My 1st cycle results *with pics*


New Member
Well my first cycle is over.   Here are the details.   I love keeping track of everything.  I haven't missed a measurement date yet, since September.  I measure every week on sat. morning.  I will probably Post this in the results thread too.  I just thought it might get noticed more here.  

I started losing weight back in late August.  I was 230 pounds of fat and felt like shite.  I pretty much just flipped a switch and started eating right, exercising and then starting in sept. following "BFFM" by Tom Venuto.  I lost over 35 pounds in 4 months.  I went from 26% body fat to 14% body fat.   I felt great.   I couldn't wait to start bulking.  I found HST and thought it sounded great.

September 1 05:
Age 26
Height 6'1"
weight 220
bodyfat 26.6%
Lean Body Mass 161.48
illiac Skin fold  33mm
Stomach  40
Chest  42

Jan 1 06:
Age 27
Weight 185
Bodyfat 14.12%
LBM    158.88
Skin fold 12mm
Neck  14.5
Chest  41.75
Shoulders 48.5
Bicep(R/L)  14.75/14.25
Forearm(R/L) 12.5/12.25
Stomach  35.25
Waist   34.75
leg   23.25
Calf  16.25

Feb. 21 06:
Cycle length 7 weeks
Age 27
weight        201   (+16)
BodyFat       14.12% (Same)
LBM           172.62  (+13.74)
Skin fold     12mm   (same)
Neck          15.25  (+.75)
Chest         45.5  (+3.75)
Shoulders     50.5  (+2)
Bicep(R/L)    15.75/15.5 (+1/+1.25)
Forearm(R/L)  13.25/13 (+.75/+.75)
Stomach       36  (+.75)
Waist         35.75 (+1)
leg           24.25 (+1)
Calf          16.75 (+.5)

5 rep max Before Bulk/After Bulk:
Squats         170/205 +35
Bench Press    155/185 +30
Pull Down      185/215 +30
Military Press 85/110  +25  
Bicep Curls    85/95   +10
Overhead Tri's 65/75   +10

Thoughts on cycle:
I think I made really good gains.  I had been lifting since september using different splits.  How much of my gain was Creatine and the fact that I had been cutting for 4 months?  I guess we will find out when I start my next cycle.  I mean my muscles had to have just been dying to grow and swell after a restricted diet.  

3X/week and I did the standard 15,10,5.  But during the 15's I did 1 set 15 plus 5 reps to equal 20.  Then in the 10's 2 sets.  5's 3 sets.   I saw the best gains in the second week of 15's and second week of 10's and post 5's/ maxes for next cycle.   I am anxious to see if this weight gain holds true through the next cycle.   I could only do 2 post 5 workouts as I am leaving on a snowboard trip in a couple days.  Here are the lifts I did throughout.

Bench Press (A)
Bench Decline (B)
Pull Down
Military Press
Calf Raises
Bicep Curls
Overhead Tri's
Ab Crunches

Diet throughout the Cycle:
I ate clean foods 90% of the time.   I think I had pizza 4 times.   I started with 3600 on lifting days and that grew to where it is now at 4000.   I just kept adding calories.  The bulk of them are Mainly in the first 24 hours after lifting.   On my off days I eat at 3200 calories.   See Bulking Diet Image for the details if your interested.

Random thoughts:
I didn't like the 5's.  It felt like I was hardly working.   I think it had to do with the fact that I my strenght shot up so fast in the first 4 weeks.  So the first couple workouts of the 5's were too low.  If I move up that fast next cycle I will up the 5's by an increment before I start.

Next cycle:
I am going to lift every other day.   Instead of the typical M,W,F.   I think this will help me with consistency in my diet and keep the fat at bay a little more efficiently.   Probably keep the calories where they are at and then by the end of the cycle (if I am gaining weight throughout) probably be a little higher than they are now.   Just depends on the muscle gains.   If I can gain even half the strength I gained this last cycle I will be totally happy.   Its great gaining lots of muscle and strength.  Next cycle lifts.  feel free to offer input.

