mickc1965 training log

Tuesday 04 October 2016


2549 kcals

Nett Carbs - 23 (50 less fibre)
Fibre - 27
Protein - 163
Fat - 184

MFP inaccuracy (macros v calories) is -41 kcals

Fitbit snapshot

5224 steps / 2.37 miles / 2275 kcals burned
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Wednesday 05 October 2016

6:30am - HRV Elite info (based on 2.5 minute test) - Morning Readiness level was 8 (Parasympathetic) with a score of 61, average heart rate was 57 (range 50-69)

6:40am - Abs

Alternating Heel Touches x 15 (30 in total)
Alternating Leg Raises x 15 (30 in total)
Crunches x 30
Alternating Knee Crunch x 15 (30 in total)
Leg Pull Ins x 30
Crunches Knees Raised x 30

Body weight after abs training and emptying bladder - 160.2lbs / 72.67kgs
Wednesday 05 October 2016

Body weight (in gym wear (naked +1.2lbs)) - 163.6lbs / 74.21kgs


Myo Reps Week 2 - Upper Body Routine B, 1 x Push 1 x Pull - starting @ ~70% of 10 rep max with 1 x activation set followed by 5 mini sets with 10-15 seconds rest, increase to 75% in week 2, 80% in week 3 etc

Overhead Press (75.44%) - 53.75kgs x 15+4+4+4+3+3

Neutral Grip Chins (76.92% - BW plus belt plus ??kgs) - 87.5kgs x 20+5+5+4+4+4

Shrugs (front) - 125kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5

Skullcrushers - 27.5kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5

EZ curls - 17.5kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5
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Wednesday 05 October 2016


2371 kcals

Nett Carbs - 22 (52 less fibre)
Fibre - 30
Protein - 150
Fat - 169

MFP inaccuracy (macros v calories) is -42 kcals

Fitbit snapshot

5620 steps / 2.55 miles / 2346 kcals burned
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Thursday 06 October 2016

6:20am - HRV Elite info (based on 2.5 minute test) - Morning Readiness level was 10 with a score of 58, average heart rate was 61 (range 53-73)

6:35am - Abs

Alternating Heel Touches x 5, 5, 5, 5 (40 in total)
Alternating Leg Raises x 5, 5, 5, 5 (40 in total)
Crunches x 10, 10, 10, 10
Alternating Knee Crunch x 5, 5, 5, 5 (40 in total)
Leg Pull Ins x 10, 10, 10, 10
Crunches Knees Raised x 10, 10, 10, 10

Body weight after abs training and emptying bladder - 160.0lbs / 72.57kgs
Thursday 06 October 2016


Rear Squats - 3 sets (AMRAP) at the stated % of current 10 rep max (105kgs)

80kgs (76.19%) x 17, 13, 16

Calf raise - target is 100 reps adding 5kgs to the bar once 4th set is 15 reps or less

140kgs x 30, 28, 24, 18
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Thursday 06 October 2016


2419 kcals

Nett Carbs - 28 (53 less fibre)
Fibre - 25
Protein - 155
Fat - 172

MFP inaccuracy (macros v calories) is -39 kcals

Steps (Fitbit) - 5108
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Friday 07 October 2016

6:30am - HRV Elite info (based on 2.5 minute test) - Morning Readiness level was 9 (Parasympathetic) with a score of 59, average heart rate was 62 (range 54-75)

6:40am - Abs

Alternating Heel Touches x 5, 5, 5, 5 (40 in total)
Alternating Leg Raises x 5, 5, 5, 5 (40 in total)
Crunches x 10, 10, 10, 10
Alternating Knee Crunch x 5, 5, 5, 5 (40 in total)
Leg Pull Ins x 10, 10, 10, 10
Crunches Knees Raised x 10, 10, 10, 10

Body weight after abs training and emptying bladder - 159.6lbs / 72.39kgs
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Friday 07 October 2016

Weekly weigh in

Average Weight - 160.0bls / 72.57kgs - down 0.6lbs / 0.28kg

Average Weight is calculated over the last 7 days

Average nett (after cardio) daily calorie intake - 2407 = last weeks body weight x 14.99 / Gross (before cardio) - 2452 (x 15.27)

Cardio - for consistency anything over 35,000 steps in a week will be logged as cardio, for every 1000 steps over that figure 50 kcals will be deducted as cardio, should I do any running or cycling this will be logged separately - this week was 6287 steps over

Average daily macros (c/p/f are from food only)

nett carbs @ 3.7% (23g)
fibre @ 4.5% (27g)
protein @ 28% (171g)
fats @ 63.9% (174g)
alcohol @ 0%
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Thinking of deadlifting 3 x per week following a squat session (rotating between rear, front and barbell hack squats), the squat sessions will remain as I am doing them which is 3 sets (may reduce to 2 sets) adding 5% to the bar each workout until I cannot attain 10 reps in the first set then drop the load to 70 or 75% of 10 rm then start again, how should I set up the deadlifts after each squat session to not overly impact on my CNS?
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Friday 07 October 2016

Body weight (in gym wear (naked +1.2lbs)) - 164.8lbs / 74.75kgs

7:45pm - Cycle 18 (Myo Reps) Week 2 - Routine C starting @ ~70% of 10 rep max with 1 x activation set followed by 5 mini sets with 10-15 seconds rest, increase to 75% in week 2, 80% in week 3 etc

Dips (75.23% - BW plus belt plus 27kgs) - 102.5kgs x 22+5+5+4+4+4

Skullcrushers - 27.5kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5

Calf raise - target is 100 reps adding 5kgs to the bar once 4th set is 15 reps or less

