Meal Replacements


New Member
I need a good meal replacement, So far I have tried the Mesotech, and Myoplex. The Myoplex tastes good but is loaded with aspertame. The Mesotech made me fat so it is out. I would like to try the ProLAb lean Mass matrix , has anyone else tried it?
I use Met-Rx meal replacements post workout (with a bottle of lucozade). Theyre the best tasting MRPs Ive come across so far...
ive tried Muscle Techs mesotech and EASs myoplex. opposite effect. with mesotech i made some nice gains with apparently no fat and with myoplex i just got fat. anyways, i was on creatine when i was taking mesotech so it may have influenced. Metrx tastes great but when i was taking it i was also taking myoplex mass so i cant really tell you if it works. if you ask me though i would say just buy some whey and egg or casein and add oatmeal for carbs and almonds for fat. i feel this works better for me and i save alot of money. laters.
That exactly what I do -- get a good protein powder and add dextrose, fatfree milk, fruit, PB, even your fish oil in any combination you like (PB and banana in a vanilla whey powder and milk is great.)

The thing I don't like about meal replacements is that you are stuck with what they give you -- add your own stuff and you can customize. I use HSN Primer and Driver for pre and post workout, but for a meal replacement I use vanilla whey and add what I want.


It's fat burning time
i buy EAS simply whey 5lb tub (which is about the cheapest you can get here in the UK.) Chocolate tastes very good.

I mix this with maltodextrin (garnell 'complex carbs' (except why they choose to call them 'complex' i have no idea!))

This is definately the cheapest combination in the UK.

I mix 20g whey:15g carbs for pre workout
and 20g whey:70g carbs post workout

but the beauty is that i can alter this any time i like.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (elle11 @ April 12 2003,9:25)]That exactly what I do -- get a good protein powder and add dextrose, fatfree milk, fruit, PB, even your fish oil in any combination you like (PB and banana in a vanilla whey powder and milk is great.)
fish oil in a protein shake? i am gagging just thinking about that. i rather take the fish oil first and then kill the taste with my MRP. but yeah, id rather just mix up my own concoction than pay $$ for some EAS crap.
I use Primer with water - mixing it with anything else detracts from the purpose of a quick blast of amino acids into the bloodstream. Driver soon follows after the workout but if there is a solid meal waiting e.g. roast beef, I'd skip the driver and tuck in.

MRPs are purely for convenience and real food beats MRPs anytime in terms of cost, nutrition and taste. When I do get lazy or pressed for time, I might grab one of those high-protein, carb/fat-free tetra-packed protein drinks. If I feel like a thick shake at home, I would have whole milk, ice-cream and malt and cocoa powder plus honey and extra thick cream :) There's no better way to get an extra 2,000 calories for real muscle-building :D

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)