Massive weight gain?


New Member
Greetings Folks,

I am trying to figure out what heck is happening.
I haven't changed my diet in anyway.
I haven't changed my routine either.

But I gained 20lbs in just over 2 weeks.
In looking in the mirror it looks like my bf went up.

At first I thought water retention?

Someone told me it could be my body preparing for winter.
Either you're eating more and don't realize it, retaining water (not 20 lbs worhth) or something hormonal is going on.
The only thing I changed in my diet was eating an apple in between breakfast and lunch and an orange in between lunch and dinner as a small snack along with my protein shake I was already consuming. But I started doing that months ago

Now, that brings up this question could the sugar (extra carbs) of the fruit be a cause?...hmm...

Hormonal, like what?
Really doubt whether fructose (a natural sugar) could cause such side effects for all I know it will help regulate weight gain, but 20 lbs in 2 weeks?

That is worth having checked by a medical pratitioner! That is like 10 pounds p/week, not a normal weight gain situation (normal is like 10 x less and that is on the high side).

Feeling normal otherwise? Are you checking weight gain regularly? Or are you assuming this was in the last two weeks? Somthing does not gel
I weigh myself every day....

And I noticed that it was slowly getting higher....

Short schedule:
On Aug 16th, 2007 I weighed myself because I wanted to see how close I was going to get to my goal (between 200-210 15% bf by Aug24 (my birthday) ) and I was 213
my 'normal' weight is around 210 sometimes a little less some times a little more.

As time went by I noticed that it was getting higher...
On Aug 24th I was 220!

Again as time progressed a little more. This morning I am 230lbs.

As I mentioned I thought it was water retention but I knew it could not be. Nor muscle (I wish
). Fat? even that I find hard to believe...

The only other explanation I have (though unlikely) is that I started doing squats and deadlifts again. Not very heavy mind you because doctor told me to keep it light for a few months still.
i doubt verymuch that you were able to consume roughly 70.000 calories over maintenance in two weeks....somethings off.
Yes I know...which is what I am trying to figure out....

Someone told maybe the scale is faulty (will check)

@ fausto, sorry dude forgot to answer some question I feel fine otherwise just a little discouraged about this weight gain.
Creatine: no, would creatine make you gain like that?

Antidepressants: no, though I might start because of this.

just kidding...:D
(drpierredebs @ Sep. 04 2007,12:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">are you constipated?</div>

no, but I do have colitis...which can cause constipation.

come to think of it, it has been about 4 days...hmmm...
Are you human? Do you remember eating any lead?

OK, more seriously, if you don't feel that anything abnormal is going on internally (ie. you feel fine, you aren't constipated etc.) get your scales checked (get another member of the family to check their weight using them). If they are working fine then what about any clothing you have on when you weigh yourself? It's surprising how much a pair of jeans, a jacket and some trainers can weigh.

Once you have ruled out all the obvious stuff and you are still sure that you are correct in your calculation of a 20lb gain in 2 weeks, then I would see your doc and get a check up. It can't hurt. Not meaning to scare you but I have read of some folks developing very large tumours internally. I highly doubt that this is the case, and it's even more unlikely over such a short time but it would be good to get the all clear from your doc.

Let us know what it turns out to be. Hopefully some of it will be good, wholesome, lean muscle tissue.  

Edited to add:

Aha! You answered one of my questions while I was typing my reply. Oh, and I see the doc asked it too.
I weigh myself under the same circumstances...
first thing in the morning in my boxers only after nature calls.

Will check the scales...
Appt with doctor is made

If I am constipated man 20lbs of it?
im with the others on this one. some unexpected gain in wgt can come from any number of &quot;fringe changes&quot;.........eating a little more then usual/or you thought, some water retention/constipation, less activity then normal, richer foods (more cals, sugar, carbs etc) then normal etc etc.

i would guess this could account for between 5-10lb of unlooked for gain. 20lbs is a bit much and as everyone knows you just cant put much muscle on in 2 weeks so that leaves......fat, water and whatever else (back to the constipation).

im seriously guessing a scale malfunction. bring your scale with you too a neighbors and compare or the gym or even local store. get a good sampleing. if you weigh yourself every day then you def. need something you can trust.

i weigh myself before each w/o (at the gym, sliding scale type) and about twice a yr i get an unexpected gain/loss of about 2-5 lbs. it always used to throw me for a loop until i realized the would re-calibrate it 2x a yr b/c of all the traffic on/off that skewed it over time.

like others said, if the scale is correct, get to a doctor and find out what the deal is........20lbs in 14days is trouble.

good luck
Oh yeah, I forgot about the possibility of a broken scale. That has my vote!
Most likely

You are full of shi-t meaning constipated..5 pounds

Scales are off...another 5 pounds.

Water retention could be 7 pounds...and well....

I don't know I tried!

Constipation is a real problem and will add to the weight you're carrying. Besides keepinmg your system &quot;poisoned&quot; with toxins.

How's your diet? Are you eating enough vegetables (bulky/starchy ones)? What about oats or other roughage.

A guideline of a healthy human says you should one bowel movement per meal, but lets say that at least twice a day even once a day would be better than 4 days on...

Joe's onto something, add up, problem scale+constipation+water retention+normal HST weight gain = could be the reason for this amazing gain!