My training set-up. Plz feel free to comment.


I decided to do 12´s, 8´s and then 4´s 2 weeks each. I have one workout to do on the second minicycle(8´s). I train M,W,F. With two different routines.

1st routine: Squats, weighted chins, DB press 30 degree, DB OH press, weighted dips and standing calf-raise.

2nd routine: Deadlift, weighted chins, DB press flatbench, BB OH press, skullcrusher, standing calfraise.

I only do one set per exercise and Im done in 30-40 mins. Ive been meeting all my weight goals for each mini-cycle so I know Im getting (slightly) stronger, which isnt bad as Im doing a leangains bodyrecomp now as I want to get down to 10% BF. Ive lost 4kg during this cycle. Im aware that Im not going to be building as much muscle as I could due to my macros. Ill start a slow bulk once I get to my goal.

Ive been reading the posts here and Im intrigued regarding reptotals. If I were to do the 30 reps Id be at the gym for a couple of hours, like I used to. Im going to continue working as I do but I may do 2 sets instead on certain exercises ie squat, deadlift perhaps chins. I prioritise shorter sessions as I feel fresher this way.

Im unsure how long it willl take me to get down to 10% BF. Im probably 13-14 now. Im wondering if I should extend my cycle by doing an extra 2 weeks of perhaps 3´s. Anone else got any ideas regarding this? Should I just do my cycle then do SD and eat at maintainance?

I realise Ive already posted with my schedule but it wasnt determined then exactly how Id train this cycle.

Im a dumbass! Lol´s reply to a previous question:

2) First, figure out your cals and macros and get a dietary plan in place (~500 cals under maintenance each day; 1-1.5 g protein/lb bw should be ok). Kick that off and then do a cycle where you begin with 10s and progress to 5s. That's 4 weeks. Then see how you feel. If your joints are doing ok, do the 5s over again. At the end of each 5s mesocycle, add a little load if you feel able. You may not be able to; you may find that your top level strength drops off because you will be training on a calorie deficit.
I thought Id post a few pics. This is from the beginning of my cut. Im now 4 weeks into it.

Start of cut:

1a vecka 19 jan.jpg1a vecka.jpg

After 2nd week:

2 veck..jpg2veckor..jpg

3rd week:

3e vecka..jpg
4th week:


I think I must be somewhere between 12-13 BF% at most. I think in another 4 weeks Ill be at my target of 10% I may then introduce a few more calories to my diet and see if I can kickstart a bit of gains in way of strength and hypertrophy. I will be staying away from overbulking from now on. Im fairly happy with my size to be honest. Im at about 190lbs now.
Great progress! Don't think about bulking yet. Get down to that target 10%! you are really close though. Your shoulder to waist ratio looks awesome. Good work.
I decided to do 12´s, 8´s and then 4´s 2 weeks each. I have one workout to do on the second minicycle(8´s). I train M,W,F. With two different routines.

1st routine: Squats, weighted chins, DB press 30 degree, DB OH press, weighted dips and standing calf-raise.

2nd routine: Deadlift, weighted chins, DB press flatbench, BB OH press, skullcrusher, standing calfraise.

I only do one set per exercise and Im done in 30-40 mins. Ive been meeting all my weight goals for each mini-cycle so I know Im getting (slightly) stronger, which isnt bad as Im doing a leangains bodyrecomp now as I want to get down to 10% BF. Ive lost 4kg during this cycle. Im aware that Im not going to be building as much muscle as I could due to my macros. Ill start a slow bulk once I get to my goal.

Ive been reading the posts here and Im intrigued regarding reptotals. If I were to do the 30 reps Id be at the gym for a couple of hours, like I used to. Im going to continue working as I do but I may do 2 sets instead on certain exercises ie squat, deadlift perhaps chins. I prioritise shorter sessions as I feel fresher this way.

Im unsure how long it willl take me to get down to 10% BF. Im probably 13-14 now. Im wondering if I should extend my cycle by doing an extra 2 weeks of perhaps 3´s. Anone else got any ideas regarding this? Should I just do my cycle then do SD and eat at maintainance?

I realise Ive already posted with my schedule but it wasnt determined then exactly how Id train this cycle.


Regarding the 30 reps volume thing.... There is a lot if confusion around this. What is recommended is around 30 total reps per BODYPART. Not 30 total reps per exercise. So if you do two exercises involving chest, then you only need 15 reps total per exercise, to get the total 30 reps for chest.

Also, during 5s, most guys drop volume as things get heavy. And so the rep total becomes lower and even only one set of 5 can be done when its really heavy.

I am cutting, but decided to do an SD. Going to eat at maintenance, then start again doing the 5s, and ramp up to my 5rm.

