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Has anyone used or know someone who's used Biotest's Myostat? Cuz after reading how it works / what it does...God ####!!! I'm seriously thinking about ordering a 4 month supply.
I have a friend who uses it and another friend who uses another companies stuff. Both say it works well, but they only used it for a month or so and were already claiming it's wonders. Even Biotest says it will take a while to see benefits, and that is if it even works. There is no solid evidence to it's effectiveness, at least not yet. It is too expensive to take the chance for me.

Please don't take this the wrong way, it's not a slam, only advice.
If I remember correctly you are a 17 yr old who just starting lifting. You haven't even started growing yet, let alone seen your" genetic ceiling" .

Please read about nutrition, get your DIET in order, EAT BIG and train HARD for the next FIVE years before buying any Myostat, Prohormone or "whatever" from these companies. Your money is better spent buying FOOD, four months of MRP's (Primer, Driver, Grow….) multi-vitamins and maybe some creatine.

Ah, to be 17 again ;)
I agree with mikeh.

And stop reading t-mag! They hype and market that crap to young people such as yourself. Don't let them take advantage of you.
T-mag would never do such a thing!!! They do not do false advertisement, ever!!

Mikeh, Opinion Noted [said in a McBain fashion :)] but its seriously all good, I've got my diet in order and have surpluss cash [it helps sharing a house with more then one person] It turns out [according to my dr] that I will have "trouble" gaining muscle and the only reason I appear to be a "big guy" is that i have a water retention problem...Go figure, a big hardgainer :confused:
On top of all that, my generation is REALLY impatient. :) I want results now!! hehehe.


- Dave
Ok, you are seeing your doctor and he is WAY more qualified than I.

Before you spend your hard earned cash on ANY supplement PLEASE read this link:

Also in the "training example" he talks "about it's been very difficult for me not to train to failure all the time. I didn't want to accept what guys like Ian King and Tim Patterson" (I'll add Bryan Haycock) were saying about not training to failure all the time.

But since I wasn't all that pleased with my progress, I decided to give it a shot. And you know what? It works. Without going to failure, you still get sore and you still grow, plus you recover faster and avoid most injuries."

Good luck - Mikeh
Yeah, I'm on day 2 of my 15's [just finished the workout] and ALREADY i've gained size in my bi's, tri's and shoulders [which i never have in a few years of lifting] and which is all i really wanted :) :D

HST really is amazing, I'm getting everyone I know onto it :)

- Dave

Ps. That article is awesome, It really sums up everything nicely. Thanks Bro :)