Day 1 of a new lifting cycle...
High Bar Squat (straps, oly shoes, belt on work sets)
95,115,135,155,185,205 x 3 (no belt)
215 x 3 (belt)
235 x 1 (belt)
215 x 8 (belt)
Pause Bench
Empty bar x 10 (to get the shoulder weirdness out)
135,155,185,200 x 3
220 x 1
195 x 7 (decided 200 was slightly too heavy to start, a wise move)
Me,Me+ 45,Me + 70,Me + 80 x 3
Me + 105 x 1
Me + 80 x 8
DB External Rotations
10 x 10,8 per side
Back Extensions (hyperextension bench, pauses at top and bottom)
Me + 40 lbs x 15
Latenight additions:
Ring dips for warmup
Me x warmup on parallel bars
Me + 80 x 9
More DB External Rotations
10 x 12/side
A re-rebirth, I guess? I decided to start around an ~8 RM in everything, and to hit each lift thrice weekly. The logic is basically warming up via triples to the intended work set (i.e. I planned to squat 215 for 5+, so I warmed up to 215 x 3), a single ~5-10% over my intended weight, then one "hard" set of ~9 RPE at the intended work weight. The extensive warmup is a way to get a bit more practice/workload in, but one hard-ish set done frequently is one of the fastest ways I've ever found to increase my strength. I used a variant of this to get my bench, chin and squat strength largely back within like ~3 weeks last year. Since I know I can't safely overhead press at the moment, this allows me the opportunity to specialize in only a few lifts.
The DB External Rotations with a slightly heavier weight (10 lb dumbbell) confirmed to me that my left side, the painful side, is noticeably weaker than the right. The exercise itself actually felt good, it was just a sense of weakness in that shoulder. This tracks with what sci said above, that whatever the root cause, the external rotators in that shoulder are weakened. The most straightforward way to correct that, in my mind, is A) to focus on a set of lifts that are pain-free and B) work specifically on the strength deficit via targeted exercise. This runs contrary to Rippetoe's "compounds heal everything" mindset, but I'm going with AJ on this one - there is no more direct way to strengthen a muscle than to use an exercise which directly targets what it actually does.
In terms of the pain itself, the squats with straps were definitely an excellent idea, I felt no real pain/discomfort here. Bench and chins I felt a twinge or two, but nothing remotely bad. My past experience is that removing movements which directly hurt (in my case, low bar squats and overhead press) should allow things to slowly heal on their own, though I'm hoping "slowly" will be modified with direct work for the external rotators thrice a week. We'll see, of course.