140kgs x 33, 29, 24, 14
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Friday 07 October 2016

MyFitnessPal -
2522 kcals

Nett Carbs - 24 (56 less fibre)
Fibre - 32
Protein - 182
Fat - 169

MFP inaccuracy (macros v calories) is -49 kcals

Steps (Fitbit) - 5097
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Saturday 08 October 2016

6:20am - HRV Elite info (based on 2.5 minute test) - Morning Readiness level was 7 (Parasympathetic) with a score of 62, average heart rate was 60 (range 53-76)

Body weight (in gym wear (naked +1.2lbs)) - 162.0lbs / 73.48kgs

6:50am - Cycle 18 (Myo Reps) Week 2 - Routine C starting @ ~70% of 10 rep max with 1 x activation set followed by 5 mini sets with 10-15 seconds rest, increase to 75% in week 2, 80% in & week 3 etc

Wide Grip Pullups (~75% - BW only) - 75kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5

EZ curls - 17.5kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5

Alternating Heel Touches x 20, 20
Alternating Leg Raises x 20, 20
Crunches x 20, 20
Alternating Knee Crunch x 20, 20
Leg Pull Ins x 20, 20
Crunches Knees Raised x 20, 20

Body weight after training and emptying bladder - 160.2lbs / 72.67kgs
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Saturday 08 October 2016


Front Squat - 2 sets (reduced to two sets from three as intend to do both hack squats and deadlifts tomorrow) at the stated % of current 10 rep max (72.5kgs)

55kgs (75.86%) x 15, 15

Shrugs (rear) AMRAP - 145kgs x 30
Shrugs (front) - AMRAP 125kgs x 28
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Saturday 08 October 2016

MyFitnessPal - 2555 kcals

Nett Carbs - 38 (69 less fibre)
Fibre - 31
Protein - 174
Fat - 170

MFP inaccuracy (macros v calories) is -53 kcals

Steps (Fitbit) - 5478
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Sunday 09 October 2016

7:00am - HRV Elite info (based on 2.5 minute test) - Morning Readiness level was 5 (Sympathetic) with a score of 54, average heart rate was 63 (range 57-80)


Calf Raise - Cycle 18 Week 2 - intention is to use loads where 25 reps can be achieved for first set followed by 5 Myo Rep sets of 5 reps, once this feels comfortable then increase load on bar

140kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5

Abs / Obliques

Alternating Heel Touches x 20, 20
Alternating Leg Raises x 20, 20
Crunches x 20, 20
Alternating Knee Crunch x 20, 20
Leg Pull Ins x 20, 20
Crunches Knees Raised x 20, 20

Body weight after training and emptying bladder - 160.6lbs / 72.85kgs
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Sunday 09 October 2016


Barbell Hack Squat - 2 sets at the stated % of current 10 rep max (115kgs) increasing load by 5% every workout, initially AMRAP up to 20 reps once 20 reps is all out / not achieved will drop 1st to 15 reps and repeat

87.5kgs (76.09%) x 15, 15

Deadlift - 1 set (AMRAP) at the stated % of current 10 rep max (152.5kgs)

115kgs (75.41%) x 15
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Sunday 09 October 2016

MyFitnessPal - 2763 kcals

Nett Carbs - 26 (41 less fibre)
Fibre - 15
Protein - 198
Fat - 196

MFP inaccuracy (macros v calories) is -43 kcals

Steps (Fitbit) - 8068
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Monday 10 October 2016

6:20am - HRV Elite info (based on 2.5 minute test) - Morning Readiness level was 9 (Parasympathetic) with a score of 60, average heart rate was 60 (range 54-76)

Body weight (in gym wear (naked +1.2lbs)) - 162.0lbs / 73.48kgs

6:30am - Cycle 18 Week 3 - Routine A (Back / Biceps / Abs)

Supinated Grip Chins - starting @ ~70% of 10 rep max (112.5kgs) with 1 x activation set followed by 5 mini sets with 10-15 seconds rest, increase to 75% in week 2, 80% in week 3 etc etc

90kgs (80.00% - BW plus belt plus 16kgs) x 20+4+4+4+4+4

EZ curls - starting @ 15kgs with 1 x activation set followed by 5 mini sets with 10-15 seconds rest, increase by 2.5kgs each week

20kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5

Abs / Obliques

Alternating Heel Touches x 20, 20
Alternating Leg Raises x 20, 20
Crunches x 20, 20
Alternating Knee Crunch x 20, 20
Leg Pull Ins x 20, 20
Crunches Knees Raised x 20, 20

Body weight on waking and emptying bladder - 159.8lbs / 72.48kgs
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Monday 10 October 2016

7:15pm - Cycle 18 Week 3 - Routine A (Chest / Triceps / Calves)

Flat Bench - starting @ ~70% of 10 rep max (currently only 77.5kgs) with 1 x activation set followed by 5 mini sets with 10-15 seconds rest, increase to 75% in week 2, 80% in week 3 etc etc

62.5kgs (80.65%) x 20+4+4+3+3+3

Skullcrushers - starting @ 25kgs with 1 x activation set followed by 5 mini sets with 10-15 seconds rest, increase by 2.5kgs each week

30kgs x 20+4+4+4+4+4

Calf raise - starting @ 140kgs with 1 x activation set of 25 reps followed by 5 mini sets of 5 reps with 10-15 seconds rest adding 5kgs to the bar once this feels comfortable

140kgs x 25+5+5+5+5+5
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