Making stregth gains after HST cycle....


New Member
Well, since I finished my HST cycle, there has not ben a good time for an SD, so I needed something to fill in for a about month.
I couldn't see how a 5x5 could fit into a 3x Wk routine, so I needed something else.
What I decided to try was a M,W,F, still doing full body workouts as in HST, but doing my 15's Mon, 10's Wed, 5's Fri. Each day I am doing my max weights for each rep range for each exercise (like in the end of the 15, 10 & 5's). I'm doing 2 sets of each.
Now, I don't see any size coming (didn't expect any) but I thought this was a good way to increase strength which it did.

Nearly all my max's that I finished with have gone up (5-30lbs depending) & continue to go up each week.

My max bench was 345x1, now is 345x2 (almost 3).
In bench I'm up to 225x15 (from 205), 275x10 (from 250) and 325x5 (from 310). Back exercises are up 20lbs, leg presses up 30lbs. This of course will give me new sets of numbers for my next cycle. Another benefit is any achy joints (from the 5's) have gone away since I'm only going "heavy" one day a week vs three a week.

Just thought I'd share my "fill in" routine. It seems to be a good for post 5's to maintain or increase strength levels while waiting to start the next cycle.

Just another Omega .02 moment
sorry , but
5x5 fits into the 3x week rotine ( 5x5 from glenn pendlay -> not these punk varriations out there )

3 times a week rotine ? want strength ? full body workouts ? hmmmm.....

3- 6 weeks , 3 times a week

3- 6 basic compound movments
clustering ( 15- 25 sets for 1 rep with 3rm / 90% per exercise)

than 1-3 prehab exercises sets x reps -> your choice (rotary cuff , curls , situps )

after 3-6 weeks
sd or 2 weeks 3x a week speed work westside pendulum style

do not max out or psyche out just get your volumen in and increase the weight slowly .......
(M@x @ Jun. 15 2006,11:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">5x5 fits into the 3x week rotine ( 5x5 from glenn pendlay -&gt; not these punk varriations out there )</div>
Thx M@x,
I'll look up Glenn Pendlay 5x5 &amp; give it a look

Do i need to do a Constructive Deconditioning period at the end of my cycle if my goal is strength (and not only hypertrophy) ?
Do i need to do a Constructive Deconditioning period at the end of my cycle if my goal is strength (and not only hypertrophy) ?
Do i need to do a Constructive Deconditioning period at the end of my cycle if my goal is strength (and not only hypertrophy) ?
(Aaron_F @ Jun. 19 2006,04:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">No, No and No</div>
(Omega_man @ Jun. 10 2006,00:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well, since I finished my HST cycle, there has not ben a good time for an SD, so I needed something to fill in for a about month.
I couldn't see how a 5x5 could fit into a 3x Wk routine, so I needed something else.
What I decided to try was a M,W,F, still doing full body workouts as in HST, but doing my 15's Mon, 10's Wed, 5's Fri. Each day I am doing my max weights for each rep range for each exercise (like in the end of the 15, 10 &amp; 5's). I'm doing 2 sets of each.
Now, I don't see any size coming (didn't expect any) but I thought this was a good way to increase strength which it did.

Nearly all my max's that I finished with have gone up (5-30lbs depending) &amp; continue to go up each week.

My max bench was 345x1, now is 345x2 (almost 3).
In bench I'm up to 225x15 (from 205), 275x10 (from 250) and 325x5 (from 310). Back exercises are up 20lbs, leg presses up 30lbs. This of course will give me new sets of numbers for my next cycle. Another benefit is any achy joints (from the 5's) have gone away since I'm only going &quot;heavy&quot; one day a week vs three a week.

Just thought I'd share my &quot;fill in&quot; routine. It seems to be a good for post 5's to maintain or increase strength levels while waiting to start the next cycle.

Just another Omega .02 moment
I think that's awesome. The fact that you got creative, and your body responded well. Not sure if you found some &quot;magic bullet&quot; technique, or maybe a one-time thing that gave you a great boost in strength...

No reason for anybody not to give it a try for a few weeks after an HST cycle, assuming you don't mind experimenting. Good for you!
Yep, have to agree that there are fewer better rewards than when you plan on something that might work, do it, then it actually works.
Especially in bodybuilding where frustrations are not very rare due to so many factors you have to consider. So unless you are on a strict schedule because you absolutely must join a competition, then you should try out new stuff as long as you are following HST principles.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What I decided to try was a M,W,F, still doing full body workouts as in HST, but doing my 15's Mon, 10's Wed, 5's Fri. Each day I am doing my max weights for each rep range for each exercise (like in the end of the 15, 10 &amp; 5's). I'm doing 2 sets of each.</div>

O...I have thought of using this before exactly as you mention...the last thing I tried to lengthen the cycle was 5 x 5's but my joints did not like it very much, my head did though as I got a few PR's

Good that you metion this just so one can keep it &quot;tucked behind one ear&quot; as some lectures would put it.

Appreciate that you share this with us!