Muscle fiber recruitment

last year i went to the darkside,as i was a real hard gainer,who's been slogging his guts out for years with very little sleep and a high callorie consuming job.and i aint gettin any younger.enough was enough.

im going to run another cycle this year in july,this will be my 3rd,so i might give max stim a try or the 5x5 routine i mentioned,and really focus on my diet.

i found that aas fitted really well into my hst cycle.8 weeks on hst coupled with an 8 weeks aas cycle,going into an sd and pct helped by giving my joints a rest.i guess im straying from the original post but hey......
(scientific muscle @ Apr. 22 2007,12:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What have you been doing in your training recently?</div>

ive been doing a standard split

mon chest(inc/dec/flat),bi's
wed back,tris
fri legs,shoulders
sat just abs

i start with the 15s and just go heavier each week
doing 2-3 sets and roughly 3 exercises per bp except for arms and isos, all the way through until i reach 1-3rm
then i sd for a week.its been great actually.
Wow, you check my log and you'll see that's basically what I'm doing; adding weight and dropping reps, but I'm doing it because of work getting in the way. I just want to blow out enough to last until the next workout. I can't tell when I'll get back to it, so might as well do failure training for now. I've done this before with good success.