Lower Body - Day 2, Week 9
High Bar Squats (Vibrams)
240 x 7 (all-time PR, I think)
Hook Grip Deadlifts
325 x 7
1-Leg Calf Raise
Me + 60 x 10/side (PR?)
Today went rather well. I managed 7 reps with 240 in high bar, and with a gun to my head, probably could have cranked out another rep. This is all-time PR level strength for me in high bar squats, so that's cool.
Deadlifts might have been even easier, the only reason I stopped at 7 was that my grip was feeling strained, and I didn't want to risk any lower back rounding. Better, I felt zero sciatic weirdness. I think I have a set of cues that works for me in deadlifts, which is to squeeze the chest up before the lift (obviously), concentrate on holding a lower back arch, and initiate the reps by "squeezing the outside of my feet" into the ground. For some reason concentrating on keeping pressure on the outsides of my feet seems to make most of the sciatic whatever go away, and I had noticed this previously. Either way, cool beans, as it not only feels very strong like this, but comfortable.
So I suppose the question is where to go from here. I may take a mini-deload, given that I've gone 9 weeks straight. Mini would mean starting again this Saturday, so not even a week off, just long enough to blow off some fatigue. On the other hand, I am tempted to just keep going, building up to actual 5 RM's in the main lifts. I'll give it some thought.