my progress...


New Member
i started HST3 months ago and i'm almost at the end of cycle 2. i'm 180 cm and startes at 75 (not sur on bodyfat but you could see some abs). now i'm 82.5 and just in the last monht i gained 4.5 kilos (but i think a lot from fat).
i have some Q
1:what is a good fat "gain" to muscle gain ratio. i mean i much fat would you expect to gain in coparison to muscle gain.(i know that one factor is calories ,say i'm not exploding with food and take +500-800cl).
2.the same concept ,but on losing whight. say i'm minus 500cl, that means in month i'll be 2 kilos down. how much muscle and how much fat?

i hope you'll answer my Q ,becuase as you can understand i want to cut a little (wall to be honst some jeans are already thight on me :confused: )
good fat to muscle ratios are 1:3 or better

my guess for cutting on how much muscle you lose would be similar - say 1 lb of muscle for every 3 lbs of fat
I can feel you man. I've been skinny all my life and I've never had a belly. After 4 months of eating big and doing HST I can now say my gut is coming out and my chin is starting to dissappear, but I'm also getting bigger arms, legs, chest, back, shoulders, thighs, calves, forearms, etc. It's just something that goes along with getting bigger I suppose.

What time length is good for bulking and then cutting, or does it not matter? I plan on bulking for a full 6 months. It's been 4 already, so only two more to go. I went from 143lbs to 175lbs. I figure I'll be around 180-185 went I start to cut. I'll probably drop back down to 160-165 before I start bulking again. Does this sound about right for a 6 month bulk/ 6 month cut? I'm really a noob when it comes to this stuff.
I think if your chin is disappearing you should cut back on calories a bit. I have also been skinny most of my life and just accepted there is going to be some fat when bulking. However, my limit is if I start to lose my chin or my upper abs disappear.

I would either cut some calories or increase frequency. I just finished my second 2x a day MWF cycle and there was minimal fat gain and I gained 5 and 6 pounds in each cycle.