mickc1965 training log

Friday 23 October 2015 – session 1 @ 6:10am

DELOAD WEEK - 15 reps in 2 sets @ ~50% of projected 1rm (chins ~56%)

Overhead Press (61.25kgs x 15 / 67.5kgs x 10 / 72.5kgs x 5) - 42.5kgs x 8, 7

Neutral Grip Chins (97.5kgs x 15 / 108.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) - 80.75kgs (bw) x 8, 7

Dips (112.5kgs x 15 / 127.5kgs x 10 / 133.75kgs x 5) - 80.75kgs (bw) x 8, 7

Pendlay Rows (92.5kgs x 15 / 102.5kgs x 10 / 115kgs x 5) - 67.5kgs x 8, 7
Weekly weigh in - Friday 23 October 2015

177.7bs / 80.60kgs - up 0.5lb / 0.22kg

Average nett daily calorie intake - 3013 = last weeks body weight x 17.00
Average gross (before cardio) daily calorie intake - 3013 = last weeks body weight x 17.00

average daily macros (c/p/f are from food only)

carbs @ 36.3% (274g)
protein @ 42.2% (318g)
fats @ 21.5% (72g)
alcohol @ 0%
Friday 23 October 2015 – session 2 @ 6:00pm

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 5 singles starting at ~80% of daily max for 1st set increasing up to daily max on 5th set (140kgs) with daily minimum set at ~95%, will do dropback set if 5th set feels good

Rear Squats (97.5kgs x 15 / 110kgs x 10 / 123.75kgs x 5 / 147.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - Air squats x 10, 40kgs x 8, 60kgs x 5, 80kgs x 3, 100kgs x 2
Work sets - 110kgs x 1, 117.5kgs x 1, 125kgs x 1, 132.5kgs x 1 (daily min), 140kgs x 1
Dropback set – 125kgs x 3

DELOAD WEEK - 3 sets of 12 reps (50% of normal reps)

Calf Raise (bar in hand) - 140kgs x 12, 12, 12
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Moving on to Cycle 12 that starts on Monday 26 October my routine will look like the following up until Xmas

HST exercises are OH Press, Neutral grip Chins, Dips and Pendlay Rows and will be done daily with 1 set per exercise and the set up will be as follows

15s - Week 1 – Monday @ ~75% of 15rm / Tuesday @ ~80% of 15rm / Wednesday @ ~85% of 15rm / Thursday @ ~87.5% of 15rm / Friday @ ~90% of 15rm / Saturday and Sunday will be Active Recovery sessions

15s - Week 2 - Monday @ ~92.5% of 15rm / Tuesday @ ~95% of 15rm / Wednesday @ ~97.5% of 15rm / Thursday @ 100%+ of 15rm / Friday @ 100%+ of 15rm / Saturday and Sunday will be either to push 15rm on or Active Recovery sessions, this will be dependent on how each exercise feels.

Both the 10s and 5s will follow the same pattern as above

Non HST exercises are Squats, Deadlifts, Calf Raise and Shrugs and the set up for these are as follows

Squats - set up will be 5 singles, my daily max will start @ 140kgs (95% of my current 1rm that is 147.5kgs) with a daily minimum set at 132.5kgs (~90% of 1rm) – 1st single @ 110kgs, 2nd @ 117.5kgs, 3rd @ 125kgs, 4th @ 132.5kgs (daily min) and 5th @ 140kgs – will increase loads based on how things progress but the intended programming will be as follows

Sunday – will work up to daily max and assuming everything feels good will do my current 1rm (that was very slow) and once this feels comfortable I will increase the load by 2.5kgs the following Sunday – once this load increases then all the loads on all sets will go up by the same.
Monday - will work up to daily minimum as deadlifts are to follow this
Tuesday - will work up to daily max (will do back off set @ ~85% of 1rm if everything feels good)
Wednesday - will work up to daily max
Thursday - will work up to daily minimum as deadlifts are to follow this
Friday - will work up to daily max (will do back off set @ ~85% of 1rm if everything feels good)
Saturday - will work up to daily minimum

