It would be cool to see how you respond to good old HST bulk cycle. I'd bet you'd gain a ridiculous amount of muscle, especially in your shoulder balance, you'd bulk up the shoulder cuff too. I say go for it. It sounds like you are already razor lean, so put some muscle on!
Honestly I will probably be sticking to my routine for the time being. If I make a change, it may actually be in the opposite direction, i.e. towards a more classic split routine (though maintaining at least twice a week rehab type movements).
Looking more over "ideal" splits (in terms of being balanced), I think my first step will be just to streamline my current split a little. I probably have a few unneeded exercises that aren't going to greatly contribute to anything.
One form of "ideal" split I've previously come up with:
Anterior Chain/Calves
Posterior Chain/Calves
Which, in less bodybuilder-y terms, is actually:
Vertical Push/Horizontal Pull
Squat and Squat Assistance Lifts
Horizontal Push/Vertical Pull
Deadlift and Deadlift Assistance Lifts
However, you could equally distribute the exercises and get something very close to what I'm already doing. I do believe that, all else constant, having more distribution of otherwise equal (weekly) volume is probably the path towards optimization.
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