entire 15s phase. Then start the real increments in the 10s. As long as what you are lifting in the 15s is causing the burn, you should be OK.
Well, actually, some people get lactic acid burns very easily, some don't; same thing for DOMS. If you go by the percentages and wind up at your 15 rep max or your NEW 15 rm, (sometimes you gain strength in the mesocycle) your workouts won't be easy for long. I personally do 2 sets, and 2 sets of tens, and 3 of the fives.

DID you deload? My first workout gained me nothing because I came straight from failure training to HST without stopping for deload. It's part of the mechanism that makes HST work.
when you say deload, do u mean S-deconditioning? if so, im about to do this for a week. but is a week to short? should i SD for longer?
It depends how conditioned you are...if you are already an advanced, strong lifter who has been hitting the weights with frequency for the past few years, then you may even need a month off to really decondition. If you have been lifting for a year or less, then a week should be enough.
Remember that your perception of how heavy the weight is, and how effective it is at stimulating your muscle to grow are not always aligned. What I mean is, you can't always tell by "feel" if the weight is too light.

As Carl mentioned, the effectiveness of any given load is dependent on the condition of the tissue at the time the load is applied. For example, if you have been using 100 pounds for curls for the last 6 months and then all of a sudden you start using 45 lbs because you are trying to follow an HST routine, you will be disappointed with the results.

Its not that it is impossible for 45 lbs to elicit a growth response, its just that in your conditioned state, your tissue is immune to the strain that 45 pounds produces. No damage, no trauma, no satellite cells, no nothing.

So, we take some time off before using lighter weight loads. If we decondition long enough for our tissue to re-sensitize, but not so long that we lose all of our gains, we will then be able to use much lighter weights during the initial part of our cycle and continue to see gains throughout.