Loose Skin?


New Member
I couldn't find anywhere else to post this, so I posted it here. I was a fat kid growing up. I think I was just really fat, not morbidly obese if you understand. Just chunky, but healthy none the less. During my 8th grade year I got into fitness and lost about 70 lbs. within 7-8 months. It seemed as if I had a little bit of extra skin left around my stomach and chest. Is this normal? Will it go away when i fill out? I am 18 now, and in my senior year of high school, and really want to be rid of it. I'm cutting right now, and want to find out if there is a way to control the skin and tighten it up somehow. Is surgery the only option, and if so, does anyone know of websites offering information on skin tightening surgeries?

Thanks guys!
while some may get filled in if you gain lean mass, ultimately it would require surgery to get rid of the excess.
Any plastic surgeon can do this but do your homework, it is surgery, and I don't know about you but using Mr. Cutem N. Runn isn't my idea of a good choice