Deadlifts - Mondays and Thursdays starting with 5 doubles (no versa gripps) at 75% of 1rm (currently 207.5kgs but with versa gripps) as need to build my grip strength back as has not been good since breaking my scaphoid in July 2014 – will add 1 rep each workout so at the end of three weeks I should be doing 5 trebles and then increase the load on the bar by 5kgs and repeat. This will be followed by SLDL for an easy 3 sets of 10 reps with 60kgs purely as a stretching exercise.

Calf Raise and Shrugs - will alternate on Tuesdays (Calf), Wednesdays (Shrugs), Fridays (Calf), Saturdays (Shrugs) and Sundays (both 1 set AMRAP) and I will continue with building up to 3 sets of 25 reps and once achieved will increase the load on the bar.
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Saturday 24 October 2015 – session 1 @ 6:00am

DELOAD WEEK - 15 reps in 2 sets @ ~50% of projected 1rm (chins ~56%)

Overhead Press (61.25kgs x 15 / 67.5kgs x 10 / 72.5kgs x 5) - 42.5kgs x 8, 7

Neutral Grip Chins (97.5kgs x 15 / 108.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) - 80.75kgs (bw) x 8, 7

Dips (112.5kgs x 15 / 127.5kgs x 10 / 133.75kgs x 5) - 80.75kgs (bw) x 8, 7

Pendlay Rows (92.5kgs x 15 / 102.5kgs x 10 / 115kgs x 5) - 67.5kgs x 8, 7
Saturday 24 October 2015 – session 2 @ 5:50pm

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 5 singles starting at ~80% of daily max for 1st set increasing up to daily max on 5th set (140kgs) with daily minimum set at ~95% of daily max

Rear Squats (97.5kgs x 15 / 110kgs x 10 / 123.75kgs x 5 / 147.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - Air squats x 10, 40kgs x 8, 60kgs x 5, 80kgs x 3, 100kgs x 2
Work sets - 110kgs x 1, 117.5kgs x 1, 125kgs x 1, 132.5kgs x 1 (daily min), 140kgs x 1

DELOAD WEEK - 3 sets of 12 reps (50% of normal reps)

Shrugs - 170kgs x 12, 12, 12
Sunday 25 October 2015 – session 1 @ 6.45am

DELOAD WEEK - 15 reps in 2 sets @ ~50% of projected 1rm (chins ~56%)

Overhead Press (61.25kgs x 15 / 67.5kgs x 10 / 72.5kgs x 5) - 42.5kgs x 8, 7

Neutral Grip Chins (97.5kgs x 15 / 108.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) - 80.75kgs (bw) x 8, 7

Dips (112.5kgs x 15 / 127.5kgs x 10 / 133.75kgs x 5) - 80.75kgs (bw) x 8, 7

Pendlay Rows (92.5kgs x 15 / 102.5kgs x 10 / 115kgs x 5) - 67.5kgs x 8, 7
Sunday 25 October 2015 – session 2 @ 1:15pm

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 5 singles starting at ~75% of 1 rep max for 1st set increasing up to current 1 rep max on 5th set (147.5kgs) only increasing load when this is comfortable

Rear Squats (97.5kgs x 15 / 110kgs x 10 / 123.75kgs x 5 / 147.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - Air squats x 10, 40kgs x 8, 60kgs x 5, 80kgs x 3, 100kgs x 2
Work sets - 110kgs x 1, 117.5kgs x 1, 125kgs x 1, 132.5kgs x 1 (daily min), 147.5kgs x 1


Calf Raise (bar in hand) - 140kgs x 25 (lost balance)
Shrugs - 170kgs x 30
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Monday 26 October 2015 - session 1 @ 6:10am

TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 12 WEEK 1) - loads @ stated % of rep range (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each rep range from previous HST cycle)

Overhead Press (61.25kgs x 15 / 67.5kgs x 10 / 72.5kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15reps @ 75.51% of previous 15rm

46.25kgs x 15

Neutral Grip Chins (97.5kgs x 15 / 108.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15reps @ 82.82% of previous 15rm

80.75kgs (bw plus 0kgs) x 15

Dips (112.5kgs x 15 / 127.5kgs x 10 / 133.75kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15reps @ 75.55% of previous 15rm

85kgs (bw plus 4.25kgs) x 15

Pendlay Rows (92.5kgs x 15 / 102.5kgs x 10 / 115kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15reps @ 75.67% of previous 15rm

70kgs x 15
Monday 26 October 2015 - session 2 @ 6:00pm

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 4 singles starting at ~75% of current 1 rep max (147.5kgs) for 1st set increasing up to daily minimum on 4th set (132.5kgs)

Rear Squats (97.5kgs x 15 / 110kgs x 10 / 123.75kgs x 5 / 147.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - Air squats x 10, 40kgs x 8, 60kgs x 5, 80kgs x 3, 100kgs x 2
Work sets - 110kgs x 1, 117.5kgs x 1, 125kgs x 1, 132.5kgs x 1 (daily min)

TRAINING PROTOCOL - starting at 5 doubles increasing one rep per set every workout (150 x 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 then 150 x 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 etc) until 5 trebles then increase load on bar and repeat

Deadlift (207.5kgs x 1 / 195kgs x 2 / 187.5kgs x 3 / 182.5kgs x 4 / 175kgs x 5) 5 doubles @ 74.69% of 1rm

155kgs x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 3 sets of 10 with 60 seconds between sets

SLDL - 60kgs x 10, 10, 10
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Tuesday 27 October 2015 - session 1 @ 5:50am

TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 12 WEEK 1) - loads @ stated % of rep range (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each rep range from previous HST cycle)

Overhead Press (61.25kgs x 15 / 67.5kgs x 10 / 72.5kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15reps @ 81.63% of previous 15rm

50kgs x 15

Neutral Grip Chins (97.5kgs x 15 / 108.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15reps @ 82.82% of previous 15rm

80.75kgs (bw plus 0kgs) x 15

Dips (112.5kgs x 15 / 127.5kgs x 10 / 133.75kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15reps @ 80% of previous 15rm

90kgs (bw plus 9.25kgs) x 15

Pendlay Rows (92.5kgs x 15 / 102.5kgs x 10 / 115kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15 reps @ 81.08% of previous 15rm

75kgs x 15
Tuesday 27 October 2015 - session 2 @ 6:10pm

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 5 singles starting at ~75% of 1 rep max for 1st set increasing up to daily max on 5th set (140kgs) followed by one dropback set of 3 reps @ 85% of 1 rep max

Rear Squats (97.5kgs x 15 / 110kgs x 10 / 123.75kgs x 5 / 147.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - Air squats x 10, 40kgs x 8, 60kgs x 5, 80kgs x 3, 100kgs x 2
Work sets - 110kgs x 1, 117.5kgs x 1, 125kgs x 1, 132.5kgs x 1 (daily min), 140kgs x 1
Dropback set – 125kgs x 3

Note - 140 felt hard tonight but then it is the 28th day in a row squatting

TRAINING PROTOCOL – target is 3 sets of 25 reps then increase the load

Calf Raise (bar in hand) - 140kgs x 25, 25, 22
Tuesday 27 October 2015 - session 2 @ 6:10pm

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 5 singles starting at ~75% of 1 rep max for 1st set increasing up to daily max on 5th set (140kgs) followed by one dropback set of 3 reps @ 85% of 1 rep max

