Negative Exercises


New Member
Hi ppl - i like the new look :)
I received some help a while ago creating my routine and I am just about to come to the end of my 5s. I am not sure what to do for negatives as I can’t perform negs for all exercises for my routine. My current routine looks like this

Donkey Calf Machine
Incl Bench
Seated Row
Military Press
Z bar Bicep Curls
Tricep Push Downs
Dead Lift
Donkey Calf Machine
Rear Delt
DB Press
Chin Ups (Optional)
Hammer Curls
Skull Crusher

So from any exercise that I can’t directly map across to a negative exercises should I just continue with a slow progressive load over the two weeks?
Thanks in advance
if you cant do negs,just carry on with 5s or try to increase weight if possible.or if your doing 3x5 try 4x5 or 5x5.
Hi mech,
There are some exercises that lend themselves to negatives and others that don't. Training alone further reduces the number of different exercises that will work for eccentric sets. Here is a list of good movements for negatives even if you are training alone.

Single leg extensions
Single leg curls
Single leg press (I’ve found horizontal press to work best)
Single leg calf

Chins/Pull ups

Seated press using foot lever to assist

Dumbbell curl
One arm machine curls
“Cheater” barbell curls

One arm Tri Pushdowns
“Cheater” Pushdowns
Lying triceps extensions using concentric press

All single limb movements are done using the opposite limb for assistance during the concentric portion of the movement. In other words, use both arms/legs to lift it, then lower it with one.

The other movements such as dips and chins require that you stand on something to lift yourself into the starting position before lowering yourself back down.

“Cheater” movements are just what you think, cheat the weight up, then a strict eccentric down.

Thank you for your help both of you, again it’s greatly appreciated.

Bryan I will certainly try some of your suggestions for my workout tomorrow. It’s not always possible to have a spotter so your exercises will certainly come in useful.

On a different subject, I have now passed the 30 year old point, should I look at taking additional supplements, if so can anyone recommend any?

Thanks again
Creatine. Unless you want to get fancy with hormones and such, creatine is the supplement that is proven effective and safe. Whey protein and carbs like maltodextrin are good and convenient but nothing that a good diet can't replace.
People seem to like fish oils specially for joint health due to the omega-3s being anti-inflammatory in nature.
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Creatine. Unless you want to get fancy with hormones and such, creatine is the supplement that is proven effective and safe. Whey protein and carbs like maltodextrin are good and convenient but nothing that a good diet can't replace.
People seem to like fish oils specially for joint health due to the omega-3s being anti-inflammatory in nature.

Thanks Electric I past a kidney stone a while back so have stayed away from creatine, having read that it can increase the risk of more. I have been looking into flaxseed oil? For the joints, but I hear the taste isn’t great.....
Thanks again
I am not a doctor so I won't give my opinion on the kidney stones from creatine thing. I take plenty of water and haven't had problems so far. I've read creatine can also cause cramps but that can also be avoided by drinking plenty of water.
Flaxseed is also great, a good source of omega 3s and 6s. Both flaxseed oil and fish oils have taste problems or can cause unconfortable burps but there are many different "flavours" of them (pun intended) to try. You should search for a thread about fish oil that describes experiences from many of the forum goers here with this supplement including comments/suggestions regarding the taste.