Narrow Grip Bench

Bob Evans

Hey guys -- I want to incorperate narrow grip bench in my next cycle. Having never done it with HST, what do you think my weights will be. Rather -- does the NGB weight relate to another lift like dips, scull crushers, incline etc.

Thanks BOB
You may be right. But I know my decline bench is about 20% more than my incline bench. And my scull crushers are about 15% more than my curls. So I thought some one might have a rule of thumb. Yeah we are all different. But in general some lifts relate to other lifts.
i don't think there would be an equation for that one.. if anything it would probably be a proportion to your regular flat benches, but i'm sure your best bet would be to find your RMs for the reps.. you could probably work it into your current workout to find them then when you start your next cycle you wont' have to take an extra week finding your maxes and do an additional SD.. just a suggestion