Metabolic Stress & Negs


New Member
Is there a limit to the amount of metabolic stress you can induce? During the 5s I did loaded stretches and pulsing. Would there be any added benefit to throwing in drop sets during the negatives?

Which exercises can I do negatives with if I don't have a partner?
Here is my current routine:
Squat - 2 sets
Deadlift - 1 set
Leg Curl - 2 Sets, Pulsing
Leg Extension - Pulsing
Calf raise 2 sets, LS + Pulsing
Bench - 1 set
Bent over rows/Lat pull down - 2 sets
Upright Row - 2 sets, LS
Lateral Raises - Pulsing
Incline Bicep Curl - 1 set, LS
Tricep Extension - 1 set, LS
Cable bicep curl - Pulsing
Tricep Pushdown - Pulsing

I know you can only do negatives w/o a partner with unilateral exercises. Incline bicep curl is the only unilateral in my workout, and I realized it would be difficult to support my other side (the bench and my body is in the way). Should I add in or replace current exercises so I can do negs?

Also, which of the above exercises can I do drop sets with?
A quick point to start with - loaded stretches are not designed to increase metaboloc stress but rather to create additional strain, hence they should be done before pulses and drop sets etc.

Personally I just do a set of pulses with an isolation exercise after all my other sets for a bodypart. If you're doing them right (and it's taken me some time to get the right feel) that should create a pretty harsh burn and make you not fancy doing any additional metabolix stress exercises!

You could however do a light set of 15s for your compound movements to (I would do this after all your work sets for that bodypart as opposed to after each set or exercfise).

I don't do negs for any exercises apart from dips. I just try to increase the weight and do lower reps and clusters...I also do partials for pulling movements.

You can do drop sets with any exercise but a true drop set doesn't involve any rest in between weights so can only really be done on machines. Doesn't take long to pick up another set of dumbbells mind - changing weights on a barbell is a bit trickier.

Hope that helps

So I can just continue with my 5 RM, while adding more weight if possible?

What benefit is there to doing a light 15 rep set?
I don't see many exercises in your program where negatives are feasible, at least without a spotter, aside from curls, dips (as robefc said, although I've never done negatives for dips), and possibly chin-ups. You said you do lat pull downs; you could do chins instead and do negatives by jumping up then slowly lowering yourself. Or, you could do heavy partials for chins. Also, you can always cheat on the concentric portion then lower the weight slowly so that you can negotiate higher loads. Just don't hurt yourself when cheating.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Curt @ July 22 2005,12:58)]What benefit is there to doing a light 15 rep set?

For one thing, it should help out your joints. Also, it will provide some metabolic stress.