Massive weight gain?

I have Crohn's disease and usually average around 3x a day to the toilet. But it pisses me off that I lose weight so quickly and also gain weight really slowly with this disease.
(Fausto @ Sep. 05 2007,02:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">AKUFADUM

Constipation is a real problem and will add to the weight you're carrying. Besides keepinmg your system &quot;poisoned&quot; with toxins.

How's your diet? Are you eating enough vegetables (bulky/starchy ones)? What about oats or other roughage.

A guideline of a healthy human says you should one bowel movement per meal, but lets say that at least twice a day even once a day would be better than 4 days on...

Joe's onto something, add up, problem scale+constipation+water retention+normal HST weight gain = could be the reason for this amazing gain!
I eat All-bran buds, organic oatmeal or some other rich in fibre thing every day for breakfast.

Mid morning: Protein shake and piece of fruit and sometimes an all-bran bar

Lunch is usually some type of salad with either a protein shake or chicken breast

Mid afternoon: Protein shake and piece of fruit and sometimes an all-bran bar

Dinner is usually some type of veggie mix (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, beans etc the only one I hate is celery), rice (rarely) with a steak, fish or chicken breast (though the meat I try to limit)

I also take a good multi vitamin, CLA, Vitamin C, Calcium and EFAs as other supplements.

Like I mentioned I do have colitis which is an irritating disease and sometimes may cause constipation.

WARNING: Disgusting description following:
Nature called last night and it was quite the event....

anyway this morning weight was at 223, 7lbs!
but still a 13lb gain.

seeing Doctor on next Weds....

Darn...Faz beat me to it
Indeed a 7Lb crap, quite the ordeal you

Anyway on a more serious caarying wayy too much toxins to stay healthy for long, gotta choose some food that will allow to &quot;dump&quot;at leat once p/day.

No puns intended,here are somelinks for youto investigate, I think they're are worth it, but opinions do vary, observe without bias, after all it is just an opinion:

Colitis non-specific

Inflamatory colitis

and for vdk_au: Crohn's disease

Hope it me McDougal is a serious Dr. who at least understands nutrition.