My training set-up. Plz feel free to comment.

<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>This is me at 82.7kg. Roughly 12-13 weeks with a loss of ca11kg. Been pushing PR´s right through the cut and still managed to get a PR on my weighted chins today....and Ive got more in me.

You definitely look like you've hit 10% bodyfat. Good job.
I dont actually Think Im at 10 yet TBH. Ive only lost 1kg compared to the last measurement(12%). I Think I need to get down to 80kg first. Im still really pleased though. But I will be maintaining low bodyfat until it starts getting colder here. Which in Sweden is soon. Or at least until September. Then Ill start bulking and cutting in between 10 and 15%. Thats the plan anyway.