My training log

Sun 19/5

B - 15's

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 65kgx15,15

Dips - BWx5, 6kgx13,3

DL - 60kgx5, 90kgx5, 110kgx15

High pull - 15kgx15,15

Hammer curl - 15kgx12,12

Tri pull down - Skipped

Standing calf raise - Skipped

3.2km run - 15:49
Fri 24/5

A - 15's

Squat - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 85kgx15

Incline bench - 35kgx5, 55kgx15

Chins - BWx5, 4kgx13,2

High pull - 15kgx15

Hammer curl - 12.5kgx15

CGBP - 45kgx15,15

Standing calf raise - Skipped

Can I check with you guys if I've done the calculations correct? My current BW is 88kg. So, my BMR according to the main site is 88kgx24hrsx1.3 (activity level) = 2745 calories/day. Add another 500 cal for bulking = 3245cal/day. Correct?

This is the thinnest I've been in a while, so now its time for a bulk. I'm going to monitor as best I can on fitday.
Your calculations are correct. I prefer to go with a range of 500-600 to allow room for daily variations. So say between 3245 to 3345 a day should be good.

Remember to adjust that upward as you gain weight.

You might try instead of I used to use fitday and don't anymore since I found this other site. It is a lot easier to find foods in their database so you don't have to end up programming hundreds of custom foods.
it is virtually the same as fit day except it has a better interface and a superior database of foods.
Mon 27/5

B - 15's

Penday row - 60kgx5, 70kgx15,15

Dips - BWx5, 8kgx13,2

DL - 70kgx5, 115kgx15

High pull - 15kgx15,15

Hammer curl - 13kgx8,11

Triceps pull down - 3x5, 5x15,15

Standing calf raise - 110kgx10, 140kgx15
Wed 29/5

A - 15's

Squat - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 90kgx15

Incline bench - 40kgx5, 60kgx13,10

Chins - 8kgx12,6

High pull - 15kgx15,15

Hammer curl - 13kgx12,11

CGBP - 50kgx15,15

Standing calf raise - 110kgx10, 145kgx15
Fri 31/5

B - 15's

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 75kgx15,15

Dips - BWx5, 10kgx12,8

DL - 90kgx5, 120kgx15

High pull - 16.5kgx15,15

Hammer curl - 15kgx8,8

Triceps pull down - 5+1x15,15

Standing calf raise - Skipped

Kind of glad the 15's are over. I struggled finding a rep/set scheme that worked. The dl and squat were pure murder trying to do 15x2. At least with the 10's it's clear cut 10x2. For my next cycle I'm thinking of doing something like GBGlifter and skipping the 15's, but with 10's and 5's instead.

Some of my projected maxes for the 15's were out as well as I had a prolonged sd due to a work trip away and illness. Anywho, onwards with the 10's and I've finally dialled in my diet to reach the cals each day.
Kind of glad the 15's are over.

Some folks like the challenge of the high-rep sets for big compound movements with heavy loads; others think they suck! They are definitely hard to do. :)

15s for squats and deads are not really well suited to a metabolic burn effect because they use so many large muscles through a very efficient range of motion—deads even more so than squats—and most of the muscle groups get some chance to recover slightly between reps (unless you're doing something along the lines of Mikey Novak's "leg rapers"!) so that it's hard to induce fatigue (through hypoxic stress) in the way that you can when performing an isolation exercise.

However, heavy, high-rep work does have a great holistic effect. Just be careful with the loads: a 15RM for deads is not really the same thing as a 15RM for leg extensions. If your form breaks down a bit on the leg extensions it's not a problem but you don't want to let your form go to pieces on deads or squats. That would not be smart. Your 15RM should really allow you to complete the reps with pretty good form all the way through. It might not be quite as good for the last few reps but it shouldn't suck.

There's no need to force yourself to do 2 x 15 for your biggest compounds. See if you can make 1 x 15 and then do something like 1 x 10+5 where the second set is broken up into a set of 10 and then after a short rest a further 5 reps. If you get the rest right you can keep some of the metabolic effects going during the final 5 reps. There are no hard and fast rules here. You could quite easily forgo the second set altogether or just do a second set of 10 and call it a day.

The object of the 15s is to get you working with loads that are sufficient to drive a protein synthesis response in the working muscles following a period of deconditioning. As long as you are incrementing the loads frequently enough, you should stay ahead of RBE, even when using loads at the lighter end of the cycle. You will benefit from a response to the strain on the now "sensitive" muscle tissue as well as from the metabolic stress created due to oxygen depletion.

