Stats: 5'7", 150lb, 23yo, 14% body fat
Total calories: 1600cal
Daily ratio(protein/fat/carb):
percent - 43% / 30% / 27%
weight - 225g / 30g / 60g
energy - 900cal / 270cal / 430cal
6 meals a day,
2 protein shakes with 25g of protein each
Workout Frequency:
Mon, Wed, Fri - 1 hour HST
Tue, Thur, Sun - 25 minutes cardio
HST Plan:
Bench Press 3x8
Seated Row 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8
Squats/Deads 3x8
Delt sideraise 3x8
WeightedDips 3x8
Supplements: Multivitamin, Creatine
What do you think?
Total calories: 1600cal
Daily ratio(protein/fat/carb):
percent - 43% / 30% / 27%
weight - 225g / 30g / 60g
energy - 900cal / 270cal / 430cal
6 meals a day,
2 protein shakes with 25g of protein each
Workout Frequency:
Mon, Wed, Fri - 1 hour HST
Tue, Thur, Sun - 25 minutes cardio
HST Plan:
Bench Press 3x8
Seated Row 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8
Squats/Deads 3x8
Delt sideraise 3x8
WeightedDips 3x8
Supplements: Multivitamin, Creatine
What do you think?