Madcow 5x5, Time to Go Super Saiyan! *screams for 20 minutes*

****ing mistake not eating much throughout the day. Ate dinner and still had 2k cals left. Down to like 1200 and hating life atm :(.

I guess it's time to break out the peanut butter. Time to puke everywhere

How do you miss eating minimum ~50% of your days food? That seems extremely difficult to manage.
Holy DOMS batman. Especially feel it in my hamstrings. Have some core DOMS too - haven't felt that in forever. Lower back is a bit sore; probably from the Pendlay Rows. Even have some DOMS in the ankle I severely sprained about 6 months ago.

My left pec doesn't have any DOMs, but my right pec does. Really weird.

How do you miss eating minimum ~50% of your days food? That seems extremely difficult to manage.

No money + hyper busy all day.
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Don't be too high&mighty to just jam the calories in, even if it involves junk food and the like. Peanut butter, as you noted, is also v.good at making up for any losses.
Yeah, I know. All I care about is calories and protein macro. Everything else can eat a dick. I take a multivitamin and fish oil.
Still got some major hamstring DOMS so I might skip today and go to the gym tomorrow. We'll see how I feel in the afternoon.
Squat (light): 85lb x 5, 105lb x 5, 130lb x 5, 130 x 5

Military Press: 65lb x 5, 75lb x 5, 90lb x 5, 100lb x 5

Sumo Deadlift: 140lb x 5, 170lb x 5, 195lb x 5, 225lb x 5

Controlled Leg Raises: 3x10


Everything went fine. With Sumo DL, had my shins against the bar from the start, turned feet way out, and went down into the hole. Felt better. Still want to continue to work on form though.
Squat: 85lb x 5, 105lb x 5, 130lb x 5, 150lb x 5, 175lb x 3, 130 x 9

Bench: 75lb x 5, 95lb x 5, 115lb x 5, 130lb x 5, 155lb x 3, 115 x 8

Pendlay Row: 75lb x 5, 90lb x 5, 110lb x 5, 125lb x 5, 150lb x 3, 110 x 8

EZ-Bar Curls: bar + 40lb x 10, bar + 40lb x 10, bar + 40lb x 10


Today's session went well. Still trying to carve out my best hand position on bench press. I think I can go wider without flaring my elbows and putting excess strain on my rotator cuffs.

I ****ing hate Pendlay Rows, and I regret using them - they're just so awkward. I might just switch to regular bent-over rows as the movement is almost the same. But I'll give the Pendlay Rows another chance for now. Think I might switch to pullups again once I deload and then throw in a rear-delt row for prehab purposes.
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It sounds like the weight for pendlay rows is too high. Essentially, all they are, is a BB Row done w/your back parallel to the floor which is actually the 'correct' position in terms of biomechanics.
It's not high as much as it's just awkward to get into the position. It's not that the back being parallel to the floor is the problem, but getting it so that I have to drop the weight to the floor like a deadlift which means bending the knees and then making it so that the bar doesn't travel into my knees during the movement.
I really think you should lower the weight until the movement becomes one you're more comfortable with. There's no shame in taking 5-10kg's off the bar.
It's the same at any weight, man. In fact, anything below 135lb makes it even harder because the bar has to come lower to the floor and hence I have to bend my knees more. If I just utilized the movement without having to rest the bar on the floor every rep, I wouldn't have an issue - same torso angle and everything.
To be brutally honest, it's hard to understand why the technique is problematic. Lack of flexibility in the hips and knees? It's an extremely natural lifting technique and as I said, the only way to actually do a legitimate 'BB Row' (anything else just isn't a 'Row', frankly). - maybe that helps (or any other of the YouTube hits) ... ?

Again, all I can think of is that you aren't flexible enough in your joints, or maybe there's a quad/hamstring-glutes imbalance that makes the position feel difficult for you.
What you guys do a BB row with back parallel to floor, do you let the plates hit the ground every rep? I've been just letting it hang on my arms to keep tension.
YouTube search for 'Pendlay Row' if you'd like a visual to work off of but yeh, you put the weight on the floor for a second (figurative, not necessarily strictly literal). It's a terrific exercise :)
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Yes, like Alex said, let it rest on the ground between reps. Like he said, for a second. The key is to not be bouncing it off the floor. It's a great exercise. Those and deads are great for building strong erectors, which in my opinion are lacking in people who stick to things like seated rows, chest supported rows, etc. Too many people don't hit the erectors enough. They are important.
Damn I've been cheating the whole time then. My weights dont touch the ground but my back is pretty parallel. Having it in the ground for a second is so much harder. I'll think of a way to incorporate the pendlays later on. Doing deads or squats on the same day is alot for my lower back already.
Damn I've been cheating the whole time then. My weights dont touch the ground but my back is pretty parallel. Having it in the ground for a second is so much harder. I'll think of a way to incorporate the pendlays later on. Doing deads or squats on the same day is alot for my lower back already.

If you just let it hang, you're just doing a regular barbell row - you're not doing the exercise wrong unless you're shooting for Pendlay rows.
Squat: 90lb x 5, 110lb x 5, 130lb x 5, 155lb x 5, 175lb x 5

Bench Press: 80lb x 5, 95lb x 5, 115lb x 5, 135lb x 5, 155lb x 5

Pendlay Row: 75lb X 5, 95lb x 5, 115lb x 5, 130lb x 5, 150lb x 5

E-Z Bar Curls: bar + 45lb x 5, bar + 45lb x 5, bar + 45lb x 5

Controlled Leg Raises: 3x10


Squat felt kinda slow for some reason, though I'm only 10lb-15lb from my 5 rep max. We'll have to see how it all figures in. Looking to at least get 190lb x 5 (hit 190lb x 4 last PR), if not 195lb x 5 as the next PR. Hope I can do it.

Bench, I noticed my grip was very narrow before. Started with a wider grip and it felt slightly easier - still getting used to that though. 155lb x 5 felt hard but not TOO hard.

Pendlay Row...still working on form. Noticed I had to cheat a bit on the last rep, but I was kinda fatigued at this point because I had to keep lugging the ****ing bar up and down because the squat rack was taken so there was no easy way to take plates on and off and the bar needs to be ****ing greased or some **** because the weights stick on like a mofo.

Curls and leg lifts were self-explanatory.