Rear Squats (97.5kgs x 15 / 110kgs x 10 / 123.75kgs x 5 / 147.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - Air squats x 10, 40kgs x 8, 60kgs x 5, 80kgs x 3, 100kgs x 2
Work sets - 110kgs x 1, 117.5kgs x 1, 125kgs x 1, 132.5kgs x 1 (daily min), 140kgs x 1
Dropback set – 125kgs x 3

Note - 140 felt hard tonight but then it is the 28th day in a row squatting

TRAINING PROTOCOL – target is 3 sets of 25 reps then increase the load

Calf Raise (bar in hand) - 140kgs x 25, 25, 22

Your warm up sets are going to add up a lot faster than your top sets, re: total work/volume done.

i.e. 5x60kgs = 300kgs, x 28 days = 8400kgs + 3x80kg x 28days etc.
Wednesday 28 October 2015 - session 1 @ 5:50am

TRAINING PROTOCOL - HST (CYCLE 12 WEEK 1) - loads @ stated % of rep range (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each rep range from previous HST cycle)

Overhead Press (61.25kgs x 15 / 67.5kgs x 10 / 72.5kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15 reps @ 85.71% of previous 15rm

52.5kgs x 15

Neutral Grip Chins (97.5kgs x 15 / 108.75kgs x 10 / 117.5kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15 reps @ 85.90% of previous 15rm

83.75kgs (81 plus belt plus 2kgs) x 15

Dips (112.5kgs x 15 / 127.5kgs x 10 / 133.75kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15 reps @ 86.00% of previous 15rm

96.75kgs (81 plus belt plus 15kgs) x 15

Pendlay Rows (92.5kgs x 15 / 102.5kgs x 10 / 115kgs x 5) - 15 rep block - 15 reps @ 85.14% of previous 15rm

78.75kgs x 15
Mick, do you manage to maintain good/consistent form right to the last rep of a 15 RM set of Pendlay rows? I ask because I think there's more room for form variation in rows than for many other exercises. I think my last one or two reps are probably a bit sloppier but I only count the rep if I can get the bar up to my abs. How do you gauge things?
I use the same method of getting bar to abs for legit reps, always set bar to rest on floor and reset every rep to keep good form
Interesting setup, Mick. To Lol's point, you may want to consider switching to some other row variation to limit the stress on your lumbar spine given your deadlift volume. I've combined the two in the past and one or the other inevitably suffers when loads get in the 10-15% RM range.

I train at home with just a bar, bench and rack so cannot do any other form of rows other than bent over rows but this for me is very sloppy to the point of nearly standing upright hence Pendlays
I completely understand, Mick. Honestly - I do. You have a myriad of ways to address back development between vertical and horizontal movements. Do you have a place in your home to do pullups/chins? I-beams work well in a pinch if you have any exposed, and hammer your forearms too. If you can incorporate the vertical element in some way, and hack your way through with your bench and bar and do SA BB rows, you'd have a full compliment of movements to get you where you want, and save your spine for deadlift abuse. I prefer doing single arm rows with longer bars (personally) but there isn't space for me to do so in my gym. I find that the extra bar length aids in my finger strength development more so than DBs. Dunno. In any case - happy lifting!
Wednesday 28 October 2015 - session 2 @ 6:30pm

TRAINING PROTOCOL - 5 singles starting at ~75% of 1 rep max for 1st set increasing up to daily max on 5th set (140kgs)

Rear Squats (97.5kgs x 15 / 110kgs x 10 / 123.75kgs x 5 / 147.5kgs x 1)

Warm ups - Air squats x 10, 40kgs x 5, 60kgs x 3, 80kgs x 2, 100kgs x 2
Work sets - 110kgs x 1, 117.5kgs x 1, 125kgs x 1, 132.5kgs x 1 (daily min), 140kgs x 1
Dropback set – 125kgs x 3

TRAINING PROTOCOL – target is 3 sets of 25 reps then increase the load

Shrugs - 170kgs x 25, 25, 22
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