Lol's New HST Log

(Lol @ Jun. 24 2008,5:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Funny thing about the impingement is that I think I've probably 'suffered' with it my whole life but just never did anything to show it up so much as OHS. I can remember the first time I squatted, way back in my late teens, that my whole right arm sort of went dead during a set. Maybe that was just a circulation thing though, but it still points to some right shoulder issue.

Now I'm low-bar back squatting I do get a little bit of a buzzy thumb and index finger on my right hand afterwards but it clears up pretty fast. After OHS it lasts a good seven days! That's why I'm a little more concerned. I'd hate to think I was doing some long term nerve damage by carrying on with them.</div>
A distressing large number of folks have impingement problems and rotator cuff damage. The figures run to well over 50% of the population. The numbers are higher for older folks (that's people over 40).

You might want to talk to a good physician about your shoulder. Based on my own experience only (and what do I know...?), I would caution you that you might be doing permanent damage to your shoulder.
Thanks TR. I respect your opinion a great deal, having had to deal with a lot of shoulder problems yourself. I haven't done any OHS this week as my buzzy right thumb and index finger are still with me. Not being able to do OHS is a darn shame but then it is but a small problem and I certainly don't want to turn it into a larger one. I will continue to work on my shoulder flexibility and revisit them from time to time to see if anything has changed.

As an aside: my recent attempts to learn kipping pull-ups have had a seemingly positive effect on my shoulders. They have noticeably started to toughen up, feeling under less strain when hanging under my bodyweight.

Following my first few day's attempts at kipping, trying to get the hang of them (no pun intended!), my shoulders took a real beating and hurt like heck - in fact, just about my whole upper body hurt like heck!

By the third day, my hands were so sore that I decided to use straps so I could focus on the movement and not on my grip. Et voila! That, along with trying to do each rep as fast as possible, was really helpful and I managed to get 20 consecutive reps in a pretty fast time. Now I have to get 20 reps without straps.
(Lol @ Jun. 27 2008,5:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Not being able to do OHS is a darn shame but then it is but a small problem and I certainly don't want to turn it into a larger one. I will continue to work on my shoulder flexibility and revisit them from time to time to see if anything has changed.</div>
I feel your pain.
I see that you are interested in Crossfit. I thought I was in reasonably good shape until I tried some Crossfit workouts about 2 weeks ago. I can't even do what some 123 lb crossfit girl can do and I still end up staggering around the gym gasping for breath.

Yeah, I've been looking into Crossfit recently; I'm going to use some of the WODs as HIIT type workouts to help with my cutting. I am expecting to find them pretty tough as my cardio fitness is pretty poor right now. Still, I like a challenge.

Whilst I'm trying to retain as much muscle mass as possible I'd also like to improve in other areas like flexibility before time takes its toll. Some of the Crossfit exercises and the Oly lifts require greater flexibility than most bb type movements plus there's a greater degree of skill involved which makes them more of a challenge.

I'm pretty sure if you were only 123lb a lot of the Crossfit stuff would seem a lot easier.

I am also interested in Crossfit WODs. I did 3 or 4 of them before I needed to take a break. Be very careful with these and ease into it. There is some website with scaled down versions for beginners. If I knew about it then, that is what I would have done and that is what I suggest you do too.

Well, actually, I only did the super intense 'girl' WODs. The normal daily WODs don't seem nearly as tough. Anyway, just be careful with it at first. I will probably start trying it again after I finish this PSMF.
(nipponbiki @ Jun. 29 2008,2:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lol,

I am also interested in Crossfit WODs. I did 3 or 4 of them before I needed to take a break. Be very careful with these and ease into it. There is some website with scaled down versions for beginners. If I knew about it then, that is what I would have done and that is what I suggest you do too.

Well, actually, I only did the super intense 'girl' WODs. The normal daily WODs don't seem nearly as tough. Anyway, just be careful with it at first. I will probably start trying it again after I finish this PSMF.</div>
One of the basic tenets of Crossfit is scalability. Any of the WOD's can and should be scaled to your abilities. As coach Greg Glassman is fond of saying, &quot;The needs of an Olympic athlete and someone's grandmother vary by degree, not kind&quot;.

So that's half of this year gone already!

BW: 209lb - one pound lost last week which is a better rate.

I'm feeling trimmer now although I don't really look any different yet. Putting socks on is noticeably easier!

Forearm is still bugging the heck out of me. Did some Pendlay rows last night which hurt my forearm more than the pull-ups have been (had to call it a day at 200lb for 10 reps). Today it's really sore. My shoulders feel pretty beaten up too; delts are fine but the joints are stiff and uncomfortable until they are really warmed up. I hope this is just while they acclimatise to the kipping pull-ups.

As far as WODs go, I'm not intending to go all out right off the bat. I'll pick my fitness up gradually using scaled versions, as El Viejo mentioned. I don't want them to get in the way of my heavy training so I'll be playing it by ear.
Had a go at 120kg (264lb) for my front squats tonight but only managed a double (I had done a set at 110kg before and I did manage another set at 110kg after the 120kg attempt). So, I'm down three reps on my PR. My goal is now to attempt to make at least a double at 120kg each session for the rest of my cut.

Had a crazy dream last night that I was ripped. This may have been due to taking my lad to see the Hulk the other night: lots more links to the original TV series and a much better movie than the Ang Lee attempt, although the CG guys haven't got the Hulk's look right yet and his muscle anatomy was off too. Lou puts in an appearance again; he still looks in pretty good shape. I now want a model Hulk for my desk.
I almost went to see the new Hulk movie. I ended up seeing Iron Man, which is one of the best super hero movies ever, in my opinion. If you are into those kinds of movies, I'd highly recommend seeing it. I'm really hoping to see the new Hulk movie soon though. I heard there is an awesome fight scene that lasts an extremely long time. I think I'm one of the few that enjoyed the Ang Lee version... I'm still hopeful that I will enjoy the new one a lot more than the old one.

