Thu 19/06/14
Afternoon Session (a rare occurance)
500m C2 Row: 1:45.4; 27 SPM
Shoulder rotations complex with 5kg plates.
Nekkid bar muscle snatches
Muscle Snatch (kg)
Snatch Balance + BTN Push-Press (kg)
C&J (kg)
60/1 - c+3j
70/1 - c+3j
80/1 - c+3j
90/1 - c+3j
95/1 - c+3j
100/1 - c+3j - slight press-out on third jerk
105/1,1 - slight PO
105/1,1 - jerks failed to front
Belted from 95kg. Lost jerk form for last two singles. Didn't commit.
Pendlay Row (kg)
Belted; straps.
Pleased with the triple jerk with 100kg. Slight press-out on third rep so I'll wait until I nail it properly before claiming a PR.
Haven't done snatch balance in ages. I'm hoping it will help increase my confidence in getting under the bar and in balancing the bar in the hole. Obviously, it needs to get heavier to help with that. Push-press was with snatch-grip. Much less comfortable for me than with a clean grip. Shoulders complained a bit. Needs work.
Thumb joints nearest wrists are quite sore from using my new straps which I'm not getting on with brilliantly well. The discomfort is spoiling my grip... which means I need to wear them! I'm hoping the thumbs toughen up soon.