Morning Workouts


New Member
With my schedule I have two options:
A:  Eat before my workout at 530 AM, and workout at 700AM.  I have been doing this, eating oatmeal, 4 eggs, 1-2 pieces of fruit, and sometimes a little cottage cheese.  After I workout, I take a PWO shake, about 30g protein, 75g carbs, and 10g creatine.
B:  Drink a shake pre-workout, take my PWO shake immediatly afterwards, and eat breakfast about an hour later after showering and such.
So, which is the most sensible option?  Would it make a difference if you were trying to bulk or cut?  If you were using option B, what should your pre-workout shake's macronutrient profile be?
I prefer to have a protein shake, workout, then either get a post workout shake and then eat, or just eat after the workout and skip the post workout shake. It doesn't matter that much, the only reason I choose this route is because if I have all that food in my stomach from breakfast, I'm likely to vomit after my workout.
Thanks for your input. I prefer to eat afterwards, but I have just always been afraid that training before breakfast would hurt my performance.
Just get a lot of protein with only a few carbs on your pre workout shake, to allow for more fat mobilization during workout. This won't make you ripped like Jay Cutler magically, but every little thing helps in the long run.

Eating a lot and then working out after half an hour also makes me just throw up or suffer indigestion.
I eat about 600 calories an hour and a half before I workout in the morning and haven't had any problems. The only way to really know what works for you is to try both out.
Yes, but the primary reason I advised not to eat a lot before the workout is to allow for better fat mobilization, not really the indigestion / throwing-up thing, which is why I said it last.
What is a lot of protein? 30g? What is a few carbs? 20g? Sorry for being so meticulous, but some people's perception of a little protein is much different than mine.
Depends on you, really. The lesser the carbs, the better - even if zero; aim for as low as you can. Protein, 20 - 30g is enough - unless you are a 250 pound monster with only 5% bodyfat.