Anyway, good luck keeping your front squats at 120 for the rest of your cut. Have you tried taking in some carbs preworkout or anything like that? That doesn't usually have that dramatic of an effect for me when cutting, what helps me is some caffeine about fifteen minutes before workout.
I wonder if the hulk is a crossfitter?

that's some pretty impressive front squatting, given the circumstance of diet and healing.  outstanding work Lol!

you might have seen this, but I think it's a great shoulder warmup.  I just recently tried it for the 1st time and intend to incorporate it.
Good shoulder warmup vid. Cheers FF.

Re Hulk boy himself: As a kid, he was always my favourite Marvel character. I preferred the first movie's CG Hulk in some ways: he was taller and greener for a start but he needed to be a little more menacing which the new one is. Both of them still look a bit too fake but CG is improving all the time so by the third or fourth movies he should be pretty much spot on.

I've heard that Iron Man is a good movie so decided to get the DVD when it's released. Having Iron Man (R.D.Jr.) show up at the end of the Hulk movie was a nice touch.
I haven't heard any reviews on the Hulk, but I have heard that Iron Man was okay. Everyone has a different appetite for a story though. I imagine that the Hulk is a more of a Strong Man than a Cross-Fitter!
Managed 10 reps clustered in triples and doubles with 242 for bench tonight. I was only doing sets of 5 with that last cycle so I'm not too far off. I actually felt that with fewer warm-ups I might have got 5 reps again.

Treated myself to loads of stir fried spicy chicken and veg.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Treated myself to loads of stir fried spicy chicken and veg. </div>

Had stir fried asian beef and veg last night!
(colby2152 @ Jul. 02 2008,8:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Treated myself to loads of stir fried spicy chicken and veg. </div>
Had stir fried asian beef and veg last night!
None for me, thanks! I've spent enough time in the Far East to acquire an aversion to fish heads and rice.

I'll settle for simple roast beef and potatoes.

Got my gymnastic rings today (ordered from Crossfit London) and have just had a chance to rig them up at dipping height (to get me started).

Wow! Yet another piece of equipment that shows off my inadequacy as a human being!  
 My 40 bar dips just became a shaky 5! Humbling. So, I now have to learn to control my balance and get my numbers up. I can't imagine it ever being possible to dip with 100lb hanging from my waist this way... but we'll see.

I'll have to rig up a scaffold outside in order to try a muscle up or two (or none!). That should be fun, when I get around to it.


Just tried again and made a shaky 10. It's very intense as a slight lapse of concentration and you find yourself flipping out. The trick is to keep the rings in close to your body but that does shift a lot of the work to your triceps.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just tried again and made a shaky 10. It's very intense as a slight lapse of concentration and you find yourself flipping out. The trick is to keep the rings in close to your body but that does shift a lot of the work to your triceps. </div>

Well, that's the point of exercise. If you can post a picture of how you set them up, then that would be great as I am really interested in this set up!
That's great lol. It sure makes you respect the strength and power of gymnasts. I know I see them in a totally different way than when I was younger.
@Colby: I'll try to remember to take a pic soon. They're just rigged up on my chinning bar. Very simple to set up and light enough to take with you anywhere you go.

This weekend, I'm interested to see how the Crossfit folks get on at the annual Crossfit Games. They've posted the three challenges for Saturday. I thought I'd have a go at the B Workout this evening as a good warm up for my heavy squat and bench session. Here it is:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Five rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts:  275 lbs for males,
10 Burpees

Max of 12 mins to complete.

Each rep of the deadlift will only count when full range of motion is achieved. The bottom limit is when the barbell touches the ground with your hands in contact with the bar. The rep will not count if the barbell is dropped from any height. The top limit is when your hips and legs are fully extended with the front of your shoulder behind the barbell.

Each rep of the burpee will only count when full range of motion is achieved. The bottom limit is when your chest and thighs touch the ground. The top limit is when your hands clap overhead with your feet off the ground and your hips and legs fully extended. There is no height requirement on the jump, but the clap must occur while airborne. The clap is considered overhead when the arm crosses the plane of the ear (when viewed from the side). If the timing is missed, you may repeat the jump to complete the rep.</div>

Anyway, I decided to load 130kg (286lb) on the bar instead of the 275lb specified, which seemed a bit light to me.

3,2,1, Go!

Round 1 was ok; round 2 was not; round 3 was a killer; for round 4, I did the deads and then called it quits! That took me 5 mins 5 seconds and for a fair bit of that time I was trying to recover my breath following the burpees.

Those burpees are pure evil. I probably went at them too hard for the first two rounds and after the third lot I just didn't want to do any more of them. If I had just slowed them down at the start and paced myself I probably could have made myself do all five rounds.

Caught my breath for a few minutes and then did another 4 x 5 x 286 and a final 10 x 286 to make a total of 50 reps for deads.

So I failed to get the five rounds on my first attempt; I definitely need to improve my cardio fitness. I might try this deadlift/burpee combo again with 300lb next time and pace myself better on the burpees.

And after that little lot I think I'll do my heavy stuff tomorrow as I don't feel like doing any more tonight.
At least I didn't feel like throwing up.

Oh, I tried a dip on the rings with my legs out straight horizontally and managed only one rep! Joy!