My Hst Program


New Member
Please Write some notes and suggestions.

Legs :
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 2 sets.
Smith Machine Squats - 2 sets.
Chest :
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - 2 sets.
Incline Bench Dumbbell Press - 1 or 2 sets.
Back :
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - 2 sets.
High Pully - 2 sets.
Shoulders :
Seated Dumbbell Deltoid Presses - 2 sets.
triceps :
Lying Dumbbell Extensions orSmith Machine Bench Press with narrow hold - 2 sets.
Biceps :
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 2 sets.
calf :
Dumbbell Single Leg Calf Raises - 2 sets.
Abs :
Machine - 3 sets.

On the second week of each Rm, I do 1 set for each exercise instead of 2.
You dont need to do, flat bench, incline bench and shoulder press in the same workout. Flat and shoulder should do nicely perhaps alternated with incline.

Do chinups/pulldowns.

Personally I'd leave out the direct bi/tri work.

You may find it hard, once your pushing a lot of weight to do deadlifts and squats in the same workout, but i like it
I dont know if its good to alternate when you do hst. So i just give up on the incline bench.
And what is chinups & pulldowns ? Can you link to it?
It`s first time i hear i should leave the direct tri\bi work. R u sure about it? I don`t wanna doubt you, i just realy dont know.
And about the deadlift and squat on the same workout. You think i should exchange the deadlift with some other exercise?
''It`s first time i hear i should leave the direct tri\bi work. R u sure about it?''

I'm not sure you should leave it out, its my personal preference. However I definitely feel that you should be doing a vertical and horizontal push/pull before you consider adding arm isos since rows and chins work the biceps hard and dips and mil press works the triceps hard.

''And about the deadlift and squat on the same workout. You think i should exchange the deadlift with some other exercise''

Again, personal choice, some guys feel that doing deadlifts and squats on the same day puts a lot of strain on their lower back, and since they are similar movements they prefer to alternate them. However some guys have had great cycles doing squats and sdld. If you just stuck with 20 reps of squats that would be a good compromise since you don't want to alternate.
I think doing squats and deadlifts in the same workout are fine. I would do 2 sets of 1, and 1 set of the other personally. Just make them heavy. I prefer multiples on deadlifts and heavy 20 reps on squats. IMHO.

Ditch the falt bench or incline bench. You can't "shape muscle" focus on one.

Deltoid presses are already hit with bench. Try a behind the neck press that hit's the rear deltoids with the lateral delts.

Arms, you may not need direct stimulation if your going heavy on your compounds.

Throw some shrugs in there....
(Avi1985 @ Dec. 23 2006,14:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I dont realy understand whe whole alternate thing. Can someone please explain it to me?</div>
Say you have the following program:

Squats - Bench - Row on Monday

Deadlifts - Bench - Row on Wednesday

Squats - Bench - Row on Friday

Alternate out squats with deadlifts.
(JonPaul @ Dec. 23 2006,14:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Avi1985 @ Dec. 23 2006,14:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I dont realy understand whe whole alternate thing. Can someone please explain it to me?</div>
Say you have the following program:

Squats - Bench - Row on Monday

Deadlifts - Bench - Row on Wednesday

Squats - Bench - Row on Friday

Alternate out squats with deadlifts.</div>
Do you recommend it?
Not personally, I like doing squats and deadlifts together, only if the volume is lower. I can't 5x5 of squats and deadlifts in any workout unless that's the whole workout, but that style of training is not under the HST umbrella, so I am stopping it.
A lot depends on where you are in your training. Right now, I find squats and deads are fine in the same w/o when the loads are lighter, like those I would be using for 15s and possibly 10s, but once I get beyond that it can start to get a little too hard on my lower back due to the loading and frequency. A year ago I could squat and dead each w/o during 5s without too much difficulty. I have no chance of doing that now my strength has gone up substatially.

I find deads once a week to be enough during 5s. I'd love to be able to do them more but unfortunately I have to do things other than lie down during the week!

