Thursday 13 September 2018
Average Weight - 164.4lbs / 74.571kgs - down 1.6lbs / 0.726kgs
Average Weight was calculated over the last 7 days - 164.0 / 163.2 / 166.2 / 165.6 / 164.2 / 163.6 / 163.8 = 163.34
Average daily calorie intake based on last weeks body weight (166.0 lbs)
Nett (after cardio) 2,155 (x12.98)
Gross (before cardio) 2,638 (x15.89)
Nett target was 2,138 kcals (body weight x13)
Cardio - for consistency anything over 35,000 steps in a week will be logged as cardio, for every step over that figure 0.05 kcals will be deducted as cardio (this is assuming 2000 steps = 1 mile of walking and 100 kcals burned), should I do any running or cycling this will be logged separately - this week was 67,656 steps over
Average daily macros (c/p/f are from food only)
carbs @ 30.36% (200.21g)
protein @ 33.63% (221.74g)
fats @ 25.61% (75.06g)
alcohol @ 10.40%
Goal for upcoming week - I am supposed to be in a weight gain phase but with everything that has happened over the last 6 weeks or so I gained a lot more than planned, so for the next few weeks will stick with a weight loss plan as off on a lads holiday on 2nd October and I need them abs on show, on the Thursday after I return from holiday I had planned to be at 164.5lbs so the plan will be to get back down to that weight and then restart the very slow bulk (0.25lb per week) until spring next year