Squats (A)
Split Squats (B)
Dead Lift (B)
DB Bench Press (A)
BB Bench Incline (B)
Bent Over Rows
Calf Raises
Military Press
Pull Down UnderHand
DB Incline Bicep
Skull Crushers
Cable Crossovers





Good work. You are noticeably thicker. If I were you, I'd probably do a quick cutter to get down to 10-12% bodyfat or so, run a cycle at maintenance, then start bulking again for two or three more cycles.
You may be able to get away with another one or two cycles bulking if you don't mind the fat gain. Either way, a few more bulking HST cycles and you should be quite a bit bigger. Then it will be just a matter of leaning out so you can see the muscle you've put on.
Yeah, I was going to just keep bulking until i started adding too much fat. Considering my skin caliper measurment didn't change at all during this cycle, I think i can make it at least another 2 without getting much fat at all. My original plan was 4 months of bulking then cut again. thats only 1 more cycle. So we will see. I can't wait to get going on my next one.

Thanks for the input. I appreciate the helpful comments.


Good stuff, looks like you are making some good progress!

Your body is certainly undergoing transformation, I'd say if you haven't added fat and seeing that you are tracking it closely you can pretty much carry on!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I ate clean foods 90% of the time. I think I had pizza 4 times. I started with 3600 on lifting days and that grew to where it is now at 4000. I just kept adding calories. The bulk of them are Mainly in the first 24 hours after lifting. On my off days I eat at 3200 calories. </div>

On this thought try staying at 4000 throughout, that will be the break you need to grow faster, and bacuse you do tracking well, you can notice if fat % is gettiong any higher.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I didn't like the 5's. It felt like I was hardly working. I think it had to do with the fact that I my strenght shot up so fast in the first 4 weeks. So the first couple workouts of the 5's were too low. If I move up that fast next cycle I will up the 5's by an increment before I start.</div>

I'd say you need to increase your maxes, check these out again befor re-starting or just add 10 - 20% thorughout, one can do this if you feel you are going too light!

Your workout is alright, I would not worry about cable cross overs just yet, but that is up to you, you may want to add chins, but that too is a thing that many guys struggle with, a darn good back builder though!

(Fausto @ Feb. 22 2006,05:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your workout is alright, I would not worry about cable cross overs just yet, but that is up to you, you may want to add chins, but that too is a thing that many guys struggle with, a darn good back builder though!
Fausto, Thanks for the tips. 4000 throughout? If you think this will help i will give it a try. If i see fat gain should i cut it back to 3800 a day or cut back on non-workout days?

I had to compromise with my brother. He is doing HST with me this time and I told him if he did Dead Lifts for me i would do crossovers for him.
Its worth it if i can get him to do deads....

I can only do about 7 body weight pullups. I wish I could do them weighted and use them in HST.

colby2152, thanks for the kind words. I hope to post equal results in the threads after another cycle.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can only do about 7 body weight pullups. I wish I could do them weighted and use them in HST.</div>

Does your gym have a weighted assisted dip and chin machine?

I have to use the weight assisted machine since I can do many bodyweight chins.

Definetly do pulldowns until you can do chins. A few months ago I could barely do BW chinups, this cycle of HST I started with pronated grip lat pulldowns, and switched to chins in the 5s, and now I am chinning +45 for two sets of five.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto, Thanks for the tips. 4000 throughout? If you think this will help i will give it a try. If i see fat gain should i cut it back to 3800 a day or cut back on non-workout days? </div>

Your best bet is to keep one calory level throughout as it will work nicely for days off where you will be over the required amount, and yes, if you are getting more than you desire, you just cut back a little. It is easier to maintain one nutrition level right thorugh!

No sweat about the cross-overs it is in fact an exercise that i quite enjoy, although I don't have the cable equipment
- BTW good trade that, ther's nothing like deads!

Chins - 7 with BW? That is not bad, save them for the 5's and negatives, then you can try and add just a little, it should produce results.

As stated - if you can use the assisted machine, go for it, else just do, pulldowns and HST those well
If you know what I mean.