Mon 29/10/12
General Warmup
Lots of dislocates; lots of deep stretch lunges and air squats.
Hang Snatch
Warmups: 10 x 20kg, 5 x 30kg, 3 x 35kg
First reps from floor; subsequent reps from hang to below knee; no straps
3 x 40kg
3 x 42.5kg
3 x 45kg
3 x 47.5kg
3 x 50kg
3 x 52.5kg
3 x 55kg - better than last time
3 x 57.5kg - second rep pretty much a power snatch :/
2 x 60kg - pretty pleased with these two reps; first one from floor was easy; from the hang was harder but still ok; am I actually improving???
1 x 62.5kg - more of a power snatch :/
1 x 62.5kg - better

0 x 65kg - just missed to front
Stopped there as I was obviously at the point where my form was breaking down. I'm taking Glen Pendlay's advice to work on improving my form for as long as possible, instead of trying to lift as heavy as possible with lousy form.
Annoyingly, my 10kg bumpers are breaking down too, so I'll have to retire them to the squat rack and get some new ones.
My goal of a 70kg snatch by the end of the year is now looking possible.
1 x 70kg
1 x 70kg
Just for fun and to slam the bar!
High Pulls
10 x 70kg (154lb)
5 x 100kg (220lb)
5 x 110kg (242lb)
5 x 110kg (242lb)
6 x 120kg (264lb)
5 x 170kg (374lb) - ~2 x bw; touch n go reps; no belt
1 x 180kg (396lb) - belted; 30 second hold at the top plus a few pulses for a bit of a trap burner.
Oly shoes; straps for all reps. Straps definitely helped. I wouldn't normally use them as my hook grip is strong, but my thumbs were a bit beaten up from all the O-lifting so I thought I'd be kind to them.
Got 180kg tonight thanks to the straps and good ol' AC/DC. During the static hold, I definitely felt something going on in my recently injured clavicle so decided that one single was enough for tonight.