Good Luck.
30 reps per bodypart in the 5's is a lot, and without some form of chemical assistance you're almost definitely going to hit a wall called Over-Training. For 5's, I wouldn't go above 15-20reps. Personally, every time I push volume I enjoy it at the time but end up regretting it a workout or two later when I still haven't recovered enough to hit the same #'s the next time.
Ive only been one set at the 12s per bodypart/exercise, one set during the 8s and then 2 sets now during the 4s. It feels more than enough. More sets than Ive been doing and Ill be there too long. This minicycle has been tougher though. I hit all my targets easy(er) today so I put in an extra set with less weight today. It felt good to do a 12 reper after 2 heavy sets of 4 on the squats. Last workout of the 4s now on friday. Ill be going to 3s next week and aim for three sets and see how it goes. I dont feel I need to increase the weights much as I will, in essence be doing 9 total reps instead of 8 and slightly heavier so Im still increasing the load.

Im going away for 5 days over easter and Ive decided to try and continue until then and SD when Im away. So perhaps 3s for 2 weeks and then eccentrics for 2! Not sure if it will work. What do you think?
You could do 3s and eccentrics. Or you could probably just keep doing the 4s for a few weeks, and you will grow the whole time. It takes a long time for RBE to set in with loads that heavy.
Ive only been one set at the 12s per bodypart/exercise, one set during the 8s and then 2 sets now during the 4s. It feels more than enough. More sets than Ive been doing and Ill be there too long. This minicycle has been tougher though. I hit all my targets easy(er) today so I put in an extra set with less weight today. It felt good to do a 12 reper after 2 heavy sets of 4 on the squats. Last workout of the 4s now on friday. Ill be going to 3s next week and aim for three sets and see how it goes. I dont feel I need to increase the weights much as I will, in essence be doing 9 total reps instead of 8 and slightly heavier so Im still increasing the load.

Im going away for 5 days over easter and Ive decided to try and continue until then and SD when Im away. So perhaps 3s for 2 weeks and then eccentrics for 2! Not sure if it will work. What do you think?

All sounds good to me, especially that end bit. Go heavy, load is what brings muscle. Keeping the volume low like you're doing is perfect. You might want to add in a set of 1x12RM after your heavies are done. It's good for keeping appetite up, metabolic signalling and glycogen storage --> puts carbs to best use.
4th week:

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I think I must be somewhere between 12-13 BF% at most. I think in another 4 weeks Ill be at my target of 10% I may then introduce a few more calories to my diet and see if I can kickstart a bit of gains in way of strength and hypertrophy. I will be staying away from overbulking from now on. Im fairly happy with my size to be honest. Im at about 190lbs now.

Bringing it back around to this; I think you could cut down to sub-10% comfortably. Whatever you're doing seems to be working for you, no doubt about it. Being part-Scottish is clearly a factor here.

Furthermore, you don't seem to be costing yourself muscle right now.
Leangains 130419 001.jpgLeangains 130419 002.jpgLeangains 130419 003.jpgThis is me at 82.7kg. Roughly 12-13 weeks with a loss of ca11kg. Been pushing PR´s right through the cut and still managed to get a PR on my weighted chins today....and Ive got more in me.


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    Leangains 130419 004.jpg
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I decided to do 12´s, 8´s and then 4´s 2 weeks each. I have one workout to do on the second minicycle(8´s). I train M,W,F. With two different routines.

1st routine: Squats, weighted chins, DB press 30 degree, DB OH press, weighted dips and standing calf-raise.

2nd routine: Deadlift, weighted chins, DB press flatbench, BB OH press, skullcrusher, standing calfraise.

I only do one set per exercise and Im done in 30-40 mins. Ive been meeting all my weight goals for each mini-cycle so I know Im getting (slightly) stronger, which isnt bad as Im doing a leangains bodyrecomp now as I want to get down to 10% BF. Ive lost 4kg during this cycle. Im aware that Im not going to be building as much muscle as I could due to my macros. Ill start a slow bulk once I get to my goal.

Ive been reading the posts here and Im intrigued regarding reptotals. If I were to do the 30 reps Id be at the gym for a couple of hours, like I used to. Im going to continue working as I do but I may do 2 sets instead on certain exercises ie squat, deadlift perhaps chins. I prioritise shorter sessions as I feel fresher this way.

Im unsure how long it willl take me to get down to 10% BF. Im probably 13-14 now. Im wondering if I should extend my cycle by doing an extra 2 weeks of perhaps 3´s. Anone else got any ideas regarding this? Should I just do my cycle then do SD and eat at maintainance?

I realise Ive already posted with my schedule but it wasnt determined then exactly how Id train this cycle.


TBH if your on a cut your not gonna gain any muscle anyway,so just lift.
Yeah, thats pretty much what Ive been doing. I SD´d once as I was totally worn down and sore. I ate at a bit more maintainance then. Im just changing back and forward between 4´s and 8´s. Each cycle has, however, provided PR´s in almost every exercise though so Im doing something right.