Sun 15/03/09
I've had a bit of a break over the last few days purely to give my shoulder a rest. It doesn't seem to have made much of a difference at all. I probably need to leave it much longer so I'll just stick to movements which don't put much strain on the AC joints.
I thought I'd do some front squats and power cleans to get back into the swing of things.
Front Squats: 10 x 70kg, 5 x 90kg, 3 x 5 x 110kg (242lb)
Back Squats: 10, 15 x 110kg (242lb)
Power Cleans: 30 x 60kg, 20 x 80kg (176lb)
Although the power cleans weren't particularly heavy, they were pretty tiring. I haven't done cleans in a while so I expect my traps will be very sore tomorrow. I skipped doing any jerks to avoid unnecessary shoulder strain.
I've had a bit of a break over the last few days purely to give my shoulder a rest. It doesn't seem to have made much of a difference at all. I probably need to leave it much longer so I'll just stick to movements which don't put much strain on the AC joints.
I thought I'd do some front squats and power cleans to get back into the swing of things.
Front Squats: 10 x 70kg, 5 x 90kg, 3 x 5 x 110kg (242lb)
Back Squats: 10, 15 x 110kg (242lb)
Power Cleans: 30 x 60kg, 20 x 80kg (176lb)
Although the power cleans weren't particularly heavy, they were pretty tiring. I haven't done cleans in a while so I expect my traps will be very sore tomorrow. I skipped doing any jerks to avoid unnecessary shoulder strain.