(Peak_Power @ Sep. 26 2006,23:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">From the Cardio During HST article in the FAQ section (page 2 of the forum):
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">CARDIO DURING SD
Will serious cardio sessions during the SD week hamper your results?
Well, it will have the greatest conditioning effect on those muscle groups used for the cardio.
Exercising has the opposite effect as Deconditioning.
By doing intense exercise you are conditioning the muscle to be resistant for future exercise bouts. Chronic aerobic exercise interferes with strength and size gains on a number of different levels (CNS, MHC expression, etc), none of which have anything to do with deconditioning. </div>
All exercise produces RBE, fatiguing exercise produces it even more, fatigue doesn't just mean momentary failure, it also comes from hammering your ass tabata style and 30 reps of 5RM weights 6 days a week with not enough nutrition and sleep. And all the stress of life... You'll be one tough cookie after your done, you'll be "conditioned" in many ways, but you'll find it hard as hell to grow again.</div>
Dude, that's DURING SD.
When you are in the cycle and deadlifting and squatting 300, benching God knows what, etc. etc. etc., running on a treadmill or whatever fatiguing cardio won't be so harsh on your body and be significantly more of a factor IF we were to talk solely about RBE. It's a big factor in other things, like making you need more calories, making you more fatigued, and making it far more complicated to effectively manage your training. But RBE, not really.