need some help


New Member
Ok I'm 18 5'7" and 155lbs. I am about to start a 2 week SD and was wondering how many calories to eat. Maintenence, below maintenence, or a reconfigured maintenence?

Second, I have thought about switching to a new program besides HST becasue after 3 cycles, I don't really see anymore results. What I may do is alternate between TBT by Waterbury and HST. Any thoughts? I know I eat right and I have been thinking maybe I could use a change.
If you aren't seeing results, you need to examine what you are doing wrong. Are you using more weight? If not, then start using more weight. Are you continually increasing your calorie intake as you grow bigger? If not, then you need to.

962,000% of the time, when someone says "I'm no longer getting results" it is because they are not eating. And in your case, I am inclined to think that is the case, since it is extremely unlikely you have hit your genetic max at 18 years of age and a mere 155 lbs.

But... I think a change once in a while is a good idea. What I plan to do is throw in a 5x5 cycle between every couple HST cycles. My reasoning is that 5x5 will help with strength... and more strength means I can use more weight with HST, which means I should have more success with my HST cycles in the future, if I am stronger.

Anyway, if you are absolutely certain it is not your diet, you could always post up your diet for a critique, so we can confirm whether you are eating enough or not. Even if you switch a different routine, you aren't going to see very much for size gains unless you are eating enough.
Well I eat about 2900 caloried on my workout days and 2700 on my off days. Here is my average day:

Breakfast: Oameal with a pb sandwhich on whoel wheat bread and low fat yogurt

snack: banana or an apple with a sandwhich on whole wheat bread (roast beed anf turkey, not cheese)

lunch:grilled chicken with rice or vegetable

snack: special k cereal with 2% milk, a cup of trail mix with nits and raisins, and a harvest bar

dinner: usually this is the meal that i have trouble finding what to eat, but it is ALWAYS clean foods.

before bed: orange juice and some cottage cheese

By the end of the day I end up eating 250-350g of carbs, 70-110g of fat and 180-220g of protein