My newest dilemma

''I am a little I'll still try to push on''

I think this is the worst thing you could do. I agree with everyone else, drop some volume, drop the isos, drop you kids!

take care mate
There's also something else you're not considering Fausto, RBE. This is a lifter's worst enemy, and doing all that tabata and extra stuff will cause your body to toughen up to take the extra stress. So next time you want to bulk up you might find it even harder than usual, and you'll have to do even more volume, which will build even more RBE... etc. etc.

Staying away from fatgue might help though as Liegelord said.
(Lol @ Sep. 23 2006,09:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great lifting Liege! Now I have done Oly squats for 2 cycles I am back up to my previous RMs again. I can't imagine ever going back to doing parallels now. Thanks to you and Fausto for getting me onto these.</div>
Thanks LOL. Several guys at the gym have also starting doing olympic squats, front squats and power cleans because they saw me doing them. They're making good gains and have noticed their knees are not getting sore anymore.

You hit your previous RM's after only 2 cycles, wow, that's great. It's going to take me a while longer to hit 500x5 with olympic squats. My goal is 405x5 with this cycle.
(liegelord @ Sep. 25 2006,06:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> It's going to take me a while longer to hit 500x5 with olympic squats.</div>
Me too x 10!  
Hey Peak, RBE hey?

Never thought of that, could it be? I stay away from failure all the time...the Tabata is just a means to an end, I don't like long stretches of aerobics, and it really should not be interfering that much with the rest.

I think my main problem is that the rest is not quite there, and you are right there, because of that RBE will catch up for my body toughening up...don't know.

Anyway...I t has been a whole week and a I will start up again...will drop the iso's but not the Tabata...and Godspeed, I am sure I'll make it.

I'll keep taking advice though, as it is all part of my learning curve...only that way can I teach others better!
As long as your Tabata or whatever else you are doing outside of gym isn't more traumatic than what you lift, press / pull in the gym, it's not gonna increase the RBE boogeyman. Fatigue management is what it affects more.
From the Cardio During HST article in the FAQ section (page 2 of the forum):

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">CARDIO DURING SD

Will serious cardio sessions during the SD week hamper your results?

Well, it will have the greatest conditioning effect on those muscle groups used for the cardio.

Exercising has the opposite effect as Deconditioning.

By doing intense exercise you are conditioning the muscle to be resistant for future exercise bouts. Chronic aerobic exercise interferes with strength and size gains on a number of different levels (CNS, MHC expression, etc), none of which have anything to do with deconditioning. </div>

All exercise produces RBE, fatiguing exercise produces it even more, fatigue doesn't just mean momentary failure, it also comes from hammering your ass tabata style and 30 reps of 5RM weights 6 days a week with not enough nutrition and sleep. And all the stress of life... You'll be one tough cookie after your done, you'll be &quot;conditioned&quot; in many ways, but you'll find it hard as hell to grow again.
Ok Peak

I read you, but I have slowed down, went back into SD, mopre than a week now
, and I still have not rested what I should so I did not re-start.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">it also comes from hammering your ass tabata style and 30 reps of 5RM weights 6 days a week </div>

As far as I am concerned I ain't hammering my ass at all, sure Tabata is hard, but I never really push beyond say 150 bpm (pulse) and I am getting fitter...not smoking or drinking since April last year!

As for the 6 reps of 5's...well...I'd still like to try them...if they work...I'll be one happy guy...if they don't I'll adjust and carry love loss. Sure I'll have to bulk up a little for that I can see do not worry my friend...I'm just a lab rat!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm just a lab rat!</div>

And we're all better off for your craziness

Good job on the quitting smoking, but how do you stay sane not drinking?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And we're all better off for your craziness </div>

Exactly! I do this all the time, then I can tell the guys, hey...I've been there done that, rather do tis or that...from pure experience and not just theory. I have been wanting to try out a high volume workout for a while, and I can see alrteady I'll have to compromise cutting as it will not work...tough...I'll just have to slow bulk and add on as I find it necessary!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">how do you stay sane not drinking?</div>

It is a kind of religious thing as well, but in a way I've realized that I'm better off without it
I used to sometimes get out'a hand if you know what I mean

The latest I did was being in a party with all kinds (even my favourite scotch) of drinks and...just drinking pure juice...when I realized I did not miss it that was a victory for me!

Darn...I must get over this sleep story...last night the saga was repeated (oh...almost holidays) and ended up with only 6 hours sleep...the weights will kill me...literally

I'll just hang out a while, why is school holidays = SD
(Peak_Power @ Sep. 26 2006,23:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">From the Cardio During HST article in the FAQ section (page 2 of the forum):

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">CARDIO DURING SD

Will serious cardio sessions during the SD week hamper your results?

Well, it will have the greatest conditioning effect on those muscle groups used for the cardio.

Exercising has the opposite effect as Deconditioning.

By doing intense exercise you are conditioning the muscle to be resistant for future exercise bouts. Chronic aerobic exercise interferes with strength and size gains on a number of different levels (CNS, MHC expression, etc), none of which have anything to do with deconditioning. </div>

All exercise produces RBE, fatiguing exercise produces it even more, fatigue doesn't just mean momentary failure, it also comes from hammering your ass tabata style and 30 reps of 5RM weights 6 days a week with not enough nutrition and sleep. And all the stress of life... You'll be one tough cookie after your done, you'll be &quot;conditioned&quot; in many ways, but you'll find it hard as hell to grow again.</div>
Dude, that's DURING SD.

When you are in the cycle and deadlifting and squatting 300, benching God knows what, etc. etc. etc., running on a treadmill or whatever fatiguing cardio won't be so harsh on your body and be significantly more of a factor IF we were to talk solely about RBE. It's a big factor in other things, like making you need more calories, making you more fatigued, and making it far more complicated to effectively manage your training. But RBE, not really.
I see what you're saying, but RBE is RBE. Its a cumulative thing. Every active thing you do, every stress on your body, increases RBE to some extent, and it all adds on top of each other. Its not like the body says &quot;I squatted 300lb so tabata is easy by comparision so I won't toughen up to compensate&quot;, it does the opposite, it says &quot;OMG I'm squatting 300lb on Monday, then I'm tabata squatting for 4 gruelling mins on Tues, not having enough rest, not getting enough calories, I'd better toughen up quick!&quot; RBE is your body's response to &quot;too much&quot;

I don't want to argue in this thread though cause the purpose was to help Fausto with his problem, not argue. So forgetting RBE, he will get more fatigued and could even get sick on his current program by being too run down, which is why I advised him to cut it down. But he'll do what he wants no matter what we advise

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But he'll do what he wants no matter what we advise </div>

Not so...I re-did my SD for over a week and I am feeling better, and yes I do take advice, this expert thing does not get to my head

I just wanted to try out a high volume thing...I see my fat levels are getting higher from just a week off and yesterday I tried just a quick wide grip upright row and felt good...I was just fooling around...time to get back on track...keep you all posted soon!