My HST log

Enjoy Kane

New Member
noticed that HST logs are hard to find lately, and today is the beginning of my HST training. So i figured i would post my results and maybe you can see if you also wanna try HST.

My rep Ranges will look like this:
Week 1 - 15 x 2
Week 2 - 15 x 1
Week 3 - 10 x 2
Week 4 - 10 x 1
Week 5 - 5 x 3
Week 6 - 5 x 2
Week 7 - Negitives

This is my first time trying HST, i have all my Measurements recorded, so ill know exactly what ive gained, or maybe if i lose size.

im 6'3 182 12 % bodyfat. Ill be doing moderate cardio first 2 weeks, and as the reps go down, ill bump up the intensity.

workout will be a 3 day split and looks like this:

Legs: Squats, Extentions
Chest: Bench, Dumbell Incline Presses
Back: Chins, Rows
Traps: Dumbell Shrugs
Shoulders: Military Presses, Lat Raises
Bi's: Alternating Curls
Tri's: Standing Extentions
Calves: Raises

then ill choose 2 ab exersices.

Ill have pictures up pretty soon so everyone can see my progress, if i have any. ill post first workout later today.


ON Whey Protein
Omega Sports Ethyl Creatine
Vitamin C
San V-12 Turbo

Food of course will go up. ill be knocking back atleast 3500 calories daily with 1 gram up protein per pound. Might bump the protein up.
Day one

took 8 caps of Omega Thunder and 40 grams of Protein pre workout

Legs: Squats, Extentions
Chest: Bench, Dumbell Incline Presses
Back: Chins, Rows
Traps: Dumbell Shrugs
Shoulders: Military Presses, Lat Raises
Bi's: Alternating Curls
Tri's: Standing Extentions
Calves: Raises

all exercise were 15 reps for 2 sets

first day things were light. but i got a very clean heat in my muscles which felt great. really boosted my thoughts about the program. i have a nice little bit of energy afterwards.

Meals :

Meal 1: 4 eggs, 1 piece of Wheat Toast, Oatmeal and protein shake

Meal 2: 1 can of tuna with brown rice

Meal 3: 5 oz. Lean Turkey breast sandwhich with Lettuce and tomato.

Meal 4: post-workout Protein shake, Omega 3 fatty acids

Meal 5: 1 can of Tuna and a banana

Meal 6: Lean porkchop with whole wheat fettucini

pics will be up wendsday
Haha, you're doing it totally wrong.

Just kidding. I would add something for the hamstring specifically in there. Squatting is great, but deadlifts would go well if you can do that. Or atleast swap leg extension for leg flexion (leg curl).

What do you mean by 3 day split? Unclear I guess. Just make sure that you work every muscle group 3x per week or every 48 hours.

Its also not necessary to do the multiple sets thing (ie 15x2 down to 15x1). You can, but you are probably going to see diminishing gains from it. If I would recommend anything in terms of sets, I would shoot for a constant rep count. For example: 15x1, 10x1 + 5x1, 5x3 (15 reps in each microcycle). But single sets work well also.

Your diet looks well. I might try more protein than 1g / lb bw. I would shoot for 1.5 g/lb maybe. I had a good jump in lbm going from about 200g (I am at ~200 lbs now) to about 270-280g. But maybe try 1 g/lb for a while and see how it goes.
15 reps x 2 sets x 12 exercises seems like a lot to me even if it is a lighter load.
What's the point in doing the extra sets during 15's?

I would suggest throwing in deadlifts or even weighted hyperextensions to hit the lower back. ;)

Also, I take it the 3 day split is another way of saying you're working out that routine MWF.

Let me know how dumbell shrugs go.. I haven't done them since last fall as I have been doing a barbell or Smith machine to do shrugs.
thanks. and by 3 days split i mean i do mean every other day.
and wow.. dumbell shrugs are the best. my 5 rep max was 200lbs (100 in each hand)
and if nothing i know my traps will grow. i always did the shrug machine or barbell.. and i can tell already dumbell will take me alot further
off day today

walked 3 miles at moderate pace

Food =

Meal 1- Lean Pork Chop with fettucini

Meal 2- Protein Shake

Meal 3- 1 can of tuna with noodles

Meal 4- 3 eggs with tomatoes onions and cheese

Meal 5- Steak with baked potato and mushrooms

Meal 6- Protein Shake

Multivitamin and Omega 3's and more than a gallon of water. feel great.
forgot to post my 15/10/5 rep maxes so ill do that right quick

15 rep maxes

Squats- 190
Leg extentions- 125
Barbell Bench Press- 80 <--- weeeeeeak i know
Dumbell Incline Press- 90
Chins- 15 with 45 pund assist
Rows- 120
Dumbell Shrugs- 120
Military Presses- 70
Lat. Raises- 20
Alternating Curls- 20 lbs each hand
Standing Tri Extentions- 70
Calf Raises- 300

10 rep maxes

Squats- 260
Leg extentions- 160
Barbell Bench Press- 110
Dumbell Incline Press- 110
Chins- 10 with 20 pound assist
Rows- 170
Dumbell Shrugs- 160
Military Presses- 90
Lat. Raises- 25 in each hand
Alternating Curls- 45lbs each hand
Standing Tri Extentions- 90
Calf Raises- 380

5 Rep Maxes

Squats- 320
Leg extentions- 230
Barbell Bench Press- 120
Dumbell Incline Press- 130
Chins- 5 with no assist
Rows- 200
Dumbell Shrugs- 200
Military Presses- 110
Lat. Raises- 30 in each hand
Alternating Curls- 55 lbs each hand
Standing Tri Extentions- 120
Calf Raises- 420

2nd workout and felt good. only bad thing i had to walk home from the gym in the dang Memphis Heat, 5 miles. sucked but going to the gym is always worth it.

stopped short of 15 on the second set on a few exercises before i hit faliure.


Meal 1 - Oatmeal

Meal 2 - Prework out Shake

Meal 3 - Waffles with syrup after my long walk home. wanted to fill up with carbs

Meal 4 - Steak with green beans

Meal 5 - Protein Shake

Meal 6 - Chinese food and lots of it. FU**in yUm

Meal 7 - Huge glass of milk and 1 can of tuna with rice

Meal 8- might have another shake before i hit the bed.

so far i really like HST. took pics today. have to get them put on a CD and ill have those up sometime this week.
Just a quick question: How in the world is your BARBELL FLAT bench 15rm 80lbs and your DUMBELL INCLINE bench 15rm 90lbs?
Your legs are pretty strong though. You should be able to make some pretty sick gains.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Just a quick question: How in the world is your BARBELL FLAT bench 15rm 80lbs and your DUMBELL INCLINE bench 15rm 90lbs?

I may be right suggesting that he doesn't include the weight of the barbell into his flat bench, so it would actually be 125 lbs vs. 90 which sounds just right.

P.S. I like the idea of having your HST log w/diet updates on here... hopefully I'm not the only one and others won't get annoyed by it.

correct. i never add the weight of the bar.
yeah and i hope no one minds me posting this. i think it will deffinantly help people new to HST see if they even wanna try it. or maybe try some things that might work for me.