Personally, I think it's a good idea to keep at least one week of 15s in each cycle, unless you are on a cut.

All the best with your 10s and the rest of your cycle.
Thanks for the tips Lol. I do realize the benefit of the high reps after a sd. I ended up doing just one set of 15's on the squat and DL and two sets on the upper body stuff. I found my form was ok, bar speed on the last 2 or 3 squats were slower, but form maintained. Had I attempted a second set though, knees would have buckled in and form would have suffered. Perhaps, as you mentioned, I did load up the bar a tad too much.

I like your idea of clustering the second work set on the compounds as well. I'll give this a crack next time around.
Mon 3/6

A - 10's

Squat - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 90kgx10,10

Incline bench - 40kgx5, 60kgx10,10

Chins - BWx5, 10kgx10,10

High pull - 16.5kgx10,10

Hammer curl - 15kgx10,10

CGBP - 50kgx10,10

9.30pm start. First cold session in the garage tonight for this winter. Could see my breath as I got warmed up. Good quick session.
Tue 4/6

Very physical training day today at work with lots of running with heavy gear. Then soccer in the arvo. Good fun, but not so good for the gainzz...
Tue 4/6

Very physical training day today at work with lots of running with heavy gear. Then soccer in the arvo. Good fun, but not so good for the gainzz...

You just have to eat like a beast on those days. I don't think there is anything wrong with the occasional trip to a nasty buffet or eating a few pizzas after a huge day like that. On crazy days of that sort, I'll get the calories wherever is most convenient. It can be hard to choke down a a few thousand calories from healthier foods so if I'm in a bind and I need to get three or four thousand calories in fast, I'll turn to foods I know I can pack away tons and tons of. Usually that means cheap, greasy foods. I found this pizza buffet nearby that I went to on my cheat day for my diet and I must have eaten four or five of their pizzas off of their buffet. It was almost four thousand calories just at that place. I had to estimate the calories a bit but it was a fair amount of protein as well so I didn't feel too bad about it.

Just something to keep in mind. I don't know how anal you are about eating good foods, just saying that once in a while, you can relax those rules a bit and go a little crazy. The key is to not turn it into a box of donuts consumed every day, that's all.
Wed 5/6/13

B - 10's

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 75kgx10,10

Dips - BWx5, 10kgx10,10

DL - 90kgx5, 120kgx10,10

High pull - 18kgx10,10

then - cut the lawns 40min. It was getting dark and I thought I'd better get the chores done to be in the good books.

Hammer curl - 16.5kgx10,10

Triceps pull down - 3x5, 5+1x10,10

So so sore after yesterday's training day. Specially in the hips. But it went well after a good warm up.

Totz - yeah I normally try and eat fairly clean with lots of meat and veggies. I'm in love with sweetpotato at the moment. Thats why I sometimes struggle to meet the calorie target for the day. I've resorted to shots of olive oil, lots of milk and nuts. But like you say, I don't shy away from a good cheat meal. Chocolate and lollies, especially now since Ikea started selling lollies in the kiosk. Nothing beats the swedish assortment of lollies!

After yesterday's training day I would have loved a pizza, but as luck would have it, I had dinner with my in-laws and could not eat as much as I should. But I'm not overly concerned. In the long run I'm meeting the calorie target and I'm not going to stress too much over it.
Fri 14/6/13

A - 10's Restart

Squat - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 90kgx10,10

Incline bench - 40kgx5, 60kgx10,10

Chins - BWx5, 8kgx10,10

High pull - 16.5kgx10,10

Hammer curl - 15kgx10,10

CGBP - 50kgx10,10

Standing calf raise - 110kgx10, 150kgx15

So, another week off due to the flu and renovations at home. Starting to think this HST cycle is cursed! I'm starting over again with the 10's.
Sat 15/6/13

B - 10's

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 75kgx10,10

Dips - BWx5, 10kgx10,10

DL - 90kgx5, 120kgx10,10

High pull - 15x5, 16.5x10,10

Hammer curl - 16.5x9,8

Triceps pull down - 3x5, 5+1x10,10

Standing calf raise - 110kgx10, 150kgx15

All lifts feel quite heavy now after a bit of a lay-off. Can't wait till I'm in the full swing of things again.
Sun 16/6

Bodyweight circuit. 100 pushups, 40 pullups and some ab-wheel stuff. Tested the left shoulder/triceps. Felt good during, although a bit tender after.