Friday, March 14, 2008
Deadlift 10x45, 2x5x95, 3x135, 3x185, 3x225, 2x285
Deadlift Speed Set 230x3x3 (10 sec m-time between reps, 1 min between sets)
Power Shrugs 3x5x200
Romanian Deadlift 3x5x185
Dumbbell prone Row 3x5x65
Arched Back Good Mornings 5x135, 3x5x185
Neutral Grip Chins bodyweight
Ab machine 2x10x130
Pec Dec 2x10x80
My rehab therapist was appalled to find out that I’ve been doing 90 degree bends with more than my body weight on my shoulders (Good Mornings). So I’ve changed regular GMs to
Arched Back Good Mornings, which is what Ed Coan calls for, anyhow. I set the power rack crosspins at chest height instead of waist height, and all I have to do is to get under the bar and straighten up. I find that I can move a whole lot of weight that way. Next week I’ll probably go to 200 lbs or more for that lift.
I also began to do genuine power shrugs today rather than clunky old regular shrugs. I wasn’t really able to get my shoulders up as high as I wanted with the 200 lb bar, using regular shrugs. Besides, Coan’s program calls for power shrugs, anyhow. So I started with the bar set on low crosspins, in about the hang clean starting position, and powered the bar up with legs, hips, and traps. The 200 lb bar went up easily. Next week I’ll go to 230 lbs.
I increased my Romanian Deadlifts to 185 lbs. I find that it begins to be difficult to hold onto the bar for a slow set of five. I’m using a pronated grip on the bar rather than a mixed grip, and that sucker wants to start to roll out of my hands on about the 4th repetition.