HST Expert
I have started a small amount of disecting:
“In the good old days when your grandfathers were lifting weights it was thought that the way to build muscle was to break them down. Seems that was close to the truth. It has taken 50 years and we still don't know exactly what is going on in muscle fibres.”
Not so Vince: check this out:
“So, why isn't the budget to study muscular hypertrophy larger?”
Vince – a good question, I’ll give you 10/10 for that, but not being American cannot give you the correct answer, I am sure that Bryan wonders the very same thing, but maybe HIV, Bird-flu, SARS and other research projects are given priority.
We got to get our Governator
to add this to the budget then we can move to California and start on it!
I promise I’ll help, if it is on the budget !!!!
“Why, in 2004, do bodybuilders get arrested instead of being helped to build great physiques?”
Hell, I guess they cannot read, when some of the stuff they are taking is banned, which means they are not getting it legally and therefore are contravening the law.
We are not going to touch on the fact that banned substances are so because people misuse them and they are generally dangerous.
So, all in all, they are “cheating”, basically have been for a few years (since the 80’s or so), making the sport a ugly scene, all because judges and panels have allowed it I guess.
If it were not so, we would see some big sorry @$$ guys walking around with a whole lot of muscle but having nothing else to show for it, instead people have allowed these “monkeys” to damage a beautiful sport so that they can promote a whole range of new money making drugs, some of which are good for nothing!
Here's maybe the reason why even Dave Drapper agrees that in a BB contest, the only difference amongst all the "bloated kegs" is their faces.
“When matters become political good sense often goes out the window. I wonder if Arnold has the capacity to do anything significant for hypertrophy? I doubt he would touch this with a 10 foot pole!”
Again, I agree with you, I see you are after all an agreeable person, I think once you get into politics you have lost sense of anything else you may have pursued before, unless of course it suits you or the government you serve, else you out on the next election. He may have done so in the very recent past but I doubt he will do it now.
“Where is that definitive text on hypertrophy?”
I will keep looking till I find something that may awake your higher interest.
“DOMS is often dismissed but I wonder if it is related to necrosis of cells and that this phenomenon leads to hypertrophy, given ideal conditions. Namely, that adequate nutrition is available and no interference with growth occurs.”
DOMS is not everything, Vince. Albeit a good part of BB and rightly so, I'll call it an indicator of some microtrauma!!!!
Well, I just cannot go on...need to keep working!
I have started a small amount of disecting:
“In the good old days when your grandfathers were lifting weights it was thought that the way to build muscle was to break them down. Seems that was close to the truth. It has taken 50 years and we still don't know exactly what is going on in muscle fibres.”
Not so Vince: check this out:
[b said:Quote[/b] ]“18. Hyperplasia - formation of new muscle fibres, yes - it is possible?
Note: There is still an ongoing debate in the scientific community of whether hyperplasia occurs in humans. The evidence that it does happen, is heavily criticized by others. We encourage people to do form their own opinions based on the available research.
Quoting from Kelly (Kelley 1996), "The results of this investigation are similar to a recent narrative review that concluded that muscle fibre hyperplasia, 1) consistently occurs as a result of chronic stretch, 2) rarely occurs with overload in the form of compensatory hypertrophy, and 3) has produced mixed results when overload in the form of exercise is employed."
You will hear the term "compensatory hypertrophy" used in stretch overload studies. What this means is that the stretch overload is progressively applied, rather than all at once (i.e. chronic stretch).
What this tells us is that fibre splitting is dependant on the degree of strain (strain = load + microtrauma) experienced by the fibres as a factor of time. In compensatory hypertrophy models, the tissue is allowed to adapt to a lighter load before a more severe load is applied.
With chronic stretch the max load is applied all at once and isn’t changed throughout the observation period.
Intermittent stretch is similar to chronic stretch in that the max load is applied all at once, however, it is intermittently” applied. So it is applied then it is removed, and then reapplied, etc. This has tended to result in hypertrophy without fibre splitting.
It used to be thought that muscle fibres would only split after they have hypertrophied, almost as a result of the hypertrophy itself. But a recent study which I just read the other day but can’t seem to find at the moment, demonstrated fibre splitting can occur before fibre hypertrophy.
“So, why isn't the budget to study muscular hypertrophy larger?”
Vince – a good question, I’ll give you 10/10 for that, but not being American cannot give you the correct answer, I am sure that Bryan wonders the very same thing, but maybe HIV, Bird-flu, SARS and other research projects are given priority.
We got to get our Governator

I promise I’ll help, if it is on the budget !!!!