We are all different so find out what works for you.
I think for most people the limiting factor is the ABS.  Even using heavy weight.  It's just so hard to get a compound stimulation for abs doing iso stuff and thus abs tend to be the weak link in being able to do both IMHO.

Iso crunches with lighter weights have no direct impact in stability for movements utilizing the lower back, so while quad strength and hamstring strength improves, druing the squat and deadlift, abs don't tend to keep up for the lack of flexion.
Here is my new program.

Legs :
Seated Leg Curls - 2 sets.
Smith Machine Squats - 2 sets.
Chest :
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - 4 sets.
Back :
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - 4 sets.
Shoulders :
Seated Dumbbell Deltoid Presses - 2 sets.
calf :
Dumbbell Single Leg Calf Raises - 2 sets.
Abs :
Machine - 3 sets.

What do you think?
On the second week of Rm 10 and Rm 5, i lower the no. of sets by half. Is it recommended?
I have been doing the HST and am on week two of tens, (it's my first cycle BTW). As I progress thru  HST I understand the principles much better as I experience them in actuality than when I was reading and preparing for it , as I'm sure you will too.
  I have always been a big fan of simple :

Flat Bench
Military Press
BB Row

YUP!!!THAT'S IT!!! I know, it seems too easy , not enough exersizes ect. But it's working great.I will add overhead squat to my second cycle keeping the rest the same. I Would never have believed it except for all the testimonials here but now that I'm in the midst of tens I can see and feel that even this very simple routine is working .

 I have practiced HIT, and powerlifting &quot;type&quot; lifting since early twenties and am now 39, I have always PERSONALLY(YMMV) found that basic compounds work best for me and never really got a good enough return for the effort put into isolations so I stopped them entirely years ago. From Bench and press alone and from rows and deads my arms have always grown in proportion to the rest of me. Now that I'm HSTing the biggest lesson I'm getting is that submaximal loads can be just as effective if frequency is made a priority and a steady loading is accomplished over the cycle. My joints thank Bryan haycock !!!
(RUSS @ Dec. 27 2006,12:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have been doing the HST and am on week two of tens, (it's my first cycle BTW). As I progress thru  HST I understand the principles much better as I experience them in actuality than when I was reading and preparing for it , as I'm sure you will too.
  I have always been a big fan of simple :

Flat Bench
Military Press
BB Row

YUP!!!THAT'S IT!!! I know, it seems too easy , not enough exersizes ect. But it's working great.I will add overhead squat to my second cycle keeping the rest the same. I Would never have believed it except for all the testimonials here but now that I'm in the midst of tens I can see and feel that even this very simple routine is working .

 I have practiced HIT, and powerlifting &quot;type&quot; lifting since early twenties and am now 39, I have always PERSONALLY(YMMV) found that basic compounds work best for me and never really got a good enough return for the effort put into isolations so I stopped them entirely years ago. From Bench and press alone and from rows and deads my arms have always grown in proportion to the rest of me. Now that I'm HSTing the biggest lesson I'm getting is that submaximal loads can be just as effective if frequency is made a priority and a steady loading is accomplished over the cycle. My joints thank Bryan haycock !!!</div>
Thnx, but please answear that :
On the second week of Rm 10 and Rm 5, i lower the no. of sets by half. Is it recommended?
I'm doing 15's 1 set ,10's 2 sets, and 5's will be 3 sets, (of each exersize) when I begin them (the 5's) next week. As I understand it this is the standard .

If others are cutting the sets by half the second week it might be thier personal &quot;tweak&quot; of HST. Logic tells me this might not be optimal as HST seems to be largely dependant on volume and frequency set to a fairly tight proportionate balance as specified in all the stickies and so forth.

Definitely no HST expert as this is my first cycle, I guess the essence of what I'm trying to get across to you is to keep it simple and follow the general &quot;vanilla&quot; HST , &quot;tweaking&quot; an already optimal condition is unlikely to result in &quot;better&quot; results , of course thats just my own two cents . Good luck, and dont overthink it It works just fine as laid out in the stickies!!!GOOD LUCK!