“Why, in 2004, do bodybuilders get arrested instead of being helped to build great physiques?”
Hell, I guess they cannot read, when some of the stuff they are taking is banned, which means they are not getting it legally and therefore are contravening the law.
We are not going to touch on the fact that banned substances are so because people misuse them and they are generally dangerous.

So, all in all, they are “cheating”, basically have been for a few years (since the 80’s or so), making the sport a ugly scene, all because judges and panels have allowed it I guess.
If it were not so, we would see some big sorry @$$ guys walking around with a whole lot of muscle but having nothing else to show for it, instead people have allowed these “monkeys” to damage a beautiful sport so that they can promote a whole range of new money making drugs, some of which are good for nothing!

Here's maybe the reason why even Dave Drapper agrees that in a BB contest, the only difference amongst all the "bloated kegs" is their faces.

“When matters become political good sense often goes out the window. I wonder if Arnold has the capacity to do anything significant for hypertrophy? I doubt he would touch this with a 10 foot pole!”
Again, I agree with you, I see you are after all an agreeable person, I think once you get into politics you have lost sense of anything else you may have pursued before, unless of course it suits you or the government you serve, else you out on the next election. He may have done so in the very recent past but I doubt he will do it now.

“Where is that definitive text on hypertrophy?”
I will keep looking till I find something that may awake your higher interest.
“DOMS is often dismissed but I wonder if it is related to necrosis of cells and that this phenomenon leads to hypertrophy, given ideal conditions. Namely, that adequate nutrition is available and no interference with growth occurs.”
DOMS is not everything, Vince. Albeit a good part of BB and rightly so, I'll call it an indicator of some microtrauma!!!!
[b said:Quote[/b] ]21. DOMS, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Getting sore from training is like sweating from training. It often accompanies training but can't effectively be used as a measure of the effectiveness of the workout. They are related, but not "correlated".
This does not stop people from using DOMS as their measure of the effectiveness of the workout. This is not a bad thing! Nor is looking for sweat a bad thing to do when trying to tell if you're working hard enough.
The problem comes when people change their workouts inappropriately based on signs of soreness. An effective workout doesn't necessarily lead to soreness.
The effectiveness of a workout depends on what type of workout is imposed on tissue that is at a certain level of conditioning (i.e. resistant to damage).
I personally like to maintain a very slight level of soreness at all times. The kind of soreness that most people might describe as simple stiffness.
The DOMS that is felt the day after, or even not until 2 days after, is most likely a result of an inflammatory response.
Prostaglandins are released in the tissue which hyper-sensitize the nerves. This is not the only reason but most research seems to agree that this is the most likely mechanism.
Microtrauma can occur with or without this type of soreness. At the same time, a certain degree of growth can also occur with or without microtrauma depending on how you define microtrauma. It isn't necessary to have major microtrauma. We only need to disrupt the membranes enough to get satellite cells activated and fusing with existing fibers.
Without this step, the fiber may enlarge slightly, but it cannot grow significantly because of a fixed nuclear to sarcoplasmic ratio. Unless new nuclei are added from satellite cells, the volume of the fiber will not increase beyond rather small increments.
So my point is that although DOMS, microtrauma, and hypertrophy are all related, they are not entirely dependant on one another.
However, a low level of DOMS is a good indicator of what kind of stimulus you created for the tissue and usually indicates that you are in the process of growth if you can maintain an adequate stimulus over time. I like to be a little sore throughout the entire cycle. When my training is too infrequent and/or my increments are too small, the soreness usually goes away and gains "seem" (this is subjective) to be slower. Then again, I have made good gains at times with little or no soreness...
Well, I just cannot go